A Summer to Remember (Open)

Lucifers Tongue

Quiet Desperation
Jul 27, 2004
A Summer to Remember (Closed)


Brady shifted the contents of the trunk around to accommodate his large black suitcase and two smaller bags, one full of dirty clothes, the other filled with shoes. Once he had managed to fit everything in, he reached up and placed a hand on the hood of the trunk and slammed it shut. As he turned back toward the frat house, he saw two of the sorority girls from next door, Casey and Melody, walking up the sidewalk towards him.

"Hey Brady," the girls said in unison, each of them smiling and waving. Both girls were dressed in short, casual shorts and tight t-shirts with their sorority letters on the front.

"So, is it true?" Casey asked, her long, blond ponytail swaying from side to side as she walked. "You're not staying in town for the summer?"

"It's true, unfortunately," Brady answered, slipping his car keys from the pocket of his blue jeans. "I've got to go back home to Portland for the summer. My parents are going to be in Europe all summer and they want me to watch over the house and keep an eye on my little sister."

"Well, that sucks," Melody said, cocking her head to the side slightly. "You're going to miss the Tri-Delt's big July 4th party, and all the beach parties."

"Believe me, I'm not happy about it," Brady admitted. "My sister is eighteen, I don't see why she can't take care of herself for a couple of months."

"Well, we were just about to change into our swimsuits and take a drive over to the beach. Do you want to come along?" Casey asked.

"I wish I could, but I've got to hit the road," Brady explained. "I promised my parents that I'd be home tonight."

"Okay," Casey said, sounding disappointed, but smiling nonetheless.

"Group hug," Melody announced as she and Casey stepped close to Brady and wrapped their arms around his waist. Brady put an arm around each girl's shoulders and gave them a squeeze.

"Well, drive safe," Casey said as she pulled away.

"Cya soon," Melody said, making an exaggerated sad face as she waved goodbye.

"Have fun this summer," Brady said as he walked around to the driver's side of the car. "If I can, I'll try to come back for the 4th of July party. I don't want to miss that."

"That would be awesome," Melody said, both girls waving as they continued on down the sidewalk.

Brady sighed with frustration as he watched the beautiful girls walking away. Resigning himself to the fact that his summer was officially going to suck, he climbed into the car and started the engine. As he pulled out of the driveway he said a mental goodbye to campus life in southern california, and gave a mental middle finger to the thought of spending his summer baby sitting his little sister in dreary Portland.

(Closed for MadameNyx)
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Rhian let out a long sigh as she brushed her arm over her forehead, pushing back some damp strands of reddish brown hair. Her black rimmed glasses slid slowly down the bridge of her nose, focusing her dark blue eyes on the canvas she was currently painting her frustration on.

Really she didn't understand why she couldn't stay alone for a month. She was old enough to drive, have a job, even drink in some places... But her parents had called her condescending brother to keep an eye on her. Of course, they would've let Brady stay alone. He was male, and had always been the good boy, always on some sport or other, one of the most popular guys at the high school they had both attended. She, on the other had, was always the wild child: Tattooed, artsy, more shy. It wasn't that she got in trouble, but her parents always wanted her to be a good girl, not to dye her hair, maybe be a cheerleader and have a 4.0 GPA.... like that was going to happen.

Deciding to stop painting, she stretched her log arms, the sun glinting off the colorful in on her skin. Her parents had gone in the morning, and her brother wasn't due until late at night, so she should perhaps enjoy what little time she still had alone. Slipping into a black bikini, she grabbed a towel and headed for their pool in the backyard, hoping to catch some sun before her boring brother got there.
It was still late afternoon when Brady pulled his car into the circular drive at his parent's suburban home. Light traffic on the interstate and an undeniable lead foot had seen him arrive nearly two hours before he had planned. As the engine of his classic mustang rumbled into silence, Brady slipped awkwardly from the car. The hours of driving had left him feeling stiff and tired. As he drug his bags from the trunk, and into through the front door, he was torn between the desire to crash on his parents couch and the desire to take a swim in their pool.

There was no sign of his sister, Rhian, as Brady carried his bags upstairs and placed them in his old bedroom. Truth was, Brady was glad. He loved his younger sister, but they'd never been particularly close, especially as she had grown into a willful, smart mouthed teenager. And the fact that he was forced to spend his summer at his parents' house because they couldn't trust her only added to his irritation.

After taking a few moments to unpack the most essential of his things, Brady decided to change into his trunks and take a swim. He emerged from the back of the house five minutes later, wearing only his blue and white swim trunks, a towel draped over his shoulder. As he approached the pool he noticed one of the neighbors, Mr. Callahan, he thought it was, staring over the fence at something by the pool. The middle-aged man was so intent on whatever he was looking at that he didn't notice Brady at all.

It was only a moment later, as Brady got closer to the pool that he realized what the old man was ogling. It was Rhian.