Absent Editors


Really Really Experienced
Jan 16, 2002
Dear All,

I had an idea that might help writters from submitting threads to stories that arent being cared for anymore. What I was thinking is someone has added a thread to a story and it just hasnt been approved in weeks or more, they could add a message here warning writters that they think a story has been abandomed. If the editor later shows up and resumes thier duties whoever added them here can always edit thier previous message.

I dont have anyone to add as the people I write for are very deligent editors. What do you think? Know anyone not approving anymore?

The only editor that has ever come up absent for me is Crossley. No response for approximately four months.
Potential Dead Stories

The Audition--Lady Galadriel--Exhibitionist
Trollin for Babes--Otakuloki--Sci fi
About the Coruption of Lisa--Queen Bee--Cheating Wives
The Watcher--BibBoobedMagenta--Exhibitionist

What would even be better would be a way to transfer dead stories to another editor that wanted to pick up the story!

King Of The Jungle - hippymanga - Mind Control

Might consider taking that one over (if I could be bothered) as I've written 2 of its 3 pages (and had gone for a third)
If CHYOO were to allow "transfers" of dead stories, it should never be without the approval of at least one of the previous authors who played the role of editor for that story. It's a respect thing, you know? Even if the original editor left the story, it was still their seed that started that particular story. :p
Dead Story Transfers

I agree that the best new editor for a dead story would be someone who had already contributed to the story. Only if none of the contributors wished to take on the role should it be pushed out to other potential people.

Or if respect is the issue maybe a directory of mature stories could be setup, sort of a retired directory so eveyone would no that no new threads are being accepted.

The exact rules could be hashed out, but it seems there needs to be some mechanism setup to do so.


I got jake's email asking if I am still an active editor, and the answer is yes!!!!

Which Stories

yasnumoon said:

I got jake's email asking if I am still an active editor, and the answer is yes!!!!


Sounds good. Remind me where I can find your stories?

I have a story in Chyoo's voyeur/exhib section:- Melanie's confessions. I did a thread for The Watcher as well, a couple of months ago.

Speaking as an absent editor who has suddenly found himself rarely able to contact Chyoo, and unable to stay on long, I'm happy that each of my two "open" stories. In From The Snow and Office Morale has a backup editor who has volunteered to keep it alive by reviewing submissions. Thank you very much! :D

(You're welcome to introduce yourselves if you think it's appropriate).

But Chyoo really should provide a mechanism for adding editors and/or transferring stories. :sigh:

Best to you all, and hoping that I get a chance to get my 3rd story rolling soon. It was approved just when I ended up becoming scarce, I didn't have a chance to do the establishing threads for each character, and so I left it closed. (I see from the ratings that someone's crabby about that).

-- Zingiber
How do become an editor!

to become an editor it is easy. All you have to do is create a story and once Chyoo approves it you are instantly the editor. Either that or make good friends with somebody who has a story and have then tell you their password so you can approve threads and such. The first option is much easier.

Chyoo is weird it can take 1 day to approve your story or it can take 3 weeks. Lately they've been working a lot faster and the wait hasn't been any more than 5 days.

Any further questions?

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)

My Stories: A College girl to be...
A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive
Muchos gracias. As far as the time frame being one day to 3 weeks...I have time. ;)
Good call

This whole thread covers a point which I find very relevant. Having been one of the absent editors (though I try to check on the site at least once a week; my apologies for recent delays), I understand the need for time away, but my absences have been a bit excessive. I'm making more of a conscious effort to check (at the contact of two authors).

I hope this encourages all editors to at least view the threads being sent in, if not to rekindle their writing.

Links on me.

Heres a link so anybody interested can check out Jon Gray's stories.

To JonGrey's profile.

JonGray's titles include Bar Hopping, So Happy Together, The Bet and on of my personal favourites Apartment 3G. All are in the erotic couples catagory.

I like this idea - why don't you start a thread with that explaination, and a list of author's you've noticed. Then every post from then on can be a list of names. A link to this thread might stop chit-chat from interrupting that important one.

Chicklet (waiting with a list of names)