ABSTRUSIONS: A Bohemian hangout.

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Well as it seems to have died yet another death around here, I'll throw another log on the fire, and leave the place warm for anyone who decides to turn up.

Me, I'm off to bed for an early night.

Goodnight Litsters, have fun when you all decide to brave your assorted hangovers.

Have a good night's rest Mat. I'm sure I'll be up when you rise tomorrow morning.

'ello, Litsters.

Are you sitting down? I actually got to leave the house sans child for a few hours today. Didn't do much....a friend and I went to the nearest city of any size and shopped for just an hour or so, but it was heaven.
cloudy said:
'ello, Litsters.

Are you sitting down? I actually got to leave the house sans child for a few hours today. Didn't do much....a friend and I went to the nearest city of any size and shopped for just an hour or so, but it was heaven.

Bet that was a treat. Being able to shop without having to glance around and gather up children every few minutes. :)
alyxen said:
Bet that was a treat. Being able to shop without having to glance around and gather up children every few minutes. :)

You just don't know....this NEVER happens. Even eating at Taco Bell by myself was a treat.
arienette said:
Hey everyone, just figured I'd let you all know I'm still alive.

Always good news. Was there a chance that weren't going to be? :confused:
matriarch said:
How did I find my place?

In a blind panic.

I was buying a small house, and all was going well until I found out something about the house that put the fear of god into me with regard to future expenses. (The words Listed Building will mean nothing to you, but fellow Brits might understand). I pulled out of the sale (thank god nothing had been signed a that point), one week before we were due to move out of our house.

I had to find something to rent.............IN A HURRY. I called all the agents, but I had chosen a weekend to look, and most of them were closed.

After the most nerve wracking weekend of my life, with all sorts of visions flying around my head, one of the agents called me back on the Monday (we were moving out on Thursday), to tell me he had a small house just come up, available immediately. I went to look at it that evening, and thankfully, loved it. It was just what I was looking for, size and cost. So I said yes.

Of course there was no way to get references (bank, employer), through in that short time, so I had to resign myself to my belongings going into store for a week, and living in a holiday let for that week. It was without doubt, the strangest and most stressful week of my life.

So, in fact, I only looked at one place, and took it.

Wow......well it worked out in the long run......whew. That would have had me in a panic. *applause* for getting through that so well. :rose:
Little studio in a white house in on a pretty nice block, 10 blocks away from the capitol building for my internship. Now I have to check out the public transportation around there and see if I'll be able to go clubbing and not have to worry about scary people in the streets on the way home. Tomorrow we'll look in it hopefully, it's looking pretty promising. :D

Ari - Good to see you sweetie. *HUGS*
minsue said:
You remind me of one of my favorite poems, Mat :)

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be."

~ Shel Silverstein


I LOVE SHEL SILVERSTEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
arienette said:
Well considering last night, I'd say it was a possibility. :rolleyes:

Feeling a little under the weather are we? I'll try not to squeak too loudly..:)
I'm up, no hangover, no overhang either. :)

My parakeet who thinks he's a cockatiel is singing by HIS bell. If I try to touch it, even with one finger, even if he's decently far from it, he makes the cockatiel threatening noise. :D He loves HIS bell.
minsue said:
You remind me of one of my favorite poems, Mat :)

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts,
the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves,
then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be."

~ Shel Silverstein


Good one Goosie. :rose:

I read my copies of Where the Sidewalk Ends and The Light in the Attic so many times I think I wore the words off the pages. :cool:

Oh, and hi eveyone. :D
cheerful_deviant said:
Good one Goosie. :rose:

I read my copies of Where the Sidewalk Ends and The Light in the Attic so many times I think I wore the words off the pages. :cool:

Oh, and hi eveyone. :D

cheerful_deviant said:
Hey Beautiful. :kiss:

I made an new AV for myself with the duck since you seem to like calling me duckie so much. :D


I know, I love it! :D
How were your new year's celebrations? Or did you actually fall asleep after the wee deviants headed to bed?
RebeccaLeah said:

I know, I love it! :D
How were your new year's celebrations? Or did you actually fall asleep after the wee deviants headed to bed?

We went out to a little get together with friends that all have kids about the same age. I spent most of the night watching everyone elses kids while the socialized. I spent 2 hours inside one of those plastic Little Tykes play houses. I'm just now getting the circulation back in my feet. :rolleyes: That party ended at 9. Went home, put the little deviant to bed at 10 and I fell asleep sitting there waiting for her to fall asleep.

I think I'm getting old. :rolleyes:

How about you?
cheerful_deviant said:
We went out to a little get together with friends that all have kids about the same age. I spent most of the night watching everyone elses kids while the socialized. I spent 2 hours inside one of those plastic Little Tykes play houses. I'm just now getting the circulation back in my feet. :rolleyes: That party ended at 9. Went home, put the little deviant to bed at 10 and I fell asleep sitting there waiting for her to fall asleep.

I think I'm getting old. :rolleyes:

How about you?

Ohhhh. :rose: Cute.......Awww. Old? No way, not you duckie.

Me? Researched apartments. :D I figure if I want something to change I'd better start doing something about it. :)
RebeccaLeah said:
Ohhhh. :rose: Cute.......Awww. Old? No way, not you duckie.

Me? Researched apartments. :D I figure if I want something to change I'd better start doing something about it. :)

Sounds like your life is as exciting as mine. ;)

Looking in Denver, right? Getting a room mate or going it alone?

And you're right, things will never change unless you change it. Gotta make the first move. :cool:
cheerful_deviant said:
Sounds like your life is as exciting as mine. ;)

Looking in Denver, right? Getting a room mate or going it alone?

And you're right, things will never change unless you change it. Gotta make the first move. :cool:

:eek: No lil' deviants running around me though......well unless you count my cat and my little sister. :p :devil:

At the moment going alone. Just a little studio, give me a kitchen and a bathtub and I'm over the moon. I really don't want anywhere that big, or company that I have to live with. :p I don't know anyone that I would want to move in with and I'm not too interested in trying to find one if I can get my own place.

Very true....but it seems to in the stars too or something because my stepfather is the one that offered to take me to Denver this morning without me saying anything. *shrug* Pretty cool. :)
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