A very modern Genie...(Closed to SalesGirlAnna & dando20)


Literotica Guru
Jul 30, 2007
Name: Annabelle Morris
Age: 35
Hair: Long Red Hair
Height 5' 5"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Breasts: 38B
Body type: Slender but toned

Annabelle Morris, at one time, was a very successful business woman. But, she had a secret... She was a wizard... She came from a long line of wizards. She had all kinds of powers, but she never used them for great personal gain in her business, because it was strictly forbidden by the Wizards Code. But, one day she was in negotiations for one of the biggest contracts of her career. But the other company was being unreasonable, so she put a spell on them to agree with her terms of the contract... Unfortunately, the Wizards Council found out.

Using powers for great personal gain is a very serious crime among wizards, so she was severally punished... The members of the council changed history completely so it was like she was never born... They removed all traces that she ever existed... And she was turned into a genie, they placed her in a bottle and then placed the bottle somewhere in the world...

Whoever found her bottle would become her master, and she would have to serve them, granting almost any wish they could want... She sat in her bottle hoping that someone good found her...
Name: Dane Keithson
Age: 25
Hair: Short Curly Black hair
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 150 lbs
Body type: Tall and wide

Dane just came back to the bank after doing a shift at the local pizza place as a delivery driver. He was quite glad with the tip he got, getting closer and closer to his goal. He had been saving up for his trip to G-Con. It would be the first game convention that he would be going to and he hasn't been more excited. Living alone has not been a picnic but he has been going OK so far. It was nice to finally be independent away from his parents. He loved them very much but he always seemed confined with them around. Although it was ironic that he still prefers getting home early at night now that he technically had no curfew anymore.

As he was heading home, he saw something shimmering in the alley. He picked it up, seeing it was a very nice-looking bottle. It look like it could be worth a lot of money, so he took it with him.

Dane's apartment in the city was soon in sight, and Dane sighed, glad that he could relax a bit before doing some homework. He got his key out of his pants and jimmy the lock, since it is always been a bit troubling getting the rusty lock to work. He really needed to work on getting it replace soon.

"Ahh...home sweet home.."

Dane collapsed on the couch and sighed, relaxing after the busy day at work. He had the bottle in his hand and observed it. It almost look like one of those fancy bottles from Medieval times, but was crystal blue. He thought he saw something inside and rubbed it to clear the dust from it.
Annabelle sat on the couch in her bottle. It had all the comforts of a small apartment except no TV or internet. It didn't bother her too much because she wasn't much of a TV watcher anyway and since everyone, either in real life or on-line, she ever met had forgotten her, she had no reason to go on-line. So she just sat on the couch and read one of her favorite books... "Maybe this won't be so bad..."

Then a strange sensation came over her. She stood up and looked down at her feet and she saw them turning into smoke... She started to freak out. She followed the direction the smoke with her eyes and she saw it going out of the top of the bottle and outside...

"Aww man..." The smoke traveled up her body and was engulfed in smoke... then the smoke cleared... She look down at her body... She was wearing a blue blouse and black slacks and black pumps... Her red hair was pulled back into a french Braid that reached to the top of her ass... She looked around and saw a man holding her bottle in one hand... 'Great... I have to serve a man...' she thought to herself... She looked at him and forced a smile... "Thank you, Master... My Name is Annabelle and I am your Genie..."
Dane stared at the strange woman that had appeared in the smoke coming from the bottle. He could have faint right there, except he seemed to be more accepting to strange things. But still.

"So...I'm not dreaming or hallucinating right now?...You're...really here?"
Annabelle sighed, "As hard as it is to believe. I am here I'm your Genie... Your wish is my command... Master..." She bows a little. She thinks to myself 'I can't believe this is happening to me' She found it hard to call this man, Master. She was use to being in charge not taking orders.
Dane gulped and went close to her. He touched her face and smiled. He imagined all the things he could do. But first..

"So...are there any rules to wishing? Do I have just 3 wishes?"
"You have unlimited wishes," said Annabelle, "I'm yours until you don't need me anymore.. then Me and my bottle disappear... You can't wish anybody dead and I can't interfere with people's love lives."
"Ok, got it..now..First wish...I wish...I win the next lottery ticket I buy, without it being cursed in anyway."

Dane added that last part in case the genie tried to pull a fast one.
Annabelle nodded and snapped her fingers, "It's done... and you don't have to worry about me twisting your wishes into something bad... It is my job to serve you..."
"Oh ok..good to know...Wow...umm..just to say..you look beautiful.."
Dane touched Annabelle's face and looked at her gorgeous body. He smiled as he though of his next wish.

"I wish...you were my gorgeous girlfriend"
"Oh sorry..but..can we still make out?..your..just so beautiful...And..I always wanted to be with a woman like you"

Dane said as she kept petting Anna's face.
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Dane smiled and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and removed her clothes, seeing her uncovered pussy. He never saw something so arousing and he couldn't help it as his penis got herder and harder.

He started kissing Anna as passionately as he could, not having done this before.

"Mmm..you taste so good.."
"HEY!" said Annabelle as she snapped her fingers. She disappeared from under him and reappeared fully dressed next to the bed. "What you you think you are doing?! Making out is not sex!" She snapped her fingers again and turned into smoke. The smoke traveled out of the room and back into the bottle.
Before Dane could say anything, the smoke went back to the bottle and closed. He sighed, couldn't believe that he messed this up. He sighed, taking the bottle and putting it up in a shelf, ignoring it.

"I'm..I'm sorry...I shouldn't have acted like that..."

He went back to the room, trying to do some homework.
Annabelle returned to her bottle and sat there fuming at what Dane had tried to do to her. "Just because he's my master doesn't give him the right to rape me!" Annabelle put on sweat clothes and started to make herself some dinner.
Dane couldn't concentrate, thinking of what happened. He though about apologizing, but didn't know if she would listen...

Dane grabbed the bottle and rubbed the bottle again.
Annabelle finished making her dinner when she felt herself changing into smoke... And in a moment she was out of her bottle. "What do you want?" she asked with her arms crosses, "This better be good, I was just about to have my dinner..."
Dane sighed and started talking.
"I just wanted to..apologize about my actions earlier..I...I have no excuse fro what I did. You're my genie..but..I should still treat you with respect...I promise..it won't happen again..."

Dane felt tense as she waited for her response.
Annabelle listened and she could tell he was sincere... "Well, just make sure it doesn't happen again... You should know that I have the right to use magic to protect myself from harm..." She walked up to him and poked him in the chest with her finger, "If you EVER try something like that again... I'm going to turn you into a cat... Got it?"