A serious thread about vixenshe's AV

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
It really is kinda gross. I mean, hell, if you're going to put it out there over and over and over and over and over again, I'm allowed to say that, right? I figure that's acceptable in a case where someone constantly puts nude photos of herself before the public. You obviously want reaction. Why else would you do it? So I don't want to hear from anyone telling me to "not look" or "turn of the AVs!" or "just don't say anything". If I can comment on Busy's stupid sig line I can comment a really nice but seriously obese woman's fuck pics.

At least they're not as bad as Lobito's ass.
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And this is why I usually confine my nekkid pics to the pic forum.

Overexposure is never a good thing.
Of course you can comment, why shouldn't you?

Just the same as I can say its a gorgeous pussy on a rather attractive looking woman.
Glam has a point DCL. Just like she has the right to post whatever this pic is you are talking about. It sounds like my no av rule is a good thing.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
It really is kinda gross. I mean, hell, if you're going to put it out there over and over and over and over and over again, I'm allowed to say that, right? I figure that's acceptable in a case where someone constantly puts nude photos of herself before the public. You obviously want reaction. Why else would you do it? So I don't want to hear from anyone telling me to "not look" or "turn of the AVs!" or "just don't say anything". If I can comment on Busy's stupid sig line I can comment on nudie pics of a really nice but seriously obese woman's fuck pics.

At least they're not as bad as Lobito's ass.

I think the confidence and empowerment she possesses is something that should be celebrated, not mocked.

Sure, comment all you like, I just don't understand why its so important to you that you needed to do this.
I can't see how on earth you can tell from that small kitty av that she is "seriously obese".
She does have the right, just as we all do, to use whatever AV of herself she wishes to.

But personally I don't care for pussy and cock AV's.

It would be nice to have the option to turn off only certain peoples AV's because I enjoy looking at most. *shrug*
I'm not going to turn off my AVs just so I don't have to look at one gross photo. I'm going to reserve the right to say it's gross. If it were ONE photo I probably wouldn't say anything, since she's a nice lady and all. But every thread is about how horny she is and gives graphic detail of her lovemaking and she's placed numerous nude photos, etc. The woman is courting reaction to her nudity and sexuality. So, I'm giving one.
Johnny Mayberry said:
She had a very pretty one up the other day, of her face, and I wish she'd stick to those...

Personally I am with you on this, but hey, she can do as she pleases.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
It really is kinda gross.

Hi Dixon,

I don't think its " gross " per say , but rather in my opinion its like "whoa!" ... do you know what I mean ?!

Anyone may post any av. image they choose , and there will always be those certain avs that cause a certain reaction in some individuals.

Alas, we are on a porn forum, hence some of the risque images floating all over the place.
Re: Re: A serious thread about vixenshe's AV

Lancecastor said:
I think the confidence and empowerment she possesses is something that should be celebrated, not mocked.


With all due respect to vixenshe, I don't see it as being about confidence and empowerment. I see it as a plea for attention... positive or negative.

And I happen to agree with Johnny. The face avs are much more interesting and pleasant. My aversion to it isn't based on the size of the woman's body either. I just think there are way more attractive things to have up than closeups of a cooter.
You're right, DCL, this particular av is up for reactions... but only for the reactions of one person (I know I'll get feedback from all kinds of people over it, but the main point of putting the av up was for one person). I originally just had my pussy av up, and she just went ballistic over it, so to taunt her, I changed it (as per her request), but to this one, rather than taking my pussy down.

Come now, you of all people should understand taunting people... so understand that this av was actually created (from a larger pic) just for this woman.

I enjoy her rather idiotic reactions.
i dont like to see anyones genitals (male or female) when im trying to talk to them about the up coming war in iraq or some environmental issue :)

but yet again vixenshe mostly doesn't come to lit to talk about things like that she comes here to have fun and talk about other sorts of things ... and you have to remember this is a porn board or at least a sex board :)

i wouldn't of made this thread about vixenshe you should of made it about everyone who show's off their bits :)
peachykeen said:
Personally I am with you on this, but hey, she can do as she pleases.

Oh yeah...freedom and all that. I would never say she couldn't, and I understand that she may enjoy doing it...but I don't prefer it, and I think that a comment can be made to that effect without being rude.
k¡tty said:
She does have the right, just as we all do, to use whatever AV of herself she wishes to.

But personally I don't care for pussy and cock AV's.

It would be nice to have the option to turn off only certain peoples AV's because I enjoy looking at most. *shrug*

Re: Re: A serious thread about vixenshe's AV

Lancecastor said:
I think the confidence and empowerment she possesses is something that should be celebrated, not mocked.


I'm not mocking any of those things, you girl, I'm offering my male libidio opinion of her enormous body in prone sexual positions, which she presents over and over and over and over again for reaction.
huskie said:

lol dude there isn't anything to be sorry for. :)

I'm mostly talking about extreme close ups anyway.. and I'm fairly certain that there are a good many that don't care for mine.

To each his own..
huskie said:

why say sorry ? you put up an av like that you must realize that some people are going to like them and others aren't :)

if you want to have that av its fine but you can't expect everyone to like them so you shouldn't apologize