After a lifetime of privalage.....Obama still plays the race card

he grew up rather poor. However, I do agree that his family, combined, worked and used connections to help him up. So?
Haters! Being black is a cross for any mortal to bear.
Didn't Obama attend the most expensive private school in Hawaii?

Isn't like he worked doing manual labor on a farm or something. Didn't he idle away his teen years puffing pot and shooting hoops?
Whachu gotta understand about blax is this: Most are docile appeasers terrified of whites. And the race card aint nuthin but the wail of a nervous African.
I thought this was a political thread, but it looks more like a sexual fantasy thread.
he grew up rather poor. However, I do agree that his family, combined, worked and used connections to help him up. So?

he didn't grow up poor

and the so is

Like women taking the upper hand in higher education, leaving the bioys behind, and still whining about being oppressed.

Though boys are forced into feminine education environments, punished for male behavior, and left behind, they still file over 90% of all patents.:D

Yes, it's the fault of women that less men are applying for a higher education

and they should quit their whining about being told what they can and can't do with their bodies...they should quit bitching about how one third of all murders are of women being murdered by their partners

thanks for being the expert on being a woman LT
in this thread there's a neo nazi and grampa Klu Klux Klan....yet they're upset about someone else's skin pigment

way to speak out against them vette
SOCIALIST SCIENCE FACT:Whatever women get involved in becomes a pink collar ghetto and loses its prestige.
Like women taking the upper hand in higher education, leaving the bioys behind, and still whining about being oppressed.

Though boys are forced into feminine education environments, punished for male behavior, and left behind, they still file over 90% of all patents.:D

You really have no idea how education works do you? I'm guessing you didn't even go to school.

You should probably stop reading your Phyllis Schlafly and Christina Hoff Sommers books because literally no one agrees with them.

By the way vette: what's it like to be an old, racist piece of trash?
Little boys are alienated in their female oriented educational environment. It's no wonder they don't want to continue a process of learning that denies the legitimacy of their gender and forces them into female acceptable roles..

Thanks for fucking up a generation of male children by thinking you know best how to raise and educate them.:rolleyes:

oh... so men are victims because they're chosing to not get an education because some education is feminine despite you not being able to bring any examples of this alleged feminization of education

oh, so it would be better to go back to a system where men know what's best for women

good thinking LT