Ahhh those lovely,"I am your Master" emails...


hello daddy
Mar 16, 2001
I know there was a thread about this once,but I couldnt find it.

So I gots some. About 13 of them in the last 2 days. About 6 "Tell me about you and I may choose you to serve me" kinds and one that actually had a rose in it. That was nice.

One had a wonderful erotic story on it, whether it was his or not,I have no clue. One detailed the pain he wanted to put me in. That one didnt do much for me.

I have not responded to those, first off, I dont know what to say, second off, why would I get them anyway? I did answer the rose one, by saying thanks, I thought it was rude not to.

But I've never got any before.

Its really wierd.

Anyway, I just wanted to share.
Pick me up a blizzard, will ya?


I had some guy contact me yesterday on Yahoo. He apparently likes spanking.

So, I told him I wasn't into being bratty or anything.

He was dumbfounded.
He asked me, "Why do you get spanked, then?"


My response was "Because it feels good?"

I guess I thought it was a no brainer!

It just seemed funny to me, but I think it loses something in the translation.
I'll tell you why

1. you are femsub and some mis-guided dicks think they already have power over you even though you have not chosen to give it to them.

2. You are sexy as hell and what red-blooded male wouldn't want to get with you?

Many of the female lit members have a place in my fantasy file, and yes, you are one of them.

I've gotten a couple of those. One guy got downright freaky when I politely told him I wasn't interested and don't date online. He just could not take no for an answer. He kept sending me all this crap about how punishment would be severe for disobeying my "Master". He kind of made me feel that I was Igor or something. :)
I met this guy once in a chat room in vplaces, at first he was rather sweet and i enjoyed converseing with him. butt hem he became obessive and followed me from room to room , I placed him on ignore he then started emailing me I quickly blocked his emails from coming through, he then proceeded to call me on the phone, which mad em wonder how he got my number considering I never gave it to him, I had my number changed several times and he always semed to have it. it wasn't until he showed up at my place of work that I releazed I had a serious problem a real life stalker who had found me in a chat room, he stalke dme because he thought I was easy prey because of the lifestyle I chose to live. He did not reakon on me having family in friends in places that knew how to handle what he was doing to me and quickly found himself in more trouble than he could handle. But it taught me a lesson a very valuable one. people are not always what they claim they are online, and we no matter what walk of life we walk are have something special inside side of us that make us who we are and make others only wish they had a glimpse of it. I'm not sure if what I just made since to anyone but me. Just becareful and take care of yourself.

Just my rambling thoughts.
rereading my post above I saw all th emistakes I made but dang its to early for me to try and fix them all so maybe you can sort it thorugh and maybe I won't catch to much grief over it.
Kirabeth said:
He did not reakon on me having family in friends in places that knew how to handle what he was doing to me and quickly found himself in more trouble than he could handle.

Rule #6 in the Dom Handbook.

Don't fuck with a mafia sub.

WriterDom said:
Rule #6 in the Dom Handbook.

Don't fuck with a mafia sub.


Heh..that was funny.

I would have been freaked by that, and I dont have those type of friends.
I keep hearing

"Luke I am your Father" ... James Earl Jone's voice in star wars.

"LTR, I am your Master...." think of this said in a James Earl Jone voice, and you will see it for the nonsense that it is.

"Come over to the dark side of the force....."


Trolls and Chums

Some dudes don't know the difference between Trolls, trawls and trolling or equivalently Chums and Chumming...

it's ok to lurk under bridges hoping to challenge the maidens,
but put the gill nets and hooked lines away and just say howdy...
I find that it works much better unless you are looking for really dumb trout. Or conversely you can't converse and must fill the waters with bleeding offluvium.

Of course there are really dumb trout and fishermen as well..
I received one from a submissive guy who was apparently sending to anything female. It detailed exactly how to instruct him to masturbate "for you" online... not just a few lines but a novella.

If you know exactly what works for you, down to every moment and tiny detail, what do you need me for?

Oh yeah, the "control". :rolleyes:

WriterDom said:
I just want to take you to the Dairy Queen

............wish I'd said that! WriterDom.........You are a wit.....favor us with a story of Wit , Wisdom and Whips.......or whipped cream........or just cream......."with a curl on top"
guys really do this? damn... that's sad.

I have a much better routine:

1. Email them and beg them to let me spank them.

2. If that doesn't result in a yes, then I start crying and tell them they hurt my feelings.

3. Then I get all sappy and tell them I'm gonna tickle them as punishment for not obeying me.

4. If that doesn't work, then I just get depressed, go to bed, and spank the monkey.

LOL. I am just kidding of course.

P. B. Walker said:
guys really do this? damn... that's sad.

I have a much better routine:

1. Email them and beg them to let me spank them.

2. If that doesn't result in a yes, then I start crying and tell them they hurt my feelings.

3. Then I get all sappy and tell them I'm gonna tickle them as punishment for not obeying me.

4. If that doesn't work, then I just get depressed, go to bed, and spank the monkey.

LOL. I am just kidding of course.



Bad, bad, naughty monkey... at least something gets spanked this route ;)

Crawling and begging usually works pretty well with Mistress. :) No stranger to it here!
lark sparrow said:
I received one from a submissive guy who was apparently sending to anything female. It detailed exactly how to instruct him to masturbate "for you" online... not just a few lines but a novella.

hm that thin line between email and exhibitionism
evesdream said:
lark sparrow said:
I received one from a submissive guy who was apparently sending to anything female. It detailed exactly how to instruct him to masturbate "for you" online... not just a few lines but a novella.

hm that thin line between email and exhibitionism

Yes lol good call. I think many of these mass mailings ride that line.