"A Woman is Taken."
This story will be a collaboration between RavenSSS and Kittenbritches.
I wanted to start a thread based on emails that Raven wrote to a friend - and any forum member could offer feedback as that friend. I couldn't find the exact forum vehicle that would work that way; therefore, I decided to go the SRP route but do it a little differently.
Raven (as Alicia) and I (as Kaye) ostensibly will alternately write successive segments as our story unfolds. It will be based on fact but we will spice it up, embellish it, and extrapolate, so that, hopefully, it will be more than just a wee blah blog. It may not even be recognizable as fact by the time we tweak it.
Our story is being told ostensibly to a (fictitious) friend named Julia.
At first, our roles as Alicia and Kaye will be locked; however, the thread will be open to any Literotica members who would like to offer feedback as Julia. Jump in whenever you want to respond as Julia. Make comments, ask questions, reprimand us, give opinions, criticize us, praise us, and tell us anything you think about what we're doing. It doesn't have to be positive. We're big girls; we can handle whatever you want to throw at us.
We expect criticism, but please don't be nasty, snide, or insulting. Raven has claws. She has lashed out at snotty comments made about her in this forum before. If our story is beneath you, you don't have to read it.
We'll accept suggestions if they fit within the realm of what is occurring. We won't change the underlying framework, as it could send the story off on a tangent, and we might not be able to bring it back on course.
Eventually, Alicia (Raven) will bow out if some courageous woman would be willing to take over her role. By then, you should know enough about Alicia to extrapolate her role and insert your own thoughts and wishes. At that point the 'new Alicia' will take Kaye as her pet and do whatever delicious things you want to inflict on her.
I know this is complicated but I know of no other way to make it work.
We'll play both roles ourselves until we find the right woman to take over for Alicia. Our story is girl on girl, of course, but it doesn't matter if you are straight, bi, or gay if you are willing to take on Alicia's lesbian role somewhere down the road. Men need not apply for the roles of Alicia and Kaye, but may be our fictitious friend, Julia. Just sign your feedback as 'Julia'.
Kaye has signed a waiver and a checklist of what she is willing to do. I'll furnish those when appropriate. When you take over Alicia's role, you don't necessarily have to stay within the bounds of the waiver or her checklist, but don't go too far afield. Don't do permanent damage to Kaye. That didn't happen IRL and it's not acceptable in this thread. e.g., You may bite Kaye's nipples, but not bite them off. LOL. Nipples are tougher than you may think, so I don't see that happening anyway. Other examples: I'm scared silly of needle play IRL, but if that's your fantasy, go for it when playing your role. I hate canes, whips, single-tails, and crops, but my character won't / can't object to their use. I'll 'roll with those punches' for the sake of the story. I'd prefer a loving, caring domme like Alicia, but I'll accept a sadist one or anywhere in between, again, for the sake of the story.
I'm giving out this info for anyone contemplating taking on Alicia's role, but it will not be in the near future; therefore, whenever you're ready, please tender your 'resume'. LOL. That will give me time to decide who will play my dear Alicia. Egads, this is becoming complicated. I'm having palpitations already, and I haven't started writing yet. Oh, well, I usually feel this way when I begin writing something new.
Raven and I live together (at two locations), and I use her computers - her business desktop and personal laptop - as well as my own laptop - depending on where we are, so at times, it will appear that the role is coming from the wrong person. Don't let that bother you. You'll know who's playing. Furthermore, as time passes, I'll probably be submitting both roles until one of you lucky ladies takes on Alicia's part.
Hopefully, this will work out, but after re-reading what I've just written, I realize that it will be quite a stretch.
Please help this transition. If you have doubts, comments or suggestions about how I'm handling this, please chime in. I haven't any experience in writing this way, and I'm probably overlooking something that may be obvious to you.
I'd also like to know if you think you'll be interested in reading our story. I won't bother writing if there isn't much interest. I'll submit the story Introduction and you can decide, now or then, whether it's worth reading or not.
I know I'm quite nervous about this as I keep blithering and blathering on and on. Sorry.
This story will be a collaboration between RavenSSS and Kittenbritches.
I wanted to start a thread based on emails that Raven wrote to a friend - and any forum member could offer feedback as that friend. I couldn't find the exact forum vehicle that would work that way; therefore, I decided to go the SRP route but do it a little differently.
Raven (as Alicia) and I (as Kaye) ostensibly will alternately write successive segments as our story unfolds. It will be based on fact but we will spice it up, embellish it, and extrapolate, so that, hopefully, it will be more than just a wee blah blog. It may not even be recognizable as fact by the time we tweak it.
Our story is being told ostensibly to a (fictitious) friend named Julia.
At first, our roles as Alicia and Kaye will be locked; however, the thread will be open to any Literotica members who would like to offer feedback as Julia. Jump in whenever you want to respond as Julia. Make comments, ask questions, reprimand us, give opinions, criticize us, praise us, and tell us anything you think about what we're doing. It doesn't have to be positive. We're big girls; we can handle whatever you want to throw at us.
We expect criticism, but please don't be nasty, snide, or insulting. Raven has claws. She has lashed out at snotty comments made about her in this forum before. If our story is beneath you, you don't have to read it.
We'll accept suggestions if they fit within the realm of what is occurring. We won't change the underlying framework, as it could send the story off on a tangent, and we might not be able to bring it back on course.
Eventually, Alicia (Raven) will bow out if some courageous woman would be willing to take over her role. By then, you should know enough about Alicia to extrapolate her role and insert your own thoughts and wishes. At that point the 'new Alicia' will take Kaye as her pet and do whatever delicious things you want to inflict on her.
I know this is complicated but I know of no other way to make it work.
We'll play both roles ourselves until we find the right woman to take over for Alicia. Our story is girl on girl, of course, but it doesn't matter if you are straight, bi, or gay if you are willing to take on Alicia's lesbian role somewhere down the road. Men need not apply for the roles of Alicia and Kaye, but may be our fictitious friend, Julia. Just sign your feedback as 'Julia'.
Kaye has signed a waiver and a checklist of what she is willing to do. I'll furnish those when appropriate. When you take over Alicia's role, you don't necessarily have to stay within the bounds of the waiver or her checklist, but don't go too far afield. Don't do permanent damage to Kaye. That didn't happen IRL and it's not acceptable in this thread. e.g., You may bite Kaye's nipples, but not bite them off. LOL. Nipples are tougher than you may think, so I don't see that happening anyway. Other examples: I'm scared silly of needle play IRL, but if that's your fantasy, go for it when playing your role. I hate canes, whips, single-tails, and crops, but my character won't / can't object to their use. I'll 'roll with those punches' for the sake of the story. I'd prefer a loving, caring domme like Alicia, but I'll accept a sadist one or anywhere in between, again, for the sake of the story.
I'm giving out this info for anyone contemplating taking on Alicia's role, but it will not be in the near future; therefore, whenever you're ready, please tender your 'resume'. LOL. That will give me time to decide who will play my dear Alicia. Egads, this is becoming complicated. I'm having palpitations already, and I haven't started writing yet. Oh, well, I usually feel this way when I begin writing something new.
Raven and I live together (at two locations), and I use her computers - her business desktop and personal laptop - as well as my own laptop - depending on where we are, so at times, it will appear that the role is coming from the wrong person. Don't let that bother you. You'll know who's playing. Furthermore, as time passes, I'll probably be submitting both roles until one of you lucky ladies takes on Alicia's part.
Hopefully, this will work out, but after re-reading what I've just written, I realize that it will be quite a stretch.
Please help this transition. If you have doubts, comments or suggestions about how I'm handling this, please chime in. I haven't any experience in writing this way, and I'm probably overlooking something that may be obvious to you.
I'd also like to know if you think you'll be interested in reading our story. I won't bother writing if there isn't much interest. I'll submit the story Introduction and you can decide, now or then, whether it's worth reading or not.
I know I'm quite nervous about this as I keep blithering and blathering on and on. Sorry.