After watching Meet The Press this morning...


Nov 27, 2002
As a person who does not totally understand all the politics of what is happening right now - not because I don't care...but just because I truly don't understand it - I am left with the feeling of upcoming and inevitable war.

This senator who was on made a statement about how the UN is not showing a position of democracy but rather a position of appeasement.

From what I can gather, the stand that Bush is taking is that the US and the coalition of supporters needs to take a dramatic and forceful position against the holders of "weapons of mass destruction".

The opposing view - ie France - thinks that continuing the inspections will keep the world free of any weapon of mass destruction being used.

Hence...democracy vs appeasement.

From what I have I understanding this the right way?

Please answer in MiaSpeak as the long paragraphs really confuse me before I totally understand everything. Thanks.
Polarity doesn't work, right now!

The long & short of it, is that Bush is just itching to "whack" Saddass before peaceful methods work... If he waits, more & more US public opinion will go against him. If he goes "NOW" -his advisors tell him he can "get away with it" (Unilateralism) in the sense that people will say "Hey, We, The People are powerless - he wanted to do it - he DID it". :(

I'm not against "whacking" Saddass - but a greater Allied consensus is better, first - to afford an opportunity for Saddam to "flee" to a haven of his choice, thence to be knocked off by Mossad, or CIA. :devil:
Again, on Meet The Press (man, I cannot believe that not only am I awake but I am watching a political show), he is interviewing 'stars' and re-running Jane Fonda's speech of 1979.

Do people in general view this as another Vietnam?
France, Germany, China, Russia etc are not appeasing...

They have all said that they would support Bush if the Inspectors either cannot do their job or they find piles (and I mean piles, not one or two scattered about) weapons of mass destruction...

Bush, Blair and that Spanish bloke do not support diplomacy, they support war. But Bush has been forced into getting UN approval by Blair who's in big shit at home if he goes ahead without UN approval.

So it's not diplomacy vs appeasement but rather aggression vs non-aggression...

Either would achieve the same result, but war is deadlier, but fun for the 'boys'...

Re: France, Germany, China, Russia etc are not appeasing...

p_p_man said:
They have all said that they would support Bush if the Inspectors either cannot do their job or they find piles (and I mean piles, not one or two scattered about) weapons of mass destruction...

What happens if the only way those are found is when he sets them off?
Re: Re: France, Germany, China, Russia etc are not appeasing...

Mia62 said:
What happens if the only way those are found is when he sets them off?

A lot of people will die...

And if he's attacked the odds are very high that if he does have them he will set them off...

You'd better cram pretty hard for this test, Mia. It (the war) is going to start any day now.
Problem Child said:
You'd better cram pretty hard for this test, Mia. It (the war) is going to start any day now.

So I gathered. I was left with the impression that it will start within a couple of weeks.

But what does 'starting' the war really entail?
Mia62 said:
So I gathered. I was left with the impression that it will start within a couple of weeks.

But what does 'starting' the war really entail?

Bombing the fuck out of people.
A little humor

Consider, if you will, the thought of the coming war with Iraq attributable to faulty voting machines in Florida.
Re: A little humor

Thin Man said:
Consider, if you will, the thought of the coming war with Iraq attributable to faulty voting machines in Florida.

:D :D

I liked that bit of gallows humour...

If we didn't laugh, we'd die...


Re: Re: A little humor

p_p_man said:
:D :D

I liked that bit of gallows humour...

If we didn't laugh, we'd die...



Hear, hear! :D
Re: Re: A little humor

p_p_man said:
:D :D

I liked that bit of gallows humour...

If we didn't laugh, we'd die...



Or wil die laughing. Might as well...
Problem Child said:
I can see this is going to be a little harder than I had first imagined.

I think we're all going to leave this one for you...


Don't be an ass...

I am asking in the same way that my children have asked me.

How would you explain the cause of war to an 8 yr old?

Edited to add:
I have been asked if a nuclear bomb hits Ontario or Washington or California...will we die in Vancouver?

They want to know if Vancouver would be a target. They are terrified that the war will not stay "over there", which gives them a wee bit of hope...they think that the nuclear warfare will happen everywhere around the world.
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Mia62 said:
Don't be an ass...

I am asking in the same way that my children have asked me.

How would you explain the cause of war to an 8 yr old?

Here's how i would explain it to my 6 year old nephew. (And i'll probably be the one to do so, i'm his answer person.)

Saddam Hussein has been killing the people who live in his country and he has bombs that could cause lots of people to die if he used them. He might sell them to people who would use them to attack innocent people here.

Simple and to the point.

As for the actors on Meet the Press, i just saw it and all i can say is who do you think has better information, a former Senator or an actor that like you and me reads the paper and watches the news? We may well know exactly where the weapons are in Iraq, but do you really think we're going to tell everyone so they can be moved before they're destroyed?
Should I ask which senator or just watch Late Edition? OK, I know it is just the rehash of what's already been rehashed.

What you need to know: We're screwed. Saddam's screwed. Europe's screwed, Australia's screwed, Sharon's psychoNuts so he doesn't care. The countries that don't directly lose are Russia, China, and Japan. However, they indirectly lose when Kim Il makes his pre-emptive move.
morninggirl5 said:
Here's how i would explain it to my 6 year old nephew. (And i'll probably be the one to do so, i'm his answer person.)

Saddam Hussein has been killing the people who live in his country and he has bombs that could cause lots of people to die if he used them. He might sell them to people who would use them to attack innocent people here.

Simple and to the point.

As for the actors on Meet the Press, i just saw it and all i can say is who do you think has better information, a former Senator or an actor that like you and me reads the paper and watches the news? We may well know exactly where the weapons are in Iraq, but do you really think we're going to tell everyone so they can be moved before they're destroyed?


Senators are some of the best actors goin...

They act like we are just a bunch o dummies out here

but we aint....

You have to consider that Tim Russert spent several years talking about Clintons cock.
Mia62 said:
How do they figure they know just where to bomb?

Look for the buildings circled with IHSP (Iraqi Human Shield Program) members.
Re: Polarity doesn't work, right now!

Jimi6996 said:

I'm not against "whacking" Saddass - but a greater Allied consensus is better, first - to afford an opportunity for Saddam to "flee" to a haven of his choice

This is kinda how I feel.

Why dont they just get Saddam to transfer to a different country, not unlike the catholic church that just transfers pedophile priests to different parishes, hoping the problem will just go away, or no one will notice.

eagleyez said:

Senators are some of the best actors goin...

They act like we are just a bunch o dummies out here

but we aint....


I was referring to whether i'd believe Fred Thompson or Mike Farrell. Fred Thompson probably has the better information on which to base his statements.

I'm continually amazed by the cynicism from everyone about our government. Hell, it must be completely falling apart and i'm the only one who doesn't see it.
Re: Re: Polarity doesn't work, right now!

Killswitch said:
This is kinda how I feel.

Why dont they just get Saddam to transfer to a different country, not unlike the catholic church that just transfers pedophile priests to different parishes, hoping the problem will just go away, or no one will notice.


They've already offered him the chance to go into exile. His response was along the lines of "Not only NO, but HELL NO."