After seeing Intrigueds' filthy you think she should just leave Lit?

Should Intrigued leave, considering her violent outburst ?

  • Yes, she whent too far, blew her top..there is no going back

    Votes: 12 25.5%
  • No, she should stay

    Votes: 30 63.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 10.6%

  • Total voters
Hannsy Pannsy, you are still here....Afraid to go to bed cause of your little problem huh??? I told you I would help, I found something to get you through the night.....

I found you a girlfriend Hannsy Pannsy

Bedwetting won't be a problem..........

Life-size with mannequin head, Real-Life multi-speed vibrating vagina, bright blue eyes, flowing blonde hair, luscious lips, wide open Life-Like mouth, voluptuous breasts with snappy tassel and tasty cherry gel.
Big Man, that Hanns Schmidt...I've seen him pick on two, sometimes three girls at once.

He's really quite an impressive example.
Laura__Ingles said:
oh intrigued doesn't seem to be doing well in the poll.

I thought everyone liked her?

Hannsy Pannsy....I always knew you were a crossdresser.....:D
Maybe this is more your style.....Bed-wetting is actually a turn-on for Jason.........:D


Get ready for the thrill ride of your life with my 7" earth-shattering dong! Catalina Collection Exclusive. Life-size and life-like with full mannequin head with beautiful hair. Includes vibrating removable dong.
Gee. I missed the whole thing.

Guess I'll have to fold the company so I can spend the weekdays here, too.
Lancecastor said:
Big Man, that Hanns Schmidt...I've seen him pick on two, sometimes three girls at once.

He's really quite an impressive example.

LOL, Don't forget, he was a soldier :rolleyes:

Oh wait, didn't he say he was in special operations??
After seeing Intrigueds' filthy you think she should just leave Lit?

pot, meet kettle.

Hanns, now will you please just FOAD like all good little parasites
from the post I have read....I think the poll should have been "who should have been banned Hanns or Intrigued. I am pretty sure how it would have went.
Did anyone else notice that *Jason* has a weight limit.

Makes sense .. I'd just never thought about it before.. kinda funny.
april-wine said:
Maybe this is more your style.....Bed-wetting is actually a turn-on for Jason.........:D


Get ready for the thrill ride of your life with my 7" earth-shattering dong! Catalina Collection Exclusive. Life-size and life-like with full mannequin head with beautiful hair. Includes vibrating removable dong.

Hey- where can I find one of those? Ineed one that won't expect me to stay over, or who won't want to soend the night.
"Get ready for the thrill ride of your life with my 7" earth-shattering dong!"

The earthshattering part really has me laughing.What's it made of is all I ask.
Looks like Hannsypannsy is doing a good job drumming up support for Intrigued.
Hanns, I would call you a worthless piece of shit, but that is doing an injustice to the shit. You really have sunk lower than the possible low. Ok so i don;t always subscribe to her fluffy stuff, but no one... read NO ONE deserves to have to put up with the spew comming out of your arse.

I don't care if you are only you, or if you are a regular being a cunt, to me, you are simply a pair of fetid dingo's kidneys who is not even worthy of walking on the lowest part of this planet.

If my dog looked as ugly as you, I'd shave its butt & teach it to walk backwards.

Save Your Breath ... You'll need it to blow up your date!
I voted.:rolleyes:

I know I've lost my mind, so this is one of my multiples taking over.:) I just want to thank those of you that have put yourself out there for wide open attacks, it was never needed, but is sure is appreciated. I can never say thank you enough. I don't care if this IS just people on an internet message're still people that have gone out of your way to let me know your thoughts, and thats good stuff, from good people. Thanks.
intrigued said:
I voted.:rolleyes:

I know I've lost my mind, so this is one of my multiples taking over.:) I just want to thank those of you that have put yourself out there for wide open attacks, it was never needed, but is sure is appreciated. I can never say thank you enough. I don't care if this IS just people on an internet message're still people that have gone out of your way to let me know your thoughts, and thats good stuff, from good people. Thanks.

Intrigued, ignore the idiots. They (he) are not worth the effort and energy it takes to get upset over.
Who fucking cares? Intrigued met her polar opposite in Hans. Too funny