a survivor is born (closed)


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2011
“A famous explorer once said that the extraordinary is not what we find but what we do”

“And so I set out to make my mark to find adventure”

“But instead adventure found me”

A crack of lightening struck the ship causing Lara Coft to halt and scramble back as fire began to lick the flames of the deck. Lara saw her friend Alex pushing the rest of the endurance crew onto lifeboats. She started towards him but the boat lurched causing her to fall and slide against the desk. She saw her mentor Conrad Roth on the broken half of the ship reaching out and yelling at her as Alex tugged on his arm. She saw her self sliding to the edge and jumped at the last minute stretching out her fingers to try and catch his.

And she failed

As she began to fall into the lurching sea she saw Alex jump off the boat after her. They crashed into each other tumbling into the waves and plunging both of their worlds in darkness.


Alex groaned and woke up feeling pressure on his head as if blood was rushing towards it. He opened his eyes slowly remembering his fathers training.

“keep your head clear and take in your surroundings first use the element of surprise to your advantage”

Alex peeked through blurry eyes seeing no enemies around him he opened them.

And found himself upside down

He bit his lip to stop the scream from coming out and looked around. He was bundled in white cloth above a forest floor. Other white cacoons were scattered around him full of dead bodies and…… Lara croft!

“Lara Lara!” Alex shouted struggling to break out of the cocoon and get her down. His tried to move his hands into his pocket to reach his combat knife all the while trying to wake her up.
Lara could hear her name faintly, as if someone was yelling in the distance. She felt the urge to ignore it and slip back into the blissful nothingness. It was calming and soothing. Yet, a terrible pain in her head was starting to break through. It throbbed and she could now hear her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She wanted it to stop.

Her eyes fluttered open as she heard her name again. Everything was blurry and she could not think straight. Her head was killing her. It took her a few seconds to focus on everything. She groaned as she realized where she was.

She looked to Alex, who had been calling her name. She tried to move, but her hands were pinned to her side. “What’s going on?” She struggled to speak, it only came out as a whisper.
“We ship wrecked I don’t know what happened you went over board and I jumped in after you” Alex said fighting the urge to blush and finally pulling out his knife.

“I don’t know why were upside down and cocooned but we need to find the others!” Alex said sawing through half of his cocoon. The bindings snapped and he crashed onto the floor cracking into a pile of bones.

Alex groaned and got up dusting the grim and dust form his kayak pants and boots. He groaned and reached back popping his back back into place.

“Shit how am I going to get you down?” Alex asked looking up above her.
Lara listened to Alex as he spoke. It was coming back to her now. She remembered the shipwreck and trying to get to the others. She remembered Alex jumping in after her. The rest was a blur. She blinked a few times as her head throbbed. She needed to get down so she could at least think properly.

She watched as Alex sawed his way free and fell down. She looked at him as he spoke about getting her down. “Good question,” she replied as she looked around for something. She struggled a bit, loosening the cocoon. She could move her hands from her back to her sides. She had a pocket knife in there, but it was hard to reach. “I cannot reach my knife,” she said looking at him again. She looked to the bones, “Think you could attach your knife to one of those femur bones and try to cut enough of this I could slide out?” It was the best she could come up with while hanging upside down.
“Yeah I think so” Alex said grabbing a long bone he duct taped it on and reached up beginning to saw through the bindings. The angle was stepp and he had to work slowly trying to carve her out.

“Some one had to have tied us up to these trees” Alex said sawing into her “we need to find Roth and the others now!” he said trying to saw faster.

Ales stopped hearing voices coming up behind them. He cursed and sawed through the rest of the bindings. Dropping the bone back into his hands and leveling his make shift spear towards the voices.

“We need to go now!” Alex hissed
Lara hit the ground and lost her breath for a second. It was welcomed because she could finally think again as the blood rushed away from her head. She heard the voices and nodded as Alex said they needed to go. “Indeed,” she mumbled as she got to her feet and stumbled a bit. She tapped his arm as he stood there and nodded towards the opposite direction.

It looked very dense and would give them the cover they needed to get away. Whoever put them up there was not someone she wanted to run into just yet. They needed to get their bearings and try to figure out where their friends were.

She started in the direction the nodded, disappearing into the thick foliage. She could only hope it hid them enough from people that were used to living and hunting here. She quickly, but quietly made her way far back enough to not be seen from where they were.
“Where do you think the others are?” Alex whispered moving with her in the forest. They got to a spot far enough back and Alex grabbed her keeping her form moving as the men appeared out of the path. They chatted for a few minutes before they brought up there guns disappearing around another corner.

“Before we were uh knocked out” Alex whispered watching them leave. He made sure they were gone before getting up brushing the twigs off of his pants. He looked around trying to find any thing to use as a weapon finding none he growled frustrated.

“Before we got knocked out I saw the life boat going to the beach the one on the south side” Alex said pointing at a path “We should be able to follow the path down to the beach” Alex explained.
Lara shook her head and whispered back, “I don’t know.” Truth was she did not remember much after falling into the sea. She wished she remembered more or even something. She did remember the beach and the water, but that was about it.

She stopped when he grabbed her and watched the men talk and leave. She looked at Alex as he began to talk as she stood up as well. She smiled at Alex, “Oh very good. We shall head that way then.” She looked around for a moment, looking for anything what would do for a weapon, but there was nothing to be found. She looked at Alex, “I doubt your pocket knife will help out too much in a fight. We need a weapon.”