About The Sextracker Cookies on Your Computer.


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
Each of us has a Sextracker cookie on our machines.

This thread is started to let you know what kind of cookie it is, what it does and what it "tells" others about you.

The sites referred to contain lots of other information about Spyware and cookies you might find useful.



Sextracker is the DoubleClick of the adult online industry, deploying startegies to attract, advertise to, manage and verify traffic to adult sites.

We are "traffic", and Lit uses Sextracker's services.

Consequently each of us has a Sextracker cookie... which is not an ordinary cookie.

It's a Spyware cookie.

A "Spyware cookie" is any cookie that is not used only by a single site for its private interactions with its users, but is shared across sites. When multiple sites read from the same cookie, or when they pass info from the cookie on to another site, those sites effectively share information.

See: http://www.safersite.com/Support/FAQ/FAQ21.asp


14. Literotica will not share your email address or any other private information about you with any third party unless required by a court order to do so.

See: http://members.literotica.com/members/help_files/terms_of_service.shtml


Some believe that allowing a spyware cookie to be installed on your computer without permission or any disclosure in a site's Privacy Policy is information theft.

See: http://grc.com/oo/ethics.htm


Spying with Cookies

A flaw in the way that Internet Explorer handles Web site cookies could enable an attacker to view and edit a user's personal data contained in the cookies. The vulnerability affects all versions of IE.

See: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/bulletin/ms02-015.asp
My G-d you are beyond boring, little boy. Take the corncob outta your ass and turn cookies off if it's so important to you.
Lancecastor said:
Yes, and a great way to automate the removal of spyware cookies.

Do you think the use of persistent/spyware cookies should be disclosed in a site's Privacy Policy?

Nobody cares.
Which type of coockie is it? The one stored permanently(I assume for log-on) or temporary ones.

What's the worst case that could happen to a person who spend all day at the Lit?
Lancecastor said:
Yes, and a great way to automate the removal of spyware cookies.

Do you think the use of persistent/spyware cookies should be disclosed in a site's Privacy Policy?

Yes, no ... I don't care.

I'm still trying to get the GPS tracking device out of my neck. How did that bar code get there?
Nora said:
My G-d you are beyond boring, little boy. Take the corncob outta your ass and turn cookies off if it's so important to you.

Thanks. You may rest assured I'll be making a point of dropping by some of your thoroughly fascinating discussions to return the favour.

Question to Lance

Are cookies new to you? Are yu just learning how to find, delete and control the things that come on to your computer?
Lancecastor said:
That's the beauty of it....most people don't know and don't care.


I know they have cookies, I know how cookies work.

If Lit is gathering consumer data about me, that's fine.
Lancecastor said:

Do you think the use of persistent/spyware cookies should be disclosed in a site's Privacy Policy?

Uh...yeah, I'm pretty sure y'all know about cookies.

I'm asking if you think the use of spyware should be disclosed in a Site's Privacy Policy.

Lancecastor said:
That's the beauty of it....most people don't know and don't care.


I didn't know it and I do care.

Is this where I get that freakin' penis enlargement email from? Or that bust enhancer shit?

Are we sure its from Lit? While Lit is the only adult site I frequent, my hubby does a bit of porn surfing on his own.

I'm not a computer wizard, I only learn about stuff as it pops up, ya know. I don't go reading about cookies or firewalls or whatever until the need arises. While I clear my cookie cache or whatever it is, this cookie wasn't where the rest of them can be found. I stumbled across this cookie while doing a regedit, trying to fix a virus protection program.
Re: Question to Lance

Sheaf_Beast said:
Are cookies new to you? Are yu just learning how to find, delete and control the things that come on to your computer?

Lance may knowabout these things, but I do not.

I said this morning that this would be a topic I would be interested in.

You got a problem with that?

Edited cause it didn't sound right. :D