A Warning for All You True Believers Out There in LitLand


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
First of all, please ignore Hanns, I know he's going to post here and it's going to be his usual get-a-rise-out-of-you bullshit. Just ignore it in favor of the information.

I've noticed that some of us here put up our pictures and use our first names on the public boards. Some of us put up some very racy pictures. I'm not going to tell you not to do it, but I am going to tell you to think about it before you do, do it.

There are some serious sickos out there, not morons like Hanns pretending to be dangerous, but real people who prey on others. They like the Internet because it's a convenient way to shop for victims. We are connected to a porn site, no matter how un-porn the board is. Sickos will assume that because a woman is on a porn site she's immoral, wicked, and inferior. I'm not talking about the normal guy who knows better, I'm talking about the psychopath who hurts others for kicks.

Be careful when you put up personal information. Lit is full of wonderful people and we feel pretty safe here, overall. It's full of approval and friendship. But there are people out there who don't participate, they just lurk. They look for victims. They're also readnig your personal information and they're looking at your racy pictures and they're making conclusions that are very sick and very dangerous.

The odds of you being victimized by a sicko because of what you've done here are very slim, but they aren't beyond the realm of possibility.

You don't leave your doors unlocked. You don't go to strange nightclubs and let people give you drinks that were out of your sight. You don't post personal information on the 'Net. Not because of the billions of good people on the planet, but because of the handful of sickos out there looking for a good time.

Don't be afraid, but think about who might be looking at your words and pictures before you post them. What's sexy to most of us is an open invitation to sickos.

Be safe.

Some of us know personal information about others. The biggest is the first name. If you know someone's first name, don't use it on the board! We all chose anonymous nicknames for a very good reason. Respect and protect your friends. Use the nickname, not the first name!
More good advice from KM.

I don't use my real self AV anymore, I won't post pics of myself or gf here anymore and I have removed the pics that I did post because I dont't feel comfortable doing it anymore.
KillerMuffin said:
Sickos will assume that because a woman is on a porn site she's immoral, wicked, and inferior. I'm not talking about the normal guy who knows better, I'm talking about the psychopath who hurts others for kicks.

You're not immoral and wicked? Humph, I'm trading in my crush on you now.

And on a more serious note: wise words from one of our smartest and sexiest oldsters.
Of course I'm immoral and wicked. I'm just pretty principled, scrupled, and, well, armed.

We can play bumpies though.
KillerMuffin said:
First of all, please ignore Hanns, I know he's going to post here and it's going to be his usual get-a-rise-out-of-you bullshit. Just ignore it in favor of the information.

so ignoring hanns would require you not bringing his name up.
Re: Re: A Warning for All You True Believers Out There in LitLand

st4nton said:
KillerMuffin said:
First of all, please ignore Hanns, I know he's going to post here and it's going to be his usual get-a-rise-out-of-you bullshit. Just ignore it in favor of the information.

so ignoring hanns would require you not bringing his name up.

Hey heres a thought, why don't you shut the fuck up? And pay attention to the point of the thread?
Thank you Killer Muffin.

Very wise words that should be heeded by all posters.

BTW ~ anyone reading this ... That is not me in my avatar.
I try to do these very smart tricks of online communication, especially don't respond to Hannsy or open any thread he creates! :kiss:
Juspar is brutal. I like that.

KM, you rock! This is very very good advice and is solid and true. You get one hundred billion gold starfishes!

I want to add some advice to this thread, something I had to learn from experience, that I'd like to share, in order to help others spare themselves from the pain.

Most of us come here for fun and enjoyment, enrichment, and self betterment. Some of us come here to vent, and so many other things. Now, mind you, it is usually ridiculous shit that trolls feed on, but they do prey on our greatest weakness... our emotions.

So, in retrospect, I have learned that it is best to keep very touchy, personal information to myself, or to only share it with close friends if I feel ahead of time that any criticism from a troll about it would hurt me.

It is important that those who are having times of hardship or weakness in their personal life realize that by bringing it to a public board, you are opening yourself up to the hurt than can come from trolls. It is better in the long run to just get to know those you can trust and feel comfortable with on the board, and rely on their friendship, in private, to work out things that would be subject to being trolled.

Now, I am not saying you shouldn't share, but the point is that if you aren't at an emotionally strong point in your life, you may want to refrain from opening yourself up to more pain that can come from the fucks here.

It is a hard lesson to have learned, and sometimes I hate the fact that they manipulate my freedom of choice indirectly, but it is my call in the end, and I refrain now.

Peace out! or somethin
Very Sound Advice for the masses...

I will continue to use my "Real Life Self" as my Av because:

1. I am and will remain un-affraid of senseless terror inflicting cowards.

2. I am a "concealed carry" permit holder, and yes, I pack heat 'everywhere' I go.

3. I retain security clearences to allow me to do so.

4. I am forever till I die, first and foremost, a United States Marine!

5. I will fight tooth and nail, till my dying breath... to protect the rights that so many of my fellow Americans have fallen in battle to bestow upon you, "My Fellow Americans", ... So Help Me God!

6. I fear not, as fear is not a part of my basic vocabulary.

7. I'm the guy your 'momma' warned you about... I bite back!

8. I'm if nothing else, a Patriot. I'd gladly die for you and yours, so that you and yours may share in the freedom that me and mine enjoy as a result of patriots like me and mine. Blood is thicker than water... and true Americans ARE MY BLOOD! And to my blood, I pledge my life!

9. I made a pledge, while not quite 17, to protect this sovereign nation of ours, die if need be whilst in that service,... but more importantly... to take out as many of 'them motherfuckers' in the process as possible.

10. Hence, I state this:

Bring it on assholes!

I am your worst nightmare,
I love my country without compromise.
I am trained for this,
I have the backing of the free world.

I will stand upon the hill of your freshly dug grave,
and wizz upon your corpse.
I will say a prayer for those you left behind,
yet condemn you to an eternal flame.

I am not a bad-ass,
quite the contrary,
I am a patriot,
I am a U.S. Marine.

Piss off a Marine, you'll awake with a severe 'bodyache' from hell. Hurt my fellow Americans,... you'll wake up 'IN HELL' !!!

I'm prepared.

Nuff Said.

My Marine Corps color is 'Gold', to show the world that we are bold...

My Marine Corps Color is 'Green', to show the world we're lean and mean...

My Marine Corps Color is 'Blue', to show the world that we are true...

My Marine Corps Color is 'Red', to show the world the blood we've shed.
Last edited:
So KM and Star are like the wise chicks of the board.

:kiss: Great advice.

floridaguy64 said:
I will continue to use my "Real Life Self" as my Av because:

1. I am and will remain un-affraid of senseless terror inflicting cowards.

2. I am a "concealed carry" permit holder, and yes, I pack heat 'everywhere' I go.

3. I retain security clearences to allow me to do so.

4. I am forever till I die, first and foremost, a United States Marine!

5. I will fight tooth and nail, till my dying breath... to protect the rights that so many of my fellow Americans have fallen in battle to bestow upon you, "My Fellow Americans", ... So Help Me God!

6. I fear not, as fear is not a part of my basic vocabulary.

7. I'm the guy your 'momma' warned you about... I bite back!

8. I'm if nothing else, a Patriot. I'd gladly die for you and yours, so that you and yours may share in the freedom that me and mine enjoy as a result of patriots like me and mine. Blood is thicker than water... and true Americans ARE MY BLOOD! And to my blood, I pledge my life!

9. I made a pledge, while not quite 17, to protect this sovereign nation of ours, die if need be whilst in that service,... but more importantly... to take out as many of 'them motherfuckers' in the process as possible.

10. Hence, I state this:

Bring it on assholes!

I am your worst nightmare,
I love my country without compromise.
I am trained for this,
I have the backing of the free world.

I will stand upon the hill of your freshly dug grave,
and wizz upon your corpse.
I will say a prayer for those you left behind,
yet condemn you to an eternal flame.

I am not a bad-ass,
quite the contrary,
I am a patriot,
I am a U.S. Marine.

Piss off a Marine, you'll awake with a severe 'bodyache' from hell. Hurt my fellow Americans,... you'll wake up 'IN HELL' !!!

I'm prepared.

Nuff Said.

My Marine Corps color is 'Gold', to show the world that we are bold...

To you I say.......

Thank You and to all your comrades from a grateful American. It is to you, and those that came before you and those that will follow you......THAT WE OWE EVERYTHING!

Thank You and G-D Bless the Armed Forces of America!
Re: Very Sound Advice for the masses...

floridaguy64 said:
I will continue to use my "Real Life Self" as my Av because:

1. I am and will remain un-affraid of senseless terror inflicting cowards.

2. I am a "concealed carry" permit holder, and yes, I pack heat 'everywhere' I go.

3. I retain security clearences to allow me to do so.

4. I am forever till I die, first and foremost, a United States Marine!

5. I will fight tooth and nail, till my dying breath... to protect the rights that so many of my fellow Americans have fallen in battle to bestow upon you, "My Fellow Americans", ... So Help Me God!

6. I fear not, as fear is not a part of my basic vocabulary.

7. I'm the guy your 'momma' warned you about... I bite back!

8. I'm if nothing else, a Patriot. I'd gladly die for you and yours, so that you and yours may share in the freedom that me and mine enjoy as a result of patriots like me and mine. Blood is thicker than water... and true Americans ARE MY BLOOD! And to my blood, I pledge my life!

9. I made a pledge, while not quite 17, to protect this sovereign nation of ours, die if need be whilst in that service,... but more importantly... to take out as many of 'them motherfuckers' in the process as possible.

10. Hence, I state this:

Bring it on assholes!

I am your worst nightmare,
I love my country without compromise.
I am trained for this,
I have the backing of the free world.

I will stand upon the hill of your freshly dug grave,
and wizz upon your corpse.
I will say a prayer for those you left behind,
yet condemn you to an eternal flame.

I am not a bad-ass,
quite the contrary,
I am a patriot,
I am a U.S. Marine.

Piss off a Marine, you'll awake with a severe 'bodyache' from hell. Hurt my fellow Americans,... you'll wake up 'IN HELL' !!!

I'm prepared.

Nuff Said.

My Marine Corps color is 'Gold', to show the world that we are bold...

My Marine Corps Color is 'Green', to show the world we're lean and mean...

My Marine Corps Color is 'Blue', to show the world that we are true...

My Marine Corps Color is 'Red', to show the world the blood we've shed.

Just wanted to say a hell yeah to Floridaguy for this. Some people tend to let fear get to them. People like you are an inspiration to many to not be afraid.
"My Marine Corps color is 'Gold'".............

Yes. I know. Don't spoil my love for marines please.