

Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
Has anyone seen this film? We just got back from seeing it. It was our second choice after About Schmidt, which was sold out. I actually wanted to see Adaptation more, but was in more of a mood to deal with About Schmidt.

I was very pleased with Adaptation. I would love to hear others' thoughts. Please rememeber to indicate if there will be spoilers. :)
I WISH I could! No one is playing it around here! I love "Being John Malkovich" and can hardly wait to see this one, but it looks like I might have to wait until it comes out on video.
I think it's better than Malkovich.

In my opinion, it's Nicholas Cage's second best performance, after Leaving Las Vegas. Of course, that isn't saying much. Chris Cooper was excellent.
Both Adaptation and About Schmidt are coming here next month. I'm surprised it's not playing in RI anywhere, Father Knick; usually these things start on the edges and work their way into the heart of the country.
i must admit i haven't even heard of it ... although thats not surprising considering i live in rainy old far away england

i'll look out for it though
lavender said:
Where are all the people who used to talk about movies?

I'm still around . . . , unfortunately I've been on a Nicholas Cage boycott as of late.

This picture keeps getting good reviews though, so I guess I'll go check it out.

thank you lavender i saw this film on your recommendation and i really loved it

it started off a bit slow and boring but the end was exciting with guns and stuff and i cried where his brother died :)

just kidding i do "get" the film lol so of course i didn't cry ... i think its very risky what he tried to pull off but to a degree it works ... i can't help wondering how charlie would of finished the film instead of donald though (and yes i also know there isn't really a donald) ... but i guess the point of the film is that charlie couldn't finish it

i felt the story was more to do with that rather then anything to do with the orchid thief but i did enjoy that part of the film too ... but anyway i loved the film i haven't seen being john malkovich though so i can't compare the two

i didn't like it. well, actually that isn't accurate. i loved it up until they follow the author down to florida and all the ensuing madness. that was too much for my tired little brain to take.

cage was great, and normally i don't like him at all.
I'm still contemplating whether I like it or not. I think I'm being swayed by Mr. Mischka's line of thought - I can appreciate the movie, but I didn't truly enjoy it. The idea was good, the acting was really good, but it just lacked some oomph. But then again, what can you expect from a movie about flowers?
lavender said:
Has anyone seen this film? We just got back from seeing it. It was our second choice after About Schmidt, which was sold out. I actually wanted to see Adaptation more, but was in more of a mood to deal with About Schmidt.

I was very pleased with Adaptation. I would love to hear others' thoughts. Please rememeber to indicate if there will be spoilers. :)
I want to see it. I'm glad to hear that you liked it, now I'll make the effort. I've been wondering if the The Hours will be good.
seXieleXie said:

i didn't like it. well, actually that isn't accurate. i loved it up until they follow the author down to florida and all the ensuing madness. that was too much for my tired little brain to take.

cage was great, and normally i don't like him at all.


i think that's the point though you're not mean to like that bit ... up until that point the film is being written by charlie but donald offers to help finish the script with him although nothing is really said about it the film from that point on go's into the typical hollywood style film of having to have it "exciting" and having to have gun's and drugs and sex and the self discovery because its being written by donald now not charlie

this is all hollywood tripe according too charlie and by making his film end like that is his way of making fun of hollywood ... in the credits they actually have donald as a real person and if it wins an award he will too even though he doesn't actually exist as a real person ... this is all part of charlies "joke" at hollywood

i think its very arrogant and egocentric to give his own film a deliberate bad 2/3rds but i liked it i think it fitted in with the whole story of the film
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Re: Re: Adaptation

candlelight said:
I want to see it. I'm glad to hear that you liked it, now I'll make the effort. I've been wondering if the The Hours will be good.
No no no!! Do not see the movie!! Read Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf and then read The Hours by Michael Cunningham. It is an awesome combination, and one of my favorite reading experiences.
I just don't understand the current fixation on Mrs. Dalloway. It's an overrated book, not to mention poorly suited for adaptation to film.

I haven't seen either of the two films that hover about it, though I probably will. Eventually, I see a very large percentage of popular movies.
RisiaSkye said:
I just don't understand the current fixation on Mrs. Dalloway. It's an overrated book, not to mention poorly suited for adaptation to film.
Mrs. Dalloway is an okay book, but reading it makes The Hours that much more enjoyable.