Addiction of Dreams (closed)


The Demon
Nov 19, 2002
She begins down the stairs, not entirely sure if she wants to go through with this. How could this house be hers alone now? Could she really face her friends in such a manner so soon after the accident? She takes a deep breath and resolves to go down to her party. She needs to have some fun. It is imperative that she get back into the swing of things. Daddy always said to be the good little socialite, and Daddy knows...she chokes on the thought. That's Daddy knew best. She takes another breath and wipes her eyes. Tonight is a night to have fun, not to greive. She straightens herself for the last time and starts donw the stairs and her freinds and their guests come into view. The party is already thumpin'...

Kelly Ann Landon
5'6" 120, Tennis player, swimmer, soccer forward as well.
Grew up religious but hasn't attended church since she turned 16. Recently left alone when both her parents were killed in an auto accident. Now has the responsibility of the house left to her and all it ensues.

The nightmare played over and over in my head for each night after the funeral.. always the same, watching the accident as if I had been there and not being able to stop it...

My parents were my world, being the only child in a 'well off' family, I had no one else really close to me. A few scattered cousins and grandparents, but they really were too busy to take on what was my job to handle. I spent the week in darkness, unable to do more than cry curled on my parents bed. Why was this happening? My parents were good people! Life was unfair someone said two nights ago when they called me.. I wish I could recall who that person was.. But I couldn't, nor wished too. I was so angry and hurt by all of this and their 'snubbing' of me that I didn't want anyone around me.

Then the loneliness kicked it last night, sitting here like an infant with a teddy bear in the dark. I needed something, or someone to ease my pain. I needed this house to be filled with voices, remind myself I was alive, I would go on..

I made phone calls to all the old 'gang' from high school and invited over only those close and trustworthy. I hadn't seen them in months, but this would pick up my spirits. Daddy's always said friends surrounding you is the best medicine. I missed him.... Another tear fell as I walked down the stairs to greet those who had shown up. I made quick work of removing the tear and painting on a smile.

Condolences were given, hugs given and tentative smiles as well.
"This is a party, let's liven this thing up and stop worrying' about me!" I chuckled, a forced sound but dammit I would be merry and have fun so help me god!

The stereo was turned on, old antics and tales relived and dancing as well. I picked Tommy who came alone to partner and danced closer to him with each new song, until it slowed down to a slow song. I didn't recall putting that CD into the stereo but all well. It seemed suiting as the lyrics came to my ears. It only added to the misery and the anger for feeling that misery.
"Tom.. Let's head upstairs a moment?" I whispered in his ear. His hands tightened a moment and held me closer before he spoke up and agreed to join me. I knew what he was thinking, he would get into my pants finally. And in truth I didn't really care. Somewhere in my mind I knew I wanted love and marriage and all that tidy package to be happy, but the loneliness was eating me inside as well. A temporary fix to a bigger problem, but I didn't see it that way. Tommy could give me what I needed, and if I gave in to what he wanted, perhaps he would stay in this big empty house with me?
I was old enough to get married, I felt I was mature and knowing enough for it as well. So I took his hand and led him up the stairs.
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Tommy, poor, poor Tommy

"Are you OK, Kelly?" He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He had lusted after this girl since middle school. Kelly the unnattatinable was leading him up to her room. The thought of this being a rebound fuck crossed his mind, but that had never stopped him before. Unfortunately, Tommy forgot about her best friend Mia. Kelly hadn't forgotten, though.
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I said nothing, didn't want to hear nothing from his lips either. Why couldn't he remain just silent and accept what I was doing!?
"I am fine Tommy.." I barely whispered, leading him upstairs and for some sick twisted reason into my Parent's bedroom. It still held their things in it, still looked like it did a week ago, the morning they departed the house, promising to return.
They were never going to return.....

I sighed, turned and pushed him against the wall, my lips met his and inside my mind came the clearer picture of him and Mia at my 18th birthday party..

So much for sex, but I could dish out some punishment for his betrayal. I let my hands move down and unbuttoned his pants, pushing my hand inside to wrap around his flacid cock. It didn't take long before he was hard and ready for more action. His hands pawed at me, not very experienced like. I fought back the cringe and anger as I kept kissing him and stroking him in my hand. I felt a power come over me in that moment, a control issue I had never felt before in my life! I could easily control this situation.. He wouldn't do much with so many close downstairs.. I moaned in pleasure, not from his touch but from the thoughts of paybacks... So many things to pay back for!
You're gonna get hosed, Tommy

Tommy pushed his hands all over her, hoping to find a way past her arms which were protecting her breasts. He became slightly frantic, her ministrations and the wieght of the situation coming full force down on his libido. He groaned as softly as he could - not very - and leaned down to slip his tongue in her mouth once again.

I pushed against him, letting him feel what he could not have. Deepening the kiss, putting all my anger and passions into it and then just as suddenly, I stopped.
Smiling I trailed my fingers up from his raging hard-on and stepped back.
"I think perhaps this isn't the best time.. I'm sorry Tommy.. But we should wait.." I gave a false look of sadness and confusion, silently laughing inside at his stunned expression.
"This isn't the right time nor place with everyone down stairs.." I kissed his speechless mouth softly, moving past him and out the door towards the stairs. I had set out to tease him, make him hard and just walked away. For some reason I liked it, I liked the power I had, I paused at the top of the stairs, hoping he would come and try to change my mind for me.. Then I could really have some fun!
What had come over me was odd, I was really a very nice girl... Why I was behaving this way was a mystery, maybe because of this traumatic week?
You got hosed, Tommy

Tommy stood there speechless. He couldn't move except to zip himself up and gape at her sudden change. He'd been shut down, and fast. "What the hell is your problem, Kelly?"

I glanced over to where Tommy stood and sighed again, "I have no problem Tommy.. I just think we should wait before going too far.. I mean.." I paused, flushing slightly, "I've never done 'it' before.. You know that!" I walked over to his again and laid my hand flat against his chest, my eyes meeting his as I spoke, "I just want my first time to be special and no one around but me and that special someone.. You understand don't you Tommy? I'd like to. you know? Do 'it' with you.. But we should wait a little longer.. a day or two?" I paused, a seductive look in my eyes, a soft smile on my lips, "Please tell me you understand? I am sorry I made you angry with me.." The whole 'play or be played' thing, and I betrayed none of my inner thoughts as I toyed with him, wrapped him snuggly around my little finger, hoping he would conceed for now.

Tommy had one last obviously desperate attempt to play and then he was REALLY about to get shut down.

"Look, Kelly, I know you're messed up over what happened and all, but maybe it would be good to let yourself go. I know you want it to be special; I promise you it will be."

My brow shot up as I glared at him, "Messed up!? Fuck off Tommy." I turned and walked downstairs, instantly turning off the stereo and got everyone's attention.
"Sorry all the party is over, I am tired and well.... Thanks for coming.." I literally pushed them out the door, handed them their coats and made sure Tommy was the first one out before I slammed the door on him. I locked up the house within minutes and fumed hotly.
"Special my ass you male whore!" I snorted, grabbing a beer and chugging it down. My first time ever drinking, and I was too pissed off to care. I marched upstairs and this time into my own room and flopped down on the bed.
"Special?! HA!" I drank the rest of the can of beer and threw it angrily into the corner. I shook with temper once more, hating the loneliness as much as hating the 'too quiet' sound in the house. I laid with my eyes closed, just breathing deep and slow to calm myself. A giggle burst out of me the next second, a little amused at how Tommy had easily succumbed to my teasing. That was kind of funny...

Kelly hears a light almost inaudible singing coming from downstairs, the last song that was on the radio...

I jerked upright on the bed, my brows drawing close together as the sound reached my ears.
"wait a minute.....??" I spoke to no one but myself, but I knew, KNEW! I shut off that stereo!
Maybe I hadn't and just hit mute or something? Seek perhaps? Grumbling I crawled out of the bed and walked back down after kicking off my high heels. I moved through the living room and up to the big stereo, hitting the off button and making sure it was the 'OFF' button.
"Odd..." Very odd indeed. I stopped and eyed the mess littered around the living room.. I needed to clean some of this up, but was in no mood.....

Kelly had turned off the music, but she remembers that it was still off when shewent upstairs. Someone had to have turned it back on...

I paused on the stairs as my mind began to think things it shouldn't. I stood poised soundlessly, listening. I could hear nothing other than the beating of my own heart and the annoying drip in the bathroom sink.
"Some one here?" I bravey called out, wondering if Tommy had snuck back inside some how? My hands felt cool and clamy, my heart was leaping painfully in my breast.
Ok ok.. I needed to get ahold of myself!
No one is here Kelly.. Just yourself.. Stop this over active imagination!
I moved back up the stairs, feeling suddenly as if I was being watched. stiffling a gasp I quickly glanced around and even behind me. Nothing was there, Bravery kicked in now.
I walked to my bedroom and searched around, shutting the door and turning on the lights.
No one is here... Just some fluke thing.. Calm deep breaths and relax! I silently encouraged myself.
Kelly has only a moment to see something out of the corner of her eye before she is grabbed and slammed down on the bed face first and her clothes are ripped off -- and she wakes up, the can of beer still in her hands

I jumped in the bed, rolling and sitting upright at the same instant. My heart pounded as I franticly looked around the bed room.
"What the fuck?!" I panted, pushing my hair out of my face as I gazed down at the beer still clutched and half full in my hand. I was shaking, the dream was so vivid. So life like!
I gulped down the nervous lump in my throat as I recalled the feel of being face down on the bed and held there. What in the world had I been dreaming!? I gazed down at my black dress, still on my body, shaking.
I had some really off dreams at times.. This one took the cake though! I was still frightened, still shaking a little, my pulse still beat hard and loud in my ears. I needed to relax, too awake now to sleep... I needed a hot bath is what I needed! I set the beer on the nightstand, my eyes roaming around the dark room. I was fucking scared to step off my own bed! How childish was that?!
I turned on the bed side lamp and jumped out of bed before the nerve left me entirely. I was too old for this, too mature to believe in the "boogey man"!
I moved into my private bathroom, checking the closet.. well getting a towel and looking around.. I turned on the water and sat on the seat of the toilet, head in hands as I fought down the irrational fear.
The next day

Kelly slept restlessly that night, dreams of the stranger assailing her from anything to teasing her to taking her by force. The dawn greeted her peacefully, but her dreams lingered on her mind
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I was a mess, I could barely function all day. Every time I tried to pick up something, some how it ended up dropped, or misplaced. I was a nervous wreck waiting to happen, and it was happening more and more as the day wore on.
Time and time again the dreams came back to me, haunting me. Disgusting one moment and thrilling the next. I was losing my mind, a sadistic sense hung with me all day. I tried to relax, I cleaned the house, I hunted for a job and met with the bank on the trust funds and accounts. I drove but didn't recall just how I got home in piece. All day I felt like a dark cloud was hanging over my head, and each time I turned around I felt eyes on me. Watching. Always watching me! It was driving me insane!
What was it that haunted me? Why these dreams of things I had no notion about? Who was tormenting me began to enter my mind and quickly pushed away.
Those were stupid thoughts, it was only my mind.. I needed to relax, I needed a vacation from life for awhile.. I made it home, stripped down and put on a bikini. Walking out back, I laid by the pool, listened to some alternative music and sunbathed.. Again weariness took over and I fell into a restless slumber..

A pretty beach bum appeared over the edge of Kelly's back porch. With brown hair, hazel eyes, and a medium build, there was nothing exactly gorgeous about him, but there was just...something.

Something familiar that she couldn't put her finger on.

"Hey. What's happenin'?"

I glanced over at the entry to the back yard and gasped, there stood a bum. Now how in the hell did he get into my back yard?

"H-Hello.." My brow furrowed slightly, my body coiling slightly as I swung my legs over the lounge chair and stood up.

"Are you lost?" I paused where I was, keeping a safe distance between him and myself just incase he was one of those mental kinda guys..

"No, I'm not lost, unless you want to call the general state of my life lost. I was just walking the beach and I saw a beautiful girl sitting on her back patio and I just couldn't live with myself if I passed up a chance to talk to you."

He smiled an intoxicationg smile and his beauty came out. He was a man of great charisma and sex appeal, normal looking as he was. From where she was sitting, he looked naked, but the beach police were not far away, so she knew he had swim trunks on at least.

My brow shot up in speculation, wondering if this guy was drunk?

"I see..." Not really, but it did sound good to my ears. Why would he even bother? I knew the answer to that, he's male and I wasn't wearing very much either.

"Well, It is nice to meet you?... Mr? Your name please?" my eyes scanned over the back wall, looking down to the beach and the people all around, I was safe. A good loud scream would bring anyone running.

I smiled and let my eyes come back to meet his, I could be friendly safely. "Well come on over and have a seat, as long as you can swear to me you are some psycho?" I chuckled at my own joke.

"My name's Steve. And I'll come over as long as you promise to answer me one question."

Her eyes cast him a curious look

"Tell me if I have a ghost of a chance with you today."

He flashed that smile at her again and looked as if he were daring her to call him on being so rude.

I burst out laughing and sat for a moment as my shoulds shook with mirth. Finally I calmed down a little and grinned at him, He was humorous that was for certain.

"You have a chance of getting to know me... Hi Steve, I'm Kelly... Come have a seat, you are rather funny.." I smiled, resuming my position on the lounge chair and laid back to sun bath further.

I noticed little things about him, from head to toe. Definately a nice specimen, amusement for the time being.

"So where'd ya park your surf board?" I grinned again, waiting for him to come and social. This day was looking up already.

Steve walked up the steps and took a lawn chair. He was wearing some nice knee length swim trunks and a pair of slip on shoes.

"Unfortunately, in the waxing shop. I just got back from the Great Barrier Reef, and the tide was low. It's amazing I didn't get fucked up. How about you? How's your summer going? Wish it was fall so you could go back to school already?"