Above and beyond good and evil


Grumpy Doms Union 361
Apr 18, 2002
I have been thinking about my life and much of the tears and joy I have caused others through my life. I hope that I have added more joy than sorrow but I am not sure. I think about "It's a Wonderful Life" and that opportunity to see what life would be like for others if I never existed.
I think that I try to be a good person. I fail at times. My past is riddled with mistakes and pain for others. Is the joy I have spead enough? Will I be thought of well by those who were in my life? I haven't a clue. I just live and hope that in the end I will be remembered more for those moments of happiness I have partaken in then the misery I have caused.
I think it is time to go meditate some more.
Coming from a guy who has the title "joker" under his name, this is a little hard to believe. But I'll play along with ya for a sec and tell you if you want to read more about life and what you're feeling then check out Dr. Wayne Dyer books.
I say this to myself from time to time....

All the things you have been and done have gone into making you who you are today. Rather than relish on the negatives of the past rejoice and be proud of who you are today.

If you cannot do that, then it is what you are doing today that you have to look at, not the past.

Peace, Ezarc.
Joker is something I keep in every wallet to remind me that life is not always so serious. I put it as my title to do the same but your point is valid.
That's ok Ez. I keep a Jack of Hearts on my dashboard to remind me of something as well.

Change is never easy for anyone. Especially the lasting kind. You might change for a day, a week, or a month. Try to make a lasting change in your life though without support and it's like trying to dock an Oil tanker without a tugboat. It's not easy and it can cause a lot of damage to you and everyone around you.