Age is Nothing but a Number - (older male/ younger female) - Male Needed - Open


Virginal Temptress
Apr 13, 2013
Robin parked the white Ford in the parking lot at the shopping center where the dojo or whatever you call it was. Her little brother had taken up learning martial arts and it was her job to pick him up after her shift at the bookstore. The classes were only 3 times a week but they ended after dark which she didn’t like. It didn’t help that his teacher majorly hot or that she was very shy or that anytime they did talk she blushed at him and usually said something stupid. She couldn’t help it. He had these amazing eyes and sexy smile, not to mention that voice. He was British and it gave him an air of sophistication that made him even more appealing to her.

They were a single family household since her father walked out when she young. Instead of having a fit, Robin concentrated on making it as easy for Teague as possible. He was still a toddler at the time and he had no idea what was going on. She kind of stuck to her books as she got older, not socializing much. Robin didn’t trust many men. The few she was attracted to usually were older and way out of her league. This was become an issue because she had just started college and most of her professors were male and older. It worried her that this affected her so much.

The object of her current fantasy was only a few feet away. At 19 years old, Robin was still a virgin, which was almost unheard of in today’s world. It had occurred to her that maybe she got that cherry popped then maybe she would have better control of herself. She turned off the engine, not noticing the text message from her mom saying that she had already gotten Teague from class this time and to not be late for dinner. The door closed with a solid thud and Robin walked the few feet to the door. There was a bell hooked to the door but obviously no one heard her come in. Robin went past the front into the main area where they were taught by Jason Brenner.

She was in definite trouble. The man was walking around shirtless, muscles all tight and sweaty. Her mouth suddenly went very dry. From the looks of it, he was practicing and it was amazing how fluid his movements were. Robin admired his skill. It had to have taken a very long time to reach the point he was at. The tight pink t-shirt she wore did nothing to hide the erect nipples that were scraping material. When he was finally done and noticed her watching him, she blushed on sight. “I’m sorry to just walk in but there was no one out front. I couldn’t help watching you. That was amazing. I’m here to pick up my younger brother, Teague Lopez.”
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At 44, Jason Brenner had made a new life for himself in the USA. After a severe breakup with his wife, he decided that he needed a long break from women and a new perspective on life. He sold his business and his apartment and left London behind. That was three years ago.

He set up a new bookstore in the same shopping center he taught martial arts. He'd always enjoyed the discipline of karate. The need to control every move, breath control and the underlying philosophies and history of the secret peasant's dance from Okinawa combined to make it a physical as well as mental discipline. Karate had also served as a release of frustrations past and present, the violence of the techniques channeling his fury into the safety of a punching bag.

He was working through one of the basic kata, having sent all the students home for the evening. A distracting flash of bright pink blurred by as he finished the stylized pattern of attack and defense. He'd worked up a nice sweat and he longed for the shower. It was Robin Lopez, Teague's big sister.

They'd talked before, of course. They'd discussed Teague's progress while Teague stood by, squirming with both pride and embarassment. He'd also engaged in small talk with her the times she waited for Teague to finish showering. She was a sweet young woman although she seemed at times painfully shy with all that blushing going on. With those dreamy eyes and full lips she had to turn many a man's head on campus, he thought. They'd ended up discussing books one time. Her shyness seemed to abate as they talked and Teague had to be very loud to finally wrench his big sister from that conversation. He smiled at the memory. She'd lit up at their discussion, forgetting all about that painful shyness.

She'd just paid him a compliment. Blushing as always, he saw with a fond smile.

"Hello there, Robin. I'm sorry, but your brother isn't here. Your mother picked him up some twenty minutes ago."

"And thank you for that nice assessment of my kata. This is one of the basic patterns of karate, a set series of attacks and defenses to learn the student the individual techniques as well as combining them. It is easy to learn but difficult to master." Why did he prattle on so? She wasn't here to learn about karate but to pick up Teague! Or...?

"Are you beginning to take an interest in karate, Robin? It is en excellent way to exercise the whole of your body as well as learning to focus the mind. Knowing self defense is also an asset, especially for a pretty young woman like yourself."

(Oh no. Did he just say that?)
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Jason was as friendly as ever, that smile as beautiful as the rest of him. She gave him a shy smile back and her heart skipped a beat. Those baby blues of his lit up when he smiled and made him look ten years younger. Robin gave a small laugh. “I guess I must have left my phone on vibrate again. Its store policy at the bookstore where I work.” She had seen him in there a few times but never got a look at exactly what he was buying. Sometimes Robin wondered if he really saw her or was she just another kid to him. She hated the feeling of being stuck in the middle of those two points in her life. It didn’t really matter, Jason was very attractive. She was betting he already had a girlfriend.

“You’re welcome.” Robin did genuinely like Jason. She had watched him not only with Teague but with the younger children in his class. He had an affection for kids and his class did a lot for them. One of the mother’s told her that some of his students were less fortunate than others but came from a bad part of town. Jason was very flexible with these parents and taught their child at a discount like a few others to keep them off the streets. It had done wonders for these kids. “So that’s what you have been teaching Teague. It was interesting to see how a body can move like that.” That was a key indicator just how closely she had been watching him. At this point, she probably ha him memorized in her mind.

For a moment Robin forgot the shyness and gave a tinkling laugh that lit up her face. “It is interesting but I am not as graceful as you are. My mother tried to help when I was younger by putting in my dance class. The usual stuff mothers do with their little girls. I think she just wanted to see me in the pink tutu.” She demonstrated a plié. “I think that is the most I remember from that. Recital time came and I tripped on the power cord for one the lights that was taped down. I fell off the stage and onto a poor violinist in the orchestra section. Didn’t break anything on myself but the violin was a goner.” That had happened when Robin was 8 years old. They had called her Wobbly Robin for the rest of the year. She was finally able to beg her mother to let her quiet after that incident.

Robin looked back at Jason as if she hadn’t heard him right. Did he just call her pretty? “Besides, I won’t have the time for something like that. Between the bookstore and college, I barely have any time for myself.” She was determined to become a teacher even if her parents thought there was no future in it. “You think I’m pretty?” She could hear her own heart beating in her ears.
He pretended he didn't hear her last question, a slight flush on his face.

There was more grace in that plié than she herself realised. It saddened him that she'd quit the ballet. But he knew of the henpecking going on between ballet dancers young and old. They'd probably convinced her that she was a clumsy oaf and made her quit She was naturally flexible he saw, and the move was controlled and powerful.

"Like all things worth pursuing, ballet and karate takes constant practice. I think it's a shame you quit, because that one move you remembered looked just fine to me, Robin. And I grew up with a sister dancing at Royal Albert Hall. I should know. As for karate, I can teach you whenever you're available. It's a shame that someone as graceful as you should let your natural talents go to waste." He checked himself again. She could be your daughter for Pete's sake!

"If you're only half as talented as your brother, you should do just fine. Teague's taken to karate like a fish takes to water. You work in a bookstore? I run the bookstore in this centre. If it'd be easier for you to attend classes or private tutoring I'm sure we could find a spot for you among my staff. All up to you, of course."

God, he was blushing like a teenager! He needed a long cold shower, sharpish. Yet he couldn't tear away from this beautiful young woman who stood there, blushing and smiling at him. And with nipples poking through the fabric of- STOP IT! She! Is! Too! Young! For! You! His common sense roared at him. And yet he ignored it.

"Would you at least deign to test a few basic techniques with me? You'll be as whole when we finish as you were before. Promise."
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“If your sister is anything like you, I’m sure she’s exceptional.” It amazed her how accommodating he could be for people he barely knew. Well that technically wasn’t true for them because they saw each other so often. Three times a week for the past few months, Robin would show up and Jason would chat with her while she waited on her little brother. Her visits there had become a part of her routine. “You do so much. Run a business, teach this kids. I have seen you bend over backwards for some of these kids and now you’re offering the same to me. I’m surprised you have any time to yourself.” What she meant to say that it shocked her he wasn’t out with one of the drooling mother Robin would always see looming by when she came by.

Robin was proud of Teague’s progress. He needed a strong male figure in his life and Jason fit the bill. It almost felt like he wanted her here! Goose bumps appeared on her skin and her breathing was a little heavier. She chuckled and grabbed his hands to make him quiet down so she had his attention. “You do have a point about it being useful. I do get the late shift sometimes and it would be nice to know that I can protect myself if I ever need to.” His hand were so warm. I don’t need tutoring since I have a 4.0 so far. The bookstore I work at is only a few miles from you so it’s not an issue.” Was he blushing? She had entertained fantasies about being with him here alone.

“I will look into signing up. Teague has been after me to join up too.” Robin giggled. “He said if I asked real nicely that he’d show me a few pointers. The kid is adorable when he gets all serious.” Her little brother had actually brought up some of the points Jason did. Mom must have been letting him watch Investigation ID again because he had seen a case where a girl was kidnapped walking to her car from her job late at night. Teague had made her promise to at least buy a can of pepper spray. Jason was making a good case for it as well but his motives were what made her curious now.

It wasn’t until that moment that she realized that she still had his hands in her own. Robin didn’t want to but did slowly let go of her grip, the warmth of his skin slowly fading from then. He was strong. She could feel it in how he held her hands but gentle too, not something she seen in a lot of men. At first she wanted to say no, to beg off by saying she should go home but something changed her mind. “Alright.” She took off the white sweater ad as she did, the pink shirt came up just a bit and a part of the tattoo she had was just barely visible. “Ready when you are.”
Collecting himself after the touch of that soft warm hand that sent his pulse fluttering, Jason tried to gather his thoughts and focus. He noticed her tattoo on that cute little belly and wondered what it was and how far down- SHE IS BARELY LEGAL! He admonished himself yet again. She was distracting in a way he hadn't experienced since... Oh my. Since he met his ex-wife. This was becoming more dangerous by the second.

Giving himself a quick mental kick in the behind, he focused on teaching Robin the fundamental basics. Distribution of weight, the importance of posture, the dangers of overextending, the importance of swiveling your hips and how to snap her fist at the point of impact. As he talked he demonstrated to her what he talked about and circled her looking for flaws in technique. She was a natural. There was real power in her techniques and she easily adapted when he corrected her. She applied herself 100%, taking it seriously. Sometimes he had to physically move parts of her body to demonstrate how a technique should be executed, and each time he did so he was acutely aware of her smell and the touch and warmth of her skin.

Despite his chastisements of himself, he couldn't help to wonder what it would be like to kiss this young girl and lay her down, slowly undressing her and...

His mind wandered.
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Being around him like this was a practice in restraint. Robin’s body was aching and not just from the movements he was teaching her. It did surprise her how quickly she was able to pick up on what he was showing her. Jason was definitely good at teaching. Her body was a little sweaty but it just made her skin glow. “You have me sold on this.” Robin was trying to turn to the side and got caught up in the mat. Like a rock she went down, taking Jason with her. At first she was worried that maybe she had hurt him. She laughed to herself. “I knew I was going to have a klutz attack sooner or later.” She was pressed up against pretty intimately and they were eye to eye.

It took her a moment to feel it but when she did it was unmistakable even for a virgin like her. Robin could feel what had to be a good 7 and a half to 8 inches under those pants. “You feel it too.” She said to herself. His hands were still at her waist where he grasped at her to try to break her fall. She didn’t want to move so she gave up and touched him through the pants, exploring what she had never had gotten to touch before. “I’ve never touched a man before.” Robin situated herself more comfortably on top of him. Lustful innocence drove her movements, her hands touching his chest. “You have no idea how perfect you are, do you?”
Her touch was electric. He tried one final time to resist, to not take advantage of this sweet young woman who, he realised now, clearly wanted him as much as he wanted her. Her admitting that she was a virgin came as something of a shock to him. "You've never touched a man before? I thought you had them eating out of your hands!" The erotic yet clumsy movements as she settled on top of him pushed him closer to the edge, and then came her killing blow: You have no idea how perfect you are, do you?

His resistances caved. "Neither do you," he heard himself say. He leaned in and kissed her, savouring the touch and feel of those full pouty lips screaming to be caressed by his lips. His lips tingled as he started to explore her body with his hands, starting with broad and slow strokes just to gauge her reaction. If she got cold feet (Oh God please don't!) he'd give her an out. But her body was delicious both to touch and behold. Soft where it should be and firm where that was required. He groaned with pleasure, a pleasure he'd denied himself since the breakup.
She gaped. He thought she had men eating out of her hand? What had been a small flame flicked into an inferno when those lips hit hers. Robin kissed him back helplessly, whimpering into his mouth. His hands felt like heaven on her body and she suddenly understood what her friends had been talking about this who time. When the attraction was potent and mutual, you could create a bonfire with the heat it produced. She groan, opening her lip to tickle his own, asking in her own way to deepen the kiss. His hands were driving her crazy, those longer finger seemed to know exactly where her weak spots were. Robin could help but to grind against the thigh she was on. Her clit throbbed so badly and the stimulation felt so good.

“I want you so much.” Her voice was a dull whisper, rasping upon the quiet in the air. Robin sat up and slowly pulled off the pink tee shirt that she had been wearing. Underneath she hadn’t even been wearing a bra. Her breasts were not huge but enough to fill a man’s hands and flawless creamy skin that begged to be licked. Her nipples were a dusky rose, slightly dark now that they were hard. Those nipples skimmed over his chest as she kissed up his neck slowly, sucking his earlobe into her mouth.
Jason could only gape as she sat up and took off her t-shirt. When she leaned over and nibbled at his earlobes he bucked his hips as a new wave of raw lust hit him. She had good instincts. He sat up and held her gently, kissing her before he laid her down on the mat. He gave her a slow lingering kiss as his hand slowly and gently went to work on her breasts while his other hand cupped her head, drawing her to him and holding her as he kissed her with a passion he hadn't felt since... forever it seemed.

"This is madness, but I adore you Robin!" He'd come up for air before he slowly started kissing her bare shoulders and neck. He moved slowly down towards her breasts, still ready to pull away if she said "stop". Her breasts were soft and tender, like perfect white peaches with a teasing bud just crying out to be licked. He had to taste the supple flesh before he paid attention to her nipples. It was sweet and heavenly. His mind became a pleasant haze with her.
His reaction to her mouth on his earlobes had startle her at first but she saw the look in Jason’s eyes and shivered with excitement. She leaned into his touch, grasping one of her breasts while his mouth seduced her sweetly. Something about him was peeling away all those layers she wrapped around herself so that that people didn’t see the real her, the person she was afraid would be judged and ridiculed. The passion in his kiss unarmed her and the layers just evaporated. Robin suckled at his bottom lip, running her tongue along it as her hand explore every inch of him. He was woven together like spun steel but his touch was so soft.

The smile she gave him could have lit the whole room. “I adore you too, Jason.” Robin loved his touch, how careful he was with her, like she was important to him. Her breasts ached for his touch so badly. When he hesitated she just nodded, in her own way telling him that it was what she wanted. “Please touch me. You make me feel so beautiful.” She whispered in his ear. “When I was alone at night, I would think of you as I touched myself, wondering what it would feel like. Now I know and I want more.”

Then she felt those perfect lips exactly where she needed most and Robin arched off the floor. Her hips grinded up into his and the contact made the desire in here more intense. Her little cries of pleasure echoed throughout the room. “Oh god….” Robin had toed out of her shoes, beige sandals, her dark red toe nails perfect again her skin tone. “When I would cum on my own at night, I would moan out your name.” Her legs hugged his hips and her hips continually sought him out.
"You ARE beautiful, darling Robin."
Jason looked on Robin as she confessed her want for him. Was it lust for him or did she love him? Right now he was too overcome with passion to find out, but he realised with a pang that the nubile girls in his fantasies more and more often had resembled Robin. "I've dreamed about you too. I've dreamed of your beautiful eyes lighting up in a smile only for me like they just did. I've dreamed of having you in a consummate relationship." Startled but unable to free himself from their embrace, he realised that he was indeed in love with this young woman.

Her dazzling smile and her eager virginal passion made him want her even stronger than before. She was on fire, wriggling under him and locking him with her legs, thrusting against him. He gently freed himself from the tight embrace of her legs and frantically helped her free herself from her pants, her shoes already impatiently kicked away by her. He settled over her, his erection pressing against his own pants as he lowered one hand and placed it gently on her panties. They were already moist as he gently started rubbing her private parts through the thin fabric. Holding himself up with one hand so as not to crush her, he kissed her as he continued his gentle ministrations on her fiery crotch.
Robin touched his face, looking into those brilliant blue eyes that had haunted since they had first met. There was so much about him that had caught her attention. The lightness of his laughter, honest and contagious. His smile made him more handsome when it was a sincere one. There way he was with the people who came here. She had never met a man with as compassionate a heart as Jason’s. She had noticed all this from her little spot in the corner where she thought no one noticed her, watching him and very quietly, falling in love with him. Now he was above her, touching her in ways that were making her body so aroused. His hand was rubbing at the moisture of her pussy through her panties. Those long fingers caressing against the sensitive clit that had her squirming.

“Jason, please take them off me.” The layer of cloth against her wet cunt was an annoyance. Robin wanted to touch him as well but couldn’t deny him. The way he touched felt so good. “Let me touch you.” It was plea for contact with his body. Her small and delicate fingers helped pull down the pants he wore. She had seen a man’s cock before but never one this size. Her friends had talked a lot about blow jobs and hand jobs, trading tricks on how to get their men off. She had been paying attention so maybe she could try her luck. She lay between his legs with him on his back. Robin wrapped a hand around the base, feeling him out. Her tongue came out and gave him a long lick up towards the head.

The taste of him made her shiver. Her soft pink lips wrapped around the head, her tongue licking away at him, swirling her tongue over the tip. Robin flicked her tongue over the ridge on the underside of his cock. Her friend, Melanie’s boyfriend loved that little trick so she remembered it. Her lips ran over the length of him and she tapped the head against her tongue. Then she worked him into her mouth again, swallowing his cock bit by bit. Her tongue teased the skin on the underside of his cock. Back and forth her head went, feeling as he got even harder for her. She had to be doing something right.
Her shyness and the way she forgot that once she got eager enticed him. He'd always admired her for the way she took care of her little brother despite her busy schedule. Her passion for reading and teaching mirrored his own, and he knew he was lost to her now. Her sincere display of affection had forced him to admit to himself that he'd been in love with her for quite some time now. It was wrong. It was madness. Yet it felt so right.

He moaned as she begged for even more intimacy and was pleasantly surprised when she took charge and started licking and sucking him. He grabbed her and made her to straddle his face, being careful to remove her panties entirely first. He tossed them away before diving deep into her virginal vagina with his tongue.

She smelled so good. Her taste was divine. He hungrily delved deeper with his tongue, pushing towards her hymen. Then he gently massaged her clitoris. Then fingers and tongue switched places as he mirrored her ministrations on his cock. He lightly tapped her clitoris with his tongue while his fingers probed and stroked her vagina.

She was a natural with her mouth and tongue, instinctively knowing when and where to lick or suck and he was soon having trouble containing himself. But he wanted her to come first. He increased his manipulations of her.
Robin felt her knees go a little weak when his tongue attacked her clitoris. Dear lord in heaven, nothing had ever felt that good to her. Her soft voice said something in Spanish under her breath. Te amo, Jason. It felt right coming out of her mouth as she placed a kiss on his thigh. The way he was touching her, she wouldn’t hold out very long. Robin say his eyes in the mirror.

That was exactly what he was doing.
She didn’t want Jason cumming until he was inside her. Robin knew there could be some discomfort involved with her first time but it just barely crossed her mind. She was too engrossed in him and how he made her feel. She slowed her strokes a bit more so that they could draw this out. Her pouty lips suckled his balls, her tongue laving at them. The orgasm was coming at her fairly quickly. “Jason, I’m going to cum!”

Her hips moved towards his mouth as she yelled out her pleasure, those pink fingernails biting into the mat beneath them. A fresh flow of her juices flooded her pussy as the pleasure came at her, wave after wave. “It’s so good…” Once it eased back, Robin lay on top of him, trying to catch her breath, her limbs complete jelly. Her skin was a bit sweatier than before.

Her whole body tingled, every inch of her languishing in the raw pleasure that his mouth gave her. Robin kissed him suddenly, wanting to taste herself on that sinful tongue. Her tongue licked at his slowly, tasting some of her own cum. She needed more from him. “I’ve never felt like that before. I’ve touched myself in the past but I’ve cum that hard. I want more, Jason. I need more of you.”
Jason held her as she came violently, and when she turned to kiss him afterwards her face was a hectic red with a fine layer of sweat and a glow in her eyes that made her even more beautiful. They'd awakened a thirst in in each other that could only be sated when he entered her.

He resumed kissing her as he lay her down next to him. He pulled his pants completely off as he slowly started to finger and manipulate her vagina. "I want you to be ready for me" he whispered as he started off using one finger, stopping and waiting when her moans turned to whimpers of pain. As she got used to having it there, he inserted another finger and again her pain was apparent. He withdrew, a few drops of blood on his fingers.

He gently rubbed her clitoris for a while, then went on top of her.
"You're as ready as you'll ever be Robin. If the pain is too great for you, please tell me so and I will go slower. I want this to be a good experience for you, Robin. I love you." With that, he slowly started to slide inside her.
Having this close was so heavenly. Once he pulled his pants off, Robin a good look at him fully naked. She could feel her pussy reacting to his touches, a rush of moisture coating those fingers. It was uncomfortable when he entered with his finger at first but she started to adjust. Her body was so anxious, needing his so badly. She barely had time to react to those words when began to enter her.

At first there was discomfort but he was giving her time with each inch. Robin breathed easily, the pain started to ease away as quickly as it would start. She watched as they came together. “Jason, I had no idea it felt this good. I’ve wanted this, wanted you for a long time. I love you too.” She wrapped herself around his body, her hands exploring every inch. “I want to feel you on top of me. I love your body, strong and beautiful.” Robin kissed his mouth, thrusting her hips up.

The feeling made gasp out loud. “I’m fine. Make love to me, please. “Never had she been so hungry for someone. Her arms went around his neck and pulled Jason into an ardent kiss, one of her long leg wrapped over his hip. They lay hip bone to hip bone. Robin could not stay still with him inside her. Not even sure what she was doing, Robin moved her hips upward and against his cock.
Jason savoured her eagerness, it being the greatest aphrodisiac for him. She really wanted him as badly as he wanted her. She started to pull towards him, her warm and silken sex sliding and gripping around his manhood. It had never been this good with his ex-wife, and he realised he'd never been in a truly passionate relationship before. This young woman, inexperienced as she was, was teaching him about true passion as she sought to engulf him further.

Overcome with emotions he leaned in and glued his lips to her in a fiery kiss as he slowly started thrusting. Her legs wrapped around him, capturing him in a willing embrace as he made love to her for the first time. Had it not been for her hymen breaking he wouldn't have believed it was her first time as she eagerly matched his thrusts and they quickly found a rhythm. They alternated between passionate kisses and looking into each others eyes as their emotions for each other deepened. How was it possible for him to love her so deeply after such a short aquaintance? He neither knew nor cared, reveling in his newfound love and passion.

His pace quickened as she started moaning and squirming beneath him. He wanted to come with her, so he held back as best as he could...
Robin had never felt so needed by someone in her life. His long sensual touches were driving her wild. He was so big, filling into she thought she wouldn’t be able to take any more. Her clitoris was throbbing hard, a pulsing heartbeat in her ears. No one had ever touched her like this before and got a reaction from her. The guys around town and at school had tried to make a move on her but she always ended things because there was no spark. She had gained a reputation as a bit of an ice queen and for some time, Robing wondered if they could be right.

But the second he kissed her that changed. Every cell in her body came alive and all she knew was that she wanted him. Robin ground her wet pussy, moving against him with a starving eagerness. His kisses filled with raw emotion that she gave back to him, returning it. She could feel this tension inside her starting to build. “ I love you so much. “ Each thrust of his cock built up the tension and she knew the orgasm was close. Robin wanted him to cum with her, wanted to feel him shoot his load inside her.

“Jason, I’m close.” Inexperience had robbed her of the ability to control the passion when it was this hot. Robin pushed him in a sitting position while she wrapped her legs around his waist, using her hands pressed against the mat as leverage as she rode him, face to face and looking into those beautiful eyes.
“Jason, I’m close.”

She took control and pushed them into sitting position, facing each other.
Jason was aroused by the intimacy of that position as he felt her tremble, close to coming. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her towards him as they both climaxed violently. Jason felt himself black out for a little moment, the orgasm being one of the strongest he had ever experienced. He felt her spasm in his arms and moan as her body was wracked with ecstacy.

He held her until she was spent, then he first kissed her sweaty forehead before kissing her lips again. "That was beautiful." He smiled warmly at her.
Once Robin calmed down, still feeling shaky from she just experienced. She lay her forehead against his lips and felt a thrill when he kissed there and then her lips. “I’ve felt anything like that before.” She smiled back up at the man who had not only taken her virginity but her heart as well.

Robin didn’t want to leave his arms but it was getting late and she needed to clean up. “I hate to say it but I can’t stay. It’s late. Might as well use the showers.” She smiled mischievously. “Want to scrub my back?” It was a solid invitation. If he took it or not would be up to him. Robin went to the girls showers, grabbing what she needed. The steaming hot water felt good running down her body. She cleaned away the blood that had been shed along with her virginity.

She ran her fingers through hair soft hair as the water ran through it. Robin suddenly had the feeling she was being watched. Her body instantly reacted, her nipples peaking and a sweet ache between her legs. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get enough of him and what he did to her body.
He watched her go, admiring that pert little bottom of hers swaying as she walked towards the shower. He felt his penis stir again. He'd never felt anything like this with his other lovers, the passion in her being an almost all-consuming flame warming parts of him he'd forgotten.

Reaching a decision, he followed her into the showers. He stopped and admired her young wet body as she showered, seemingly oblivious to him. He couldn't get enough of her, his resistances well and truly shattered by this sweet young girl.

"Hullo Robin. Can I help you with that at all?"

He slowly walked over to her and hugged her, his dick now half erect and throbbing in time to his heartbeats.
Robin had a sneaking suspicion he was staring at her ass. It had barely been a few minutes and she wanted him again. She had no idea that an attraction could be so intense but Jason had always had that kind of effect. Robin could always feel that need to touch him when he was around like an addiction. She smiled, rubbing that ass on his cock. The hot water beat down on both of them.

“I think there a few areas I might need your help with.” God his voice made her weak in the knees especially when he was this close to her. Robin turned in his arms, kissing him with the passion he always inflamed inside her. Now that it was free, it felt like it raged in her. All she could think about was being close to him, having him inside her.

Her mouth latched onto one of his nipples and she heard a gasp. “I need you again.” The breathless murmur almost a plea for his touch. Robin couldn’t help it. He was in her blood now.
"Oh Robin" he murmured as she took hold of his nipple with her mouth, a wave of raw lust washing through him. "What did I do to deserve a woman like you?" He held her tightly and whispered this into her ear as she continued working on his now erect nipple.

He was thankful beyond words for this new chance at love, as he'd expected to live out the rest of his life alone. He wasn't sure if she realised how grateful he was for this. He would have to show her. And right here, right now, he could only think of one way. He gently cupped her head in his hands and raised her face away from his nipples and towards his. "Robin, I truly, madly, deeply love you."

He kissed her, a deep lingering kiss. Then he went down on his knees and again started exploring her body with his hands and mouth. He slowly, almost torurously worked his way down her young and firm body, relishing her unblemished skin and her reactions to his touch.

As he neared her crotch again he looked up at her, an impish smile on his face: "Now don't move!" He again started licking the tender parts between her legs, adjusting his pace and rhythm to her movements and her moans.

Her reactions were unfettered and so much more erotic for it. When she gave herself she gave herself completely, her trust in him absolute and very touching to him.