Ahh nothing better then a pint of Guinness


Invading Poland
Apr 9, 2000
Ah soo goooood. Nothing better when you want to sip on something.
Azwed said:
Ah soo goooood. Nothing better when you want to sip on something.
except maybe two

you wouldn't want the first one to be lonely, now would you?
I love red heads but I am not for big breasts really. I am not going to sip up the red head either I am going to lick, suck and lap her all up.
Generally big breasted women aren't skeleton sized women (shudder)

I like women with some curves.
Oh there is nothing wrong with big breasts I just am not a breast man really. I go more for the ass and legs. I have always dated smaller women, long distance runners mostly and a runner/balet dancer, so that is probably where part of it comes from.
Smaller women scare me... Im so terrified of breaking them.

Any female that I can pick up with one hand without even really trying is too skinny.
I can pick up my current gf with one hand but not that easily. She is the ballet dancer and her body type is the perfect sterotype for a ballet dancer.

I am careful when we play though espesialy when we play rough because she is small weight wise at least she is 5 foot 6.
Azwed said:
Ah soo goooood. Nothing better when you want to sip on something.
I appreciate the sentiment, as Guinness is a damn fine beverage, but I consider it too heavy for a "just to sip on something" mood.

I get Guinness if I want a beer that drinks like a meal. :)

Re: Re: Ahh nothing better then a pint of Guinness

kotori said:
except maybe two

you wouldn't want the first one to be lonely, now would you?
A wise man. They become more common around this time of the year, I'm told, but they don't always get there on time.

damned quote key ain't working...this was in response to Kotori above.
mine works

Rhys said:

damned quote key ain't working...this was in response to Kotori above.

that first pint of the week, on a friday afternoon around 5:30, watching the bubbles rise and settle, the buff color turn gradually black, till just the top ¼-inch is creamy froth. . . it's magical, religious. I bless it. Introibo ad altare Iveagh....

Okay, that's goofy enough. I'm to bed.
Ham Murabi said:
So, did you drive on down to the pub in your SUV to get your Guinness?

I drive a Pontiac Bonne and the Guiness was in my fridge.
You are up too early. You should be sleeping off Saturday night.

So what, are you going squirrel hunting or something?
Oh it is a loooonnnggggg story. I will relate it in another thread.