A very picky commenter


You can call me "M"
Nov 1, 2022
I've been receiving comments for a while from a very opinionated commenter. The majority of comments lead me to believe that the commenter is male, although it is hard to tell for sure (he is particularly vocal in the LW category, apparently).

His(?) opinions are all over the place. Most of the time, his comments seem very kind, and supportive. However, every now and then he must get in a bad mood, because he'll read a story, post a kind comment, but then come back an hour later with a bunch of complaints. It's quite frustrating, but he has written so many nice things, I would never dream of blocking him.

Have any of you received comments from this guy?
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The last couple of weeks I've been beset upon by someone who leaves a negative remark on every story, but this person has an actual handle. Its interesting to see someone not hiding behind anon when they troll.

Its like watching a dog learn a new trick.
The last couple of weeks I've been beset upon by someone who leaves a negative remark on every story, but this person has an actual handle. Its interesting to see someone not hiding behind anon when they troll.

Its like watching a dog learn a new trick.
I generally don't mind negative comments, as long as they don't stray too close to personal attacks.

Thoughtful negative comments can even be useful (sometimes).
His name is "anonymous". :love:

(Apparently, he is such a pest at times, that Laurel added in a function where you can specifically block comments from him. He should really get his act together, honestly)

Totally real etymology of 'anonymous"
an- : Article denoting singular
ony : Variant spelling of 'oni,' the Japanese word for a monster basically equivalent to Western trolls or ogres
-mous : Variant spelling of 'muss,' meaning messy or disordered

Ergo, Anonymous is a disorganized, messy little troll-like thing. Can't be helped, unfortunately. Birds gotta chirp, bees gotta buzz, and anonymouses gotta make a mess.
Totally real etymology of 'anonymous"
an- : Article denoting singular
ony : Variant spelling of 'oni,' the Japanese word for a monster basically equivalent to Western trolls or ogres
-mous : Variant spelling of 'muss,' meaning messy or disordered

Ergo, Anonymous is a disorganized, messy little troll-like thing. Can't be helped, unfortunately. Birds gotta chirp, bees gotta buzz, and anonymouses gotta make a mess.
Awww... don't be too mean to Anonymous. Mostly he has nice things to say.

But sometimes he gets cranky
I've noticed an increase in what I call the double dunk. Anon leaves a crappy comment, then within a few minutes another anon saying just about the same thing in the same manner.

Because lit releases comments in bunches now after screening, these show up at the same time so they look even more obvious.

I also get the DD in the way of a handle, saying something followed immediately by a very similar anon.

Have to love the twofers they pad the comment stat and give the story a bump
I've also had twofers say nice things though. I wonder if it's the same anon or a different one. Of course I'll never know
I've encountered him/her as well. I don't want to come to any rash conclusions but at a bare minimum we're dealing with a severe case of multiple personality disorder.
You think Anonymous could actually be more than one person!!? That seems a bit far fetched, don't you think? ;)
To quote Sherlock Holmes: "When you have eliminated all which is impossible then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
I'm not saying it's likely, of course, but sometimes those one-in-a-million shots occur! 🔍👁️
I once based a character on Anonymous. Then he had to die in a war.

If anyone’s curious the character did score well before his passing even if he was somewhat uncomfortable with the situation at first- check out my story Passion 4 on Lit.
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We're gonna need a bigger boat, if we attribute everybody who has also quoted the quote.
Actually, Spock said it was an ancestor of his. It was a reference to his playing Sherlock Holmes in a play and Nicholas Meyer's Holmes Novels.
Actually, Spock said it was an ancestor of his. It was a reference to his playing Sherlock Holmes in a play and Nicholas Meyer's Holmes Novels.
All that means is that the Doyle/Holmes original quote in that case is severely nested and reinforces my assertion re: increased boat size needed.