AH Directory-a proposal



AH Directory

Does your head hurt trying to remember who is who on the AH? Are you tripped by Alts, and found yourself telling someone's Alt how much you hate the person they are the Alt for? Guys, do you find yourself constantly hitting on Lesbians because you forget? Ever wonder why Ari doesn't get your Laugh-In references, and wonder yourself what the hell a Kevin Federline is?

The AH Directory to your rescue.

Would there be any interest in something like this? Comment here, and if the consensus is to do it, I'll create a new thread. People started entered here so ignore this. Add your profile here. Remember edit only your profile, and edit it as needed!

Some of this duplicates your profile, but some important details are added here.

For Age and location, you can be as approximate as you want, or as precise as you feel comfortable with.

I use Gender instead of sex because this group would just answer yes.

After you make your entry, and you are viewing it, click on the Post number in the right hand corner to see just your entry. Then paste the URL to that page in your Signature. See my signature as am example. Credit Impressive for that great idea!

Lit Name :
Alt's :
Age :
Your Gender :
Orientation :
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) :
Occupation :
Link to Stories on Lit :
Location :
Timezone :
Your SO if on Lit :
Political Affiliation :
Offline until notice :
Your First Language :
Cat or Dog Person :
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less).
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less)

Your Lit story that new readers would enjoy first :

Changes to Template:
9/22/06 created template
9/22/06 added timezones
3/20/07 added Your Lit story that new readers would enjoy first
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Alt's : Fazil Kotuk
Age : 37
Your Gender : Male
Orientation : Bisexual
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) : Married
Occupation : Writer/Ordained Interfaith Minister/Cashier
Link to Stories on Lit : http://english.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=339478&page=submissions
Nationality: American
Location : Phoenix, AZ
Your SO if on Lit : Amasterfound
Political Affiliation : Log Cabin Republican
Offline until notice : No
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : More Dog, but Cats are growing on me
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). Getting Published. Embracing revolution. Returning to Polyamory.
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less) I'm a D/s switch with strong Dom leanings and an avowed Pagan.
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Lit Name : FallingToFly (aka Flutterbug, Firefly, and for LC's use only, Bugsy)
Alt's : ReneeBlaine (My account basically to keep my pen name from being registered.) I have a bunch of others that I have either forgotten the login for or gave to friends for their use.
Age : 32
Your Gender : Female.
Orientation : Twisted.
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) : Married.
Occupation : Troublemaker and Writer
Link to Stories on Lit : http://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=662909&page=submissions
Location : Louisville KY, USA
Your SO if on Lit : N/A
Political Affiliation : Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Offline until notice :
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : Horses. Cat is my second choice
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). For once- none! I'm stable and happy for the first time in years.
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less): I have mellowed immensely over the last few years. That doesn't mean I can't still be a bitch at times.
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Ted-E-Bare said:
Does your head hurt trying to remember who is who on the AH? Are you tripped by Alts, and found yourself telling someone's Alt how much you hate the person they are the Alt for? Guys, do you find yourself constantly hitting on Lesbians because you forget? Ever wonder why Ari doesn't get your Laugh-In references, and wonder yourself what the hell a Kevin Federline is?

The AH Directory to your rescue.

Would there be any interest in something like this? Comment here, and if the consensus is to do it, I'll create a new thread.

What things would you like to see in a directory? See my ideas below.

Some of this duplicates your profile, but some important details are added here.

For Age and location, you can be as approximate as you want, or as precise as you feel comfortable with.

I use Gender instead of sex because this group would just answer yes.

Lit Name :
Alt's :
Age :
Your Gender :
Orientation :
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) :
Occupation :
Link to Stories on Lit :
Location :
Your SO if on Lit :
Political Affiliation :
Offline until notice :
Your First Language :
Cat or Dog Person :
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less).
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less)

Hey, this is a cool idea.
However, I do not like that there is a reference to me before a Kevin Federline reference. :p In fact, I just recently found out who that hell that is! So THERE!

I do have a question, though...Who the hell cares whether someone is a cat or a dog person? I'm neither, I'm a froggy person, I have 3, 2 of which are mating so I may have upwards to 110 soon. :rolleyes: Damn horny bastards... And we have Political Affiliation so I think we should have Religion, since sometimes that has an impact on someone's political affiliation... *ahem righties* :devil:
If you are looking for someone in particular, try the "Search this Thread" at the top of this page. [Added on Edit]

Might be a good idea to add to the info in profiles.

Location/Country/Nationality/Time zone might also be useful.

Completing any field must be optional.

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Lit Name: Trombonus
Alt's: None on lit
Age: 30
Your Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Status: Seeing someone
Occupation: Music/Substitute Teacher
Link to Stories on Lit: My stuff
Which of my stories should you read first? I took down all of my stories, but I might try putting some of them back up. Heck, I might even try writing something new if my lazy butt can get around to it. Until then, you can read some of my old stuff on my Kink Bingo thread here.
Location: California, Bay Area
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time
Nationality: Born in England, Also half Portuguese
Your SO if on Lit: None
Political Affiliation: Autobot :D
Offline until notice: Too random to say.
Your First Language: English
Cat or Dog Person: Cat person, I'm terrified of most dogs.
Hobbies: Music (listening, playing and writing), Writing (short stories), Card Collecting, Video games, Bowling, and my one true love: Transformers. :D
What transition are undergoing? I've come to a realization that teaching isn't what I want to do. The teaching part is fun, but everything that goes with it and the politics behind it just aren't worth it. As such...I don't know where I'm going. I'd like to go back to school, but I can't until my girlfriend finishes. Of course, I don't even know what I want to study when I go back. Maybe computer/video game programming.
What should people know about you before posting with you? I think the best way to describe me is as a big kid. I love fun and hate confrontation.
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I really, REALLY like you idea, Ted. :D

Lit Name : LadyCibelle
Alt's : None, so far
Age : 39
Your Gender : Female
Orientation : Hetero
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) : Married
Occupation : Criminalist, psychologist, mother, writer, editor.
Link to Stories on Lit : My stories
Location : Moncton, New-Brunswick, Canada
Your SO if on Lit : Whisky7up
Political Affiliation : NONE
Offline until notice : N/A
Your First Language : French but losing it faster and faster everyday
Cat or Dog Person : Dor or Cats, depending on my mood.
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). Enjoying writing more and more
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less) I'm honest to a fault, cannot lie and will tell you to your face if something about you annoys me.
OK, this was meant as a proposal. I said I'd create a separate thread for the actual directory. Ah well, I'll change the first post...

And add my own next

Yes, Ogg, all fields are option. And Ari, cat and dog was just being whimsical, although it is very important to some.
Lit Name : Ted-E-Bare
Alt's :
Age : late 40's
Your Gender : Male
Orientation : Straight
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) : Married
Occupation : Peddler
Link to Stories on Lit : My Stories
Location : Eastern US
Timzone : Eastern US (Greenwich minus 5)
Your SO if on Lit : na
Political Affiliation : Left of Center
Offline until notice :
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : Dog with Cat receding
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). none
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less) : Gregarious, off-beat humor, happily married

Your Lit story that new readers would enjoy first : Her Great Offer in Erotic Coupling
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Lit Name : oggbashan known as Og, Ogg, the Cake on the Head guy

Origin of Lit Name:
Just click on my name to see the explanation in my Profile.

Alt's : jeanne_d_artois; Fag-Ash Lil

Age : 70s this incarnation; 3000+ as King Og, or from long before Noah's Flood according to Jewish legend but killed in the Old Testament.

Your Gender : Male.

Orientation : Hetero.

Status : 45+ years Married. Father of daughters. Grandfather of two granddaughters and a grandson.

Occupation : Retired Manager and Secondhand Bookdealer. I used to portray King Henry VIII at local re-enactment events, which explains the AV. Now politician (with small 'p') annoying City Hall, but others may consider me to be a Public Nuisance. Chairman and member of more community organisations than I can remember until I get the agenda of the next meetings; Chairman of liaison Committee with local Police; still trying to retire from position as Vice-President of local Chamber of Commerce.

Link to Stories on Lit : As Og

As jeanne_d_artois

Story to read first: Brigit (Fantasy and mild femdom)

Location : East Kent, UK

Timezone: Greenwich (One hour different in British Summer Time)

Nationality: English born in Wales; ancestors and family associated with the City of London since 1326; British since 55BC, family mentioned by Julius Caesar in his Gallic War.

Political Affiliation : Varies according to election - Parish, City, County, Country.

Your First Language : English

Other Languages: Mid 20th Century Strine; 18th and 19th Century French; some German; some Italian; some Latin and have given up learning Castilian to replace Gibraltarian dock labourers' Spanish which was really Llanito.

Cat or Dog Person : Cats and Dogs but not by choice.

What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). Adjusting to recent diagnosis of terminal lung cancer.

What should people know about you before posting with you :
Originator and judge of the now defunct Author's Hangout Last Place (tm) Contests. Writer of the first chapter of the Author's Hangout The Worst Chain Story Ever.

I use more words in my posts than the AH norm. I write, in British English, long and short stories and am a fifty-word story specialist. Sometimes I write about fetishes with limited appeal. My stories do not reflect my own personal sexual fantasies. Very few will like all my output.

If you think I can help with history, or writing, or anything else, send a PM. I don't bite. But I haven't got long to live. Don't leave it too late.

((Hugs)) always acceptable.
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This is loverly, but if you're gonna participate, you should probably add a link to your profile post to your siggie. :)
Lit Name: Aurora Black
Alts: DanseMacabre
Age: 26
Your Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight, baby!
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away): Attached.
Occupation: Writer, Singer, Student
Timezone: GMT +2
Nationality: American
Location: Northern Greece
Your SO if on Lit: N/A
Political Affiliation: Democrat, but a really bad one. :p
Your First Language: English
Additional Languages: Greek, bits and pieces of French and Spanish.

Link to Stories on Lit: The Erotica & Poetry of Aurora Black
My Personal AH Thread: The Arctic Circle, aka 9th Circle of Hell

What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). Getting Published.

What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less)

I'm very confident and enthusiastic about my work, so I'm seen as arrogant. Not true. I'm just ambitious as hell. ;)
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Lit Name : English Lady
Pen name: Victoria Blisse
Age : 27
Your Gender : Female
Orientation : Straight.
Status : Married
Occupation : Mother
Link to Stories on Lit :http://english.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php? uid=156197&page=submissions
Story of mine you should (probably) read first Gaze (Exhibitionist & Voyeur)
Location : Manchester, UK-ish.
Timezone GMT
Your First Language : English (no, honest!)
Cat or Dog Person : Both!
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). My little girl is off to school, 5 days a week in term time of peace, sweet peace.
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less) I'm English, nice and laid back. :)
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Lit Name: S-Des
Alts: None
Age: 40
Your Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away): Single/looking
Occupation: Teacher/musician
Link to Stories on Lit: Here
Location: Chicago
Your SO if on Lit: None
Political Affiliation: Independent
Offline until notice:
Your First Language: English
Cat or Dog Person: Dog (and no dogs that are actually smaller than cats)

What transition are you undergoing? (20 words or less). Took a few years to work on raising my daughter. Now I'm trying to be a grown-up again. :D

What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less) I like to discuss (argue even) without acrimony. I have a sense of humor and am not afraid to use it (hopefully effectively).

Lit Name : glynndah
Alt's : None
Age : If I post my correct age, I'll have to change it every year. Let's just say old enough for Lit's criteria.
Your Gender : Female
Orientation : Very straight
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) : Married
Occupation : Library/lunch lady
Link to Stories on Lit : My stories.
Location : Floating in my sparkly bubble
Timezone : CST
Your SO if on Lit : None
Political Affiliation : Liberal
Offline until notice : I'm usually around.
Your First Language : American English
Cat or Dog Person : Cat
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). I think I'll leave this one blank.
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less)I'm really not as nice as I am on the intrawebz.

Your Lit story that new readers would enjoy first : That's a matter of personal preferences. Try a few and see what moves you.

A :kiss: from the good little witch.
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“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?”

Lit Name : Stella , also known as Weasel Chow, or "hey you!"
Alt's : Bon Bon
Age : 55
Your Gender : Female, despite the photoshopped facial hair in my avs. That's called "Drag King" , like "Drag Queen" only the other way around, see?
Orientation : Queer
Status : it's complicated
Occupation : A multitude of things. :rose:
Link to Stories on Lit : I have pulled my stories from the Literotica archives. You may read many of them at
:rose: The Dharma Slut archive and I blog at dreamwidth, mirrored on livejournal.
Currently playing with a co-authored project called The Principle Of Moments
Location : West Coast
Timezone : Pacific ;)
Political Affiliation :

Offline until notice : Offline most weekday mornings, on account of a jobOn account of my new job, online all fucking goddamn day.
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : Cats is best!
What transition are undergoing? I am no longer thinking about changing my sex. At this time I am pretty happy to be a butch dyke.

What should people know about you before posting with you I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Things People have said about me;
  • "on Stella's tombstone I'm putting "She left this world the same way she lived... as weasel chow." -Salvor Hardon
  • "Spassiba. Now you kiss me on face three times, sexy hairy lip vummen." -Grushenka
  • "You sick, sick, drag queen!" -Minsue
    "Damn. Your mind is turning me on, Stella. If intelligence and verity were a drink, I'd be drunk at your bar during happy hour. " -IrezumiKiss
  • "Keep it in your holster, Dale. I'm on your side." -TE99
  • "Get off my cross you little deviant from the norm. You can't even decide whether you want to be a man or a woman, how can you decide who is intelligent and who is ignorant.

    Damn trolls! Why are they always so ignorant?" -wmrs2

Make your own profile here!


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Lit Name : CrimsonMaiden (but I prefer Crim)
Alt's : Sexxy Vixen (and SavannahReardon: pen name)
Age : 33
Your Gender : female
Orientation : straight (but kind of curious)
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) : married
Occupation : mommy
Link to Stories on Lit : Vix's, Crim's (1)
Location : Southern USA
Timezone : Central
Your SO if on Lit : n/a
Political Affiliation : n/a
Offline until notice :
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : neither
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). none
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less): I'm very shy but really want to get to know people/make friends.
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Lit Name: Angelicminx
Alt's: Smiley_Girl (never used, but I didn't want anyone else to have it. :devil: )
Age: 33
Your Gender : Female
Orientation :
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) : Married
Occupation : Writer
Link to Stories on Lit : Minx Dreams
Location: Lost
Timezone : Eastern
Your SO if on Lit : :D (only 1 post to his credit and no stories :eek: )
Political Affiliation : I decline to answer as it's subject to change.
Offline until notice : I'm on when I'm here, I'm off when I'm not.
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : I'm allergic to that much work.
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). Nothing I can disclose to the viewing public at this time.
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less) I'm an open minded individual and hard to offend. I love being here and I love to learn.

ETA: I post everything in purple. :D
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Lit Name : neonurotic
Alt's : Jamison (4 submission run-off)
Age : 29
Your Gender : Male
Orientation : Bisexual
Status : Polyamourously Attached Offline • Online: Slut
Occupation : Physician's Asst
Link to Stories on Lit : neonurotic's stuffJamison's stuff
Newest Poem(s): Toeing the Line (Illustrated)
Newest Story(s): Just One Bite Ch. 03 (Group Sex)
Location : Seattle, Wa
Timezone : PST
Your SO if on Lit :
Political Affiliation :
Offline until notice :
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : Cat
What transition are undergoing? : Going to be a daddy-o again in March 07
What should people know about you before posting with you : I'm not just a poet stud.
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Oh, all right.

Lit Name : Liar
Alt's : Had one once, but it got adopted by a real person.
Age: 29
Your Gender: Male-ish
Orientation: Straight-ish-bi-ish. (What do you call it when you can look at guys and think "yeah, I'd tap that" but you haven't actually been honestly interrested in tapping anything of that gender in over a decade?)
Status: Up for grabs
Occupation: Student, teacher, journalist, editor...
Link to Stories on Lit.: booya
Location : It says in my location: Sthlm
Your SO if on Lit : What SO?
Political Affiliation : Non-idiocy.
Offline until notice: What does this mean?
Your First Language : Swedish
Cat or Dog Person : Cat, dammit
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less): That's the kind of thing U usually notice after it has happened. Trying to add Musician to my line of occupations, is the only thing I can think of that's happening.
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less): If I don't reply, it's not because I don't like you, but because my mind is at eleventeen thousand places at the same time. It's still possible that I don't like you, but that's not why I'm not replying.

ANd apparently I can't count to 20. Well, suck it. ;)

Edited to add: Time zone: CET - another reason why I might not reply. I'm probably asleep.
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Might as well join in!

Lit Name : Alex de Kok
Alt's : Frederick Carol
Age : Early 60s
Your Gender : Male
Orientation : Straight
Status (married, attached, single/looking single/go away) : Married (35 years)
Occupation : Retired Civil Servant. Part-time university tutor. Part-time student
Link to Stories on Lit : AdK, FC
Location : Tyneside, UK
Timezone : Greenwich
Your SO if on Lit :
Political Affiliation : Mostlyalienated
Offline until notice : Intermittent presence, but look in most days
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : Neither. No other pets
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). Just getting older
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less)Nothing particularly springs to mind. I'm shy in real life, and back away from conflict. Incurable romantic

Pretty boring, really.

Lit Name : kiten69
Alt's : nope...none...just me
Age : late 20's
Your Gender :100% female
Orientation : thanks to Bares' AV bi-curious :kiss:
Status : playing
Occupation : SUBstitute teacher...thinking of making it full time :rose:
Link to Stories on Lit : kitens' stories
Location : the east coast
Timezone :
Your SO if on Lit :
Political Affiliation : no political talk puhlease!
Offline until notice :
Your First Language : English
Cat or Dog Person : animal lover...just not spiders :eek:
What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). some pretty big life changes...for the better
What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less) i am friendly and i love to flirt... :D
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What the hell.

Lit Name : rgraham666

Alt's : None

Age : 50

Your Gender : Guy

Orientation : Very straight

Status : Single

Occupation : Psychiatric survivor

Link to Stories on Lit : My work

Location : Toronto, Ontario

Timezone : Good question.

Your SO if on Lit : Nope

Political Affiliation : Somewhere between Nelson Mandela and Socrates

Offline until notice :

Your First Language : English

Cat or Dog Person : Cat

What transition are undergoing? (20 words or less). Trying to trust myself enough to try again.

What should people know about you before posting with you (20 words or less) I don't quite look at the world the same way most people do, so bear with me.