

Literotica Guru
Mar 20, 2002
A couple of people have suggested I try acupuncture as treatment for my sciatica. Anybody ever done it?

Testimonials, please.

That's what I do for a living
Any questions I can answer for you?

Need help finding a good local practitioner?
It works.
I need to go back and see my specialist....if only i wasn't so broke :(
Worm said:
Excuse my ignorance but wtf is sciatica?

It's kind of a pinched nerve type thing affecting your lower back, buttock and leg.
Ewww that sucks is it painful or does it remove feelings from those areas?
Worm said:
Ewww that sucks is it painful or does it remove feelings from those areas?

Painful and annoying. Lucky for me it's not crippling or debilitating but it can be for some people.
Worm said:
Ewww that sucks is it painful or does it remove feelings from those areas?

Sciatica is a pinching of the nerve as it exits the sacrum
Usually the pain is low back and may radiate down the side or back of the leg. It can be severe but NSAIDs help (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like aspirin or Motrin)., as does rest and alternating cold and hot packs.

As it gets more severe, there can be numbness into the toes.
That blows sorry man...but hey If you haven't found anything that has helped it can't hurt to give it a try.
medjay said:
It's kind of a pinched nerve type thing affecting your lower back, buttock and leg.


he said "buttock"


*ahem* I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh at your pain. That word just makes me snicker-giggle.
Nora said:

*ahem* I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh at your pain. That word just makes me snicker-giggle.

As long as I was able to bring some laughter into your day my work is done here. :)
Nora said:

he said "buttock"


*ahem* I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh at your pain. That word just makes me snicker-giggle.

They say laughter is the best medicine
I know a treatment has been successful if I elicit a healthy giggle by the end of the session
I had accupuncture once....I forget what for...I was a young kid, but I remember the nerves they needed to hit were in my ear lobes, and I can still remember that I could actually hear the needles penetrating my was wierd.
I knew this girl that was from Louisiana a while back....she claimed to be into voodoo, and said she was going to make a doll of me, and stick needles in its eyes.....:eek:
just pet said:
They say laughter is the best medicine
I know a treatment has been successful if I elicit a healthy giggle by the end of the session

Yeah, but I don't think MY giggling is gonna help poor Medjay. ;)
Nora said:
Yeah, but I don't think MY giggling is gonna help poor Medjay. ;)

True, it isn't nice to laugh at others' pain
But giggling is infectious
just pet said:
True, it isn't nice to laugh at others' pain
But giggling is infectious

I have this horrible mental image of him giggling, grabbing at his lower back and screaming in anguish, "DAMN YOU, NORA!!!" :D
Nora said:
I have this horrible mental image of him giggling, grabbing at his lower back and screaming in anguish, "DAMN YOU, NORA!!!" :D

Ah, but first he will have been relieved by a few needles strategically placed and welcome the painless guffaw