Ahhhhh stuff it!!!

oh great, i read that one and the cowboy one and now I really can't sleep *pant pant* You naughty naughty girl, look what you've done to me (again!)...
You are not being stuffed hard enough or fast enough or you would be able to sleep :D !
roxanne69 said:
oh great, i read that one and the cowboy one and now I really can't sleep *pant pant* You naughty naughty girl, look what you've done to me (again!)...

Slides a finger lower to see just what she had done..... ;)
Then call me... I've just got home from work and am presently Cuddled up to a hot... cup of coffee.:cool:
SINthysist said:
You are not being stuffed hard enough or fast enough or you would be able to sleep :D !

I took care of that this afternoon... now I'm on the rebound. ;)
kiwiwolf said:
Then call me... I've just got home from work and am presently Cuddled up to a hot... cup of coffee.:cool:
Hey lovely man.... dialing the phone in a minute..... two canes and lots of cow please. :D
*sob* and now I lose you to kiwi :( Guess I will have to take care of this myself. Would be nice to have a 3 way phone conversation though :devil:
You're clearing the boards? (American Basketball slang for rebounding for the kiwi heads... :D )

Hey do you have enough batteries to rebound with?
Oh yeah, coffee's gonna help. Might as well have a big hunk o'chocolate too!


Good gawd, I have to put mine down, I'm gettng very sleepy...
roxanne69 said:
*sob* and now I lose you to kiwi :( Guess I will have to take care of this myself. Would be nice to have a 3 way phone conversation though :devil:

We ain't lost... I'm chatting to her on the phone while posting to you. You can relay messages through me.:D :cool: :p :kiss:
SINthysist said:
Oh yeah, coffee's gonna help. Might as well have a big hunk o'chocolate too!


Good gawd, I have to put mine down, I'm gettng very sleepy...

Your eyelids are getting heeeeeeeeeavy... you are getting sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy... lol.

Hey there SIN! How's tricks?:D
Grrrr...bloody horny kiwis, the two of you are trying to kill me! I loved your story Kiwi, I couldn't figure out if I wanted to be you or her though LOL
TH Oughts was skipping through the woods....

When out from behind a tree, the big bad wolf jumped out!
"Aha!" Shouted the wolf, "T.H. now I'm going to eat you!"
To which T.H. began pulling up her little red skirt saying, "Eat, eat, eat, doesn't anyone screw anymore??"
And they all fucked happily ever after......the end. :D :rose:

*Now put your jammies on, tuck in your bankees, and nuzzle your piller.
roxanne69 said:
Grrrr...bloody horny kiwis, the two of you are trying to kill me! I loved your story Kiwi, I couldn't figure out if I wanted to be you or her though LOL

Take your pick.:D TH is breathing sexily in my ear at the moment.:devil:
Hark ... is that TH I hear tiptoeing online? You're in trouble now Lost Cause.:D
Ok now i really want to be you! Tell TH I am looking forward to hearing her breathing into my ear. *licking your neck and pulling your hair*
Re: TH Oughts was skipping through the woods....

Lost Cause said:

*Now put your jammies on, tuck in your bankees, and nuzzle your piller.

Only if I can snuggle with you sexy man.... :kiss:
roxanne69 said:
Ok now i really want to be you! Tell TH I am looking forward to hearing her breathing into my ear. *licking your neck and pulling your hair*

Hey I sneezed in his ear also.... you want that too, lol
kiwiwolf said:
Take your pick.:D TH is breathing sexily in my ear at the moment.:devil:
Damn you are easy pleased if ya thought that was sexy breathing, lol