A time of poor world leaders


Really Experienced
May 11, 2010
The world at this moment in time is quite frankly in one hell of a mess, there are wars and dispute between countries that have been dragging on for years with no end in sight. Corruption lies and scandal are an ever present in politics, this we all know, but at a time of need, why do we have the worst group of leaders in living memory. The UK has had three PM,s in the last few months, one was a serial liar to such an extent his own party ditched him, the next darling Liz Truss, borrowed millions crashed the UK economy and was again ditched after only forty some days. Now we have Rishi, a man with no character or spine, typical of most accountants, and that,s just the UK

In Russia we have Putin, what more can we say about him a megalomaniac who threatens the world, and does not care how many of his own people die in the pursuit of his dreams. Again in Europe there,s Macron, a little man who spreads poison when unity is what,s needed,
I wont go into sleepy Joe, or the blonde bombshell Trump, Im sure you get my drift. With this group of leaders I do fear the worst for our future.

The Cold war was worse.

We don't have the worst leaders. We have leaders you don't like.

People that haven't lived through the shit they read about think that their time is the worst time.

Go through two world wars. Go through the depression. Hint: their prime deliveries took a bit longer
Can you imagine if people of today's world had to piss in a pot under their bed and empty it out back every night?

I absolutely agree that society has allowed us to live better....but your life is not worse off than a fucking farmer from 1910 who worked from before sunrise to after sunset every day to provide for their family.

Fucking princesses need to put things in o
Proper perspective.
There's a short piece in the Washington Post, kind of a PSA and its about how world leaders need to unite and pay attention to the biggest threat to extinction we're facing, AI. Its signed by multiple people who were involved in creating and developing AI who now realize they've unleashed a bigger threat to the world than an actual war.

I agree with the warning and action needs to be taken....but all world leaders will do is see what advantage they can gain from AI rather than say "we need to do something about this"
There's a short piece in the Washington Post, kind of a PSA and its about how world leaders need to unite and pay attention to the biggest threat to extinction we're facing, AI. Its signed by multiple people who were involved in creating and developing AI who now realize they've unleashed a bigger threat to the world than an actual war.

I agree with the warning and action needs to be taken....but all world leaders will do is see what advantage they can gain from AI rather than say "we need to do something about this"
AI is a threat to extinction?

First of all, if you reference it, provide a source.

Second of all

There's a short piece in the Washington Post, kind of a PSA and its about how world leaders need to unite and pay attention to the biggest threat to extinction we're facing, AI. Its signed by multiple people who were involved in creating and developing AI who now realize they've unleashed a bigger threat to the world than an actual war.

I agree with the warning and action needs to be taken....but all world leaders will do is see what advantage they can gain from AI rather than say "we need to do something about this"
Worrying about AI being an existential threat is a way to market AI as being more intelligent than it actually is.
Worrying about AI being an existential threat is a way to market AI as being more intelligent than it actually is.


It would be fun to discuss AI on here, but there aren't a lot of Politics Board members who actually "get" it. (None of the Deplorables do.) 🤔
With this group of leaders I do fear the worst for our future.
What's your opinion on Coriolanus Snow?


I've heard lots of talk about this guy, a very driven person, might be one to watch.
I can’t help laughing at how effective a media campaign can be in making Americans think someone is a villain.

Putin is a guy who does what he thinks will benefit Russia. He wants his country to be powerful, influential, and respected the way it was when he was young. Because of that, he is reliable, predictable, and reasonable.

He wants a buffer zone between Russia and NATO, as his predecessors did. He probably wonders why, instead of disbanding when the USSR fell apart, NATO decided to keep pushing closer. An alliance without an enemy became more aggressive than ever. Why would he think America has good intentions in Ukraine?

But never mind all that. TV says he’s a monster and that’s enough for you.
Yes, you're a Putin fan. We get it.

They're an adversary and the country's purpose is to supplant our leadership on the world stage
There's a short piece in the Washington Post, kind of a PSA and its about how world leaders need to unite and pay attention to the biggest threat to extinction we're facing, AI. Its signed by multiple people who were involved in creating and developing AI who now realize they've unleashed a bigger threat to the world than an actual war.

I agree with the warning and action needs to be taken....but all world leaders will do is see what advantage they can gain from AI rather than say "we need to do something about this"
You looked at the CLIMATE in the room and your TEMPERATURE gauge rose to the TIPPING point that you should give your peer reviewed HOT take that AI is what it is that mankind should do something urgently about. o_Oo_Oo_O:poop::poop:
I can’t help laughing at how effective a media campaign can be in making Americans think someone is a villain.

Putin is a guy who does what he thinks will benefit Russia. He wants his country to be powerful, influential, and respected the way it was when he was young. Because of that, he is reliable, predictable, and reasonable.

He wants a buffer zone between Russia and NATO, as his predecessors did. He probably wonders why, instead of disbanding when the USSR fell apart, NATO decided to keep pushing closer. An alliance without an enemy became more aggressive than ever. Why would he think America has good intentions in Ukraine?

But never mind all that. TV says he’s a monster and that’s enough for you.
You're an idiot.
Right now AI has an IQ of about 155. Einstein was 160. In a decade AI will be 1000x smarter than any human.
For years we’ve used the ability to write fluid prose as a proxy for intelligence. Modern AI is optimized to mimic that behavior. When it comes to actually understanding what it’s writing about, it’s really stupid.

It would be fun to discuss AI on here, but there aren't a lot of Politics Board members who actually "get" it. (None of the Deplorables do.) 🤔
And that lack of "getting it" has never once stopped them from posting. Which is why I get so many laughs reading their shit. This place is almost better than front seat rows at a Seinfeld show...
It would be fun to discuss AI on here, but there aren't a lot of Politics Board members who actually "get" it. (None of the Deplorables do.) 🤔
It's being discussed on other parts of the site.
The Cold war was worse.

We don't have the worst leaders. We have leaders you don't like.

People that haven't lived through the shit they read about think that their time is the worst time.

Go through two world wars. Go through the depression. Hint: their prime deliveries took a bit longer
Very well stated.....
Can you imagine if people of today's world had to piss in a pot under their bed and empty it out back every night?

I absolutely agree that society has allowed us to live better....but your life is not worse off than a fucking farmer from 1910 who worked from before sunrise to after sunset every day to provide for their family.

Fucking princesses need to put things in o
Proper perspective.
Yupper well stated 1174..... there's nothing like missing a few meals in the freezing dark to bring things into perspective.
Capitalism has nothing positive to offer in this era. This is why the politicians of today are so bad.
Worrying about AI being an existential threat is a way to market AI as being more intelligent than it actually is.
A reckless remark. AI is only going to get more and more intelligent over time.

While a Terminator style machine threat of wiping out humans is a possibility, AI is more likely to go a Doctor Who cybermen route where humans are "upgraded" more and more into machines over time, basically a machine takeover by "consent" rather than all-out war.