Have you sexy explicit pics of your Ex ?


Jun 30, 2022
Last year my now ex girlfriend broke up with me after 2 years.
It wasn't what I wanted but I'm moving on however!
A few weeks ago I was looking through a personal photo folder on my laptop and i came across some very sexy pics of her from when we were fooling around in the bedroom one time... in the pics she was pretending to be a topless lingerie model and the the photos were totally consensual. I remember at the time I removed them from my phone (in case anyone else saw them) and the saved to my cloud storage. I didnt think anything of it as I did not need photos of her to enjoy her sexy body... :)

That was before she broke up with me.

After rediscovering these photos a few weeks ago I seem to be going back to a fantasy land and my masturbation times now have an extra special kick!

We both have moved on (I still see her form time to time and we chat as friends) but I doubt she thinks I'm secretly masturbating to her sexy photos.

My question is does anyone else have sexy images like mine of ex girlfriends and do you still enjoy them I do?
Second and morally more important question.. Is it right that I still have these photos and masturbate to them ? Should I delete them.
Is it disrespectful to her now that we are no longer together ?
These pic are for me and nobody else. i'll never share them or post them anywhere. I'm not at all like that but I do miss her sexy body and these pics help me out a lot in that regard.

What you you think??

If you are the only one to see the images and they still give you pleasure.. sure keep them.
If you start posting them online then you need to have a good chat with yourself, but from reading your message I dont think you will!
I have often "got off" from Facebook photos of ex's I have had. Its like its a forbidden pleasure and it makes it that much more erotic..
As long as you're not breaking any laws, then there's nothing wrong with having pics of your ex.

Even if you use them as fodder for your fantasies. After all, how many pics of nude models or just topless models have been used over the years as masturbatory fodder?
Well....Yes! Them too.
I have XXX movies of us fucking like fiends. Her in a leather swing restrained, hand and ankle to the chains it is hung on and me standing between her legs slamming her into me. Ever time she cums it's like someone took a hotshot to her clit. The screaming... moaning, the swearing and thrashing around through four to eight orgasms. i don't come off bad either!
Hell... just letting a date watch that would probably get me laid!:D
I'd cringe. My ex cheated, neglected, and manipulated me then when I left he stalked me. Even if he didn't do all that I would have still deleted everything. When I'm done with someone I remove everything so it's like they never existed. Besides the man I have now treats me way better and is more attractive. He's all the masturbation material I need, he can only turn me on hehe:love:
Once the relationship is done I get rid of anything like that. First of all we arent like that anymore, second there nothing for the next partner to find.
Agree to this. No need to keep that reminder.

Funny enough, I recently moved and while unpacking found a pair of panties I had apparently kept from an earlier friend. Good memories but those had to go too.
Their consent was given within the confines of your prior relationship. Consent is rescinded - whether explicitly or implicitly - when it ended.

The honorable thing to do is to delete them forever.
This exactly. Consent was given in that time frame-and rescinded when we ended. I'd hope anyone I'd been with woud have enough common sense and decency to get rid of intimate things we shared like pictures / writings/videos/messages etc.

If it's just about getting off- theres no lack of porn or attractive women elsewhere that isnt a person who most likely wouldnt appreciate the idea of you hanging on to them. Im not saying you- but I have had a guy straight up admit to me they got off on those pictures bc of the power of basically the person not being able to say no. That goes back to consent issues.
Last year my now ex girlfriend broke up with me after 2 years.
It wasn't what I wanted but I'm moving on however!
A few weeks ago I was looking through a personal photo folder on my laptop and i came across some very sexy pics of her from when we were fooling around in the bedroom one time... in the pics she was pretending to be a topless lingerie model and the the photos were totally consensual. I remember at the time I removed them from my phone (in case anyone else saw them) and the saved to my cloud storage. I didnt think anything of it as I did not need photos of her to enjoy her sexy body... :)

That was before she broke up with me.

After rediscovering these photos a few weeks ago I seem to be going back to a fantasy land and my masturbation times now have an extra special kick!

We both have moved on (I still see her form time to time and we chat as friends) but I doubt she thinks I'm secretly masturbating to her sexy photos.

My question is does anyone else have sexy images like mine of ex girlfriends and do you still enjoy them I do?
Second and morally more important question.. Is it right that I still have these photos and masturbate to them ? Should I delete them.
Is it disrespectful to her now that we are no longer together ?
These pic are for me and nobody else. i'll never share them or post them anywhere. I'm not at all like that but I do miss her sexy body and these pics help me out a lot in that regard.

What you you think??

People might not agree with me, but I don’t see any harm with keeping the photos and masturbating to them, as long as you aren’t sharing them elsewhere. “Revenge porn” is illegal in a number of places, so posting those photos can have legal ramifications. However, if she allowed you to take those photos when you were together, I don’t have any issue with you holding onto them.

As far as masturbating to them, I don’t see what difference there is of doing it to the pictures vs. thoughts of your times with her. I think it is fine to use the photos to help stimulate those memories of your time in the past.

Others did mention, and it is a good point, not wanting a current or future girlfriend to find them. I’d be careful with how/where you store them with that in mind. Otherwise, I have no problem with it.
This dates back to an era before i-phones when Polaroids were the only kind of lewd pictures available. The woman I was dating at the time had given me some photos of her naked, all Polaroids, and when we broke up asked me to get rid of them. I took a few long stares at them, over several days, and then got rid of them. Honest! No, really, honest I did!
Yes , a couple of exes. They know I have them.
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Well....Yes! Them too.
I have XXX movies of us fucking like fiends. Her in a leather swing restrained, hand and ankle to the chains it is hung on and me standing between her legs slamming her into me. Ever time she cums it's like someone took a hotshot to her clit. The screaming... moaning, the swearing and thrashing around through four to eight orgasms. i don't come off bad either!
Hell... just letting a date watch that would probably get me laid!:D
Hell it must of been hard to break up with such a lady

sounds like you were a very lucky guy ha

I’d totally keep them, no fucks given
Honestly, most of this thread just shows me how little men care or understand about consent. If your ex knows or doesn't care that's one thing. To blatantly be proud you didn't throw them away when they asked just proves you don't care if women want that from you or not . You get off not on the person, but on the power of having had that person. Really kind of gross and telling what kind of men you are. The only good thing is when future women you dupe into bed find them-they will know what kind of person you are. As for not seeing a difference from memories, I can guarantee none of you have the guts to tell your x girlfriend or hook up directly that you still have them or there would be holy hell to pay. Pretty sure your ex can help you understand if you need that help. Even better since you are all so brave and no fucks given, probably stating you still perv on people who have revoked consent see how far that gets you. That will surely endear you to future partners.
Ask her, not strangers on a porn site.
Tell her that you found them, and ask is she minds if you keep them.

If you aren‘t comfortable doing that, then you should not keep the photos. You do not have her consent.

I believe in some state it is criminal if you post of show illicit photos of someone. Even if they let you take them, they didn’t say you could show them. You are no longer like that with the person and you should get rid of them.
I believe in some state it is criminal if you post of show illicit photos of someone. Even if they let you take them, they didn’t say you could show them. You are no longer like that with the person and you should get rid of them.
Even if he doesn’t intentionally post them somewhere
. As long as they exist in his possession there is the chance of them being compromised, hacked, stolen, discovered, leaked, etc. It’s gross how many of these guys don’t respect women and ongoing consent at all.
Honestly, most of this thread just shows me how little men care or understand about consent. If your ex knows or doesn't care that's one thing. To blatantly be proud you didn't throw them away when they asked just proves you don't care if women want that from you or not . You get off not on the person, but on the power of having had that person. Really kind of gross and telling what kind of men you are. The only good thing is when future women you dupe into bed find them-they will know what kind of person you are. As for not seeing a difference from memories, I can guarantee none of you have the guts to tell your x girlfriend or hook up directly that you still have them or there would be holy hell to pay. Pretty sure your ex can help you understand if you need that help. Even better since you are all so brave and no fucks given, probably stating you still perv on people who have revoked consent see how far that gets you. That will surely endear you to future partners.
I think it is pretty clear that if they specifically ask you to delete the photos that it would be wrong to keep them. I ran into this situation with my first girlfriend where it was just a picture of us kissing that she wanted me to delete. As much as I wanted to hold onto said picture, I did as she wished. I personally wouldn’t have felt bad holding onto the picture if she hadn’t expressly told me that she didn’t want me to keep it.

The simpler solution is to not give someone anything that you might not want them to keep if you broke up. I would never assume that an ex is going to scrub every memory of me from their life after we break up, although some do.

As for stuff getting leaked, those things can happen nowadays even if you delete things. A bunch of the celebrity iCloud leaks were pulled off of old iPhone backup files. It is very hard to truly wipe clean technology. It’s why when you take those type of photos you need to accept the fact that it is always possible for them to make it into the wrong hands (whether or not someone intends for them to).

As for the difference between memories, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. By your logic I should ask my ex for permission to masturbate to thoughts of them from when we were together. I’d be stunned if anyone is doing that.
I think it is pretty clear that if they specifically ask you to delete the photos that it would be wrong to keep them. I ran into this situation with my first girlfriend where it was just a picture of us kissing that she wanted me to delete. As much as I wanted to hold onto said picture, I did as she wished. I personally wouldn’t have felt bad holding onto the picture if she hadn’t expressly told me that she didn’t want me to keep it.

The simpler solution is to not give someone anything that you might not want them to keep if you broke up. I would never assume that an ex is going to scrub every memory of me from their life after we break up, although some do.

As for stuff getting leaked, those things can happen nowadays even if you delete things. A bunch of the celebrity iCloud leaks were pulled off of old iPhone backup files. It is very hard to truly wipe clean technology. It’s why when you take those type of photos you need to accept the fact that it is always possible for them to make it into the wrong hands (whether or not someone intends for them to).

As for the difference between memories, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. By your logic I should ask my ex for permission to masturbate to thoughts of them from when we were together. I’d be stunned if anyone is doing that.
Surely you can understand the difference between intangible thoughts/memories and tangible photos?

The rest of your post reads as though women should just never trust men with our photos, under any circumstances? Marriages break up, too, don’t they? So I shouldn‘t trust my husband of 20+ years with nudes of me?

Ongoing consent is a thing. The relationship is over. Consent for those photos has ended, as well. He knows it, too. That’s why he hasn’t told her that he still has them.

Y’all are disgusting.
Surely you can understand the difference between intangible thoughts/memories and tangible photos?

The rest of your post reads as though women should just never trust men with our photos, under any circumstances? Marriages break up, too, don’t they? So I shouldn‘t trust my husband of 20+ years with nudes of me?

Ongoing consent is a thing. The relationship is over. Consent for those photos has ended, as well. He knows it, too. That’s why he hasn’t told her that he still has them.

Y’all are disgusting.
He hasn’t told her he still uses them because that would be weird. It was be equally as weird for him to say, “Hey, I still Jack off to the thought of us together.” Does that make it wrong? No. It just means that would be a really uncomfortable thing to bring up to an ex. Again, if he was asked to get rid of them, I think he should respect her wishes.

You are right, relationships of all sorts end. My point is that if you are going to send something, there should be a level of comfort with what you are putting out into the universe and who you are sending it to. I’ve sent nude pictures to my wife. If we got divorced, I wouldn’t expect her to go through her phone and iCloud to ensure that every last picture was gone. Frankly, I wouldn’t care what she did with them, as long as she still kept them to herself. They were sent to her for her to enjoy with the understanding she wouldn’t share them with anyone else. As long as she doesn’t betray that trust, I’m okay.

What I find disgusting is when someone betrays that trust and shares it with others for revenge. Sadly, that happens a lot too.
He hasn’t told her he still uses them because that would be weird. It was be equally as weird for him to say, “Hey, I still Jack off to the thought of us together.” Does that make it wrong? No. It just means that would be a really uncomfortable thing to bring up to an ex. Again, if he was asked to get rid of them, I think he should respect her wishes.

You are right, relationships of all sorts end. My point is that if you are going to send something, there should be a level of comfort with what you are putting out into the universe and who you are sending it to. I’ve sent nude pictures to my wife. If we got divorced, I wouldn’t expect her to go through her phone and iCloud to ensure that every last picture was gone. Frankly, I wouldn’t care what she did with them, as long as she still kept them to herself. They were sent to her for her to enjoy with the understanding she wouldn’t share them with anyone else. As long as she doesn’t betray that trust, I’m okay.

What I find disgusting is when someone betrays that trust and shares it with others for revenge. Sadly, that happens a lot too.
You’re being completely dismissive of the difference in risks between men women and compromising photos in the wrong hands. The relationship is over, consent is gone, as should be the pics.

To be clear, I have been the lucky recipient of lots of sexy pics from both men and women. And when that relationship is over, for whatever reason, I no longer have the right to retain those photos. Period.
You’re being completely dismissive of the difference in risks between men women and compromising photos in the wrong hands. The relationship is over, consent is gone, as should be the pics.

To be clear, I have been the lucky recipient of lots of sexy pics from both men and women. And when that relationship is over, for whatever reason, I no longer have the right to retain those photos. Period.
I’m just saying I would never assume that is implied when a relationship ends. If you don’t want your ex to hold onto those pictures, you are much better off telling them than assuming that they will on their own.
Alternatively, we could just be decent human beings without being expressly asked to be.
If it is something that matters that much, then I wouldn’t leave it up to some sort of unspoken social code. I feel you are equating someone keeping those pictures for their private enjoyment with spreading them to the world, and that is not an accurate parallel.