A question for current or ex US servicemen.


Gun Totin'
Oct 14, 2001
I'm writing my ass off at the moment and need a bit of info on the rank structure in the US military. Particularly as it applies to US Army and the Marines although info on the rank progression of Navy S.E.A.L.S. would be helpful too.

I know there are many levels of sargeant for instance, but have no idea how they run. I know we have many ex servicemen and a couple of current ones here on the boards so any help would be gratefully recieved.

Thanks in advance. :cool:
If you can wait another 4 hours.. I can ask Mr Freaky. But hopefully someone else comes along before that. LOL
Can't speak for the lesser branches of American services, but in the Army it goes

Private First Class
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Master Sergeant / First Sergeant
Sergeant Major / Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Army

Sergeant First Class usually is the top guy at the platoon level
First Sergeant is topkick at the company level
Command Sergeant Major is the highest rank at battalion and brigade level.

Hope this helps.
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YAY!!! Your writing another erotic story!!! Let us all know when it's done :kiss:
freakygurl said:
If you can wait another 4 hours.. I can ask Mr Freaky. But hopefully someone else comes along before that. LOL

Freaky you rock... many thanks.:kiss:
The lower ranks of the army:
Private = E1
PVT 2 = E2
Private First Class — E3
Corporal or Specialist 4 — E4
There are a lot more Spec 4s than there are corporals. I don't recall seeing anyone with the rank of corporal when I was in the army.
Specialist ranks also continue, I think up to Spec 7.
ThrobDownSouth said:
Can't speak for the lesser branches of American services, but in the Army it goes

Staff Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Master Sergeant / First Sergeant
Sergeant Major / Command Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major of the Army

Sergeant First Class usually is the top guy at the platoon level
First Sergeant is topkick at the company level
Command Sergeant Major is the highest rank at battalion and brigade level.

Hope this helps.

Awesome thanks Throb... but I also need to know about the officer rankings. Another question... below sergeant, what is there... In the New Zealand army we have Private, then Lance Corporal (one stripe), then Corporal (two hooks) then we go to sergeant. I left as a Corporal who was just about to be promoted to Sergeant. It saved me a fortune in booze.:D
I think corporal in the US Army nowadays is reserved exclusively for combat arms (Infantry, Armor< Artillery).
roxanne69 said:
YAY!!! Your writing another erotic story!!! Let us all know when it's done :kiss:

I have a few erotic stories on the drawing boards at the moment but this is a novel I'm getting into. It even has a plot.:eek: ;)
Ham Murabi said:
The lower ranks of the army:
Private = E1
PVT 2 = E2
Private First Class — E3
Corporal or Specialist 4 — E4
There are a lot more Spec 4s than there are corporals. I don't recall seeing anyone with the rank of corporal when I was in the army.
Specialist ranks also continue, I think up to Spec 7.

Many thanks Ham.:D
Freaky you rock... and I have always thought that. You were the first to help me out with my AV way back when and now this. Thank you sweet lady. Happy Valentines day to ya.:rose: :kiss:
kiwiwolf said:
I have a few erotic stories on the drawing boards at the moment but this is a novel I'm getting into. It even has a plot.:eek: ;)

A novel? Wow, best of luck kiwi! It's one of the things I hope to do in this lifetime. Congrats to you for having the gumtion to sit down and write one. :kiss:
sorry misread first post, thought you only wanted NCO ranks. Corrected.

Officers ranks:

2nd Lieutenant 2LT aka boot or butterbar (Platoon commander)
1st Lieutenant 1LT
Captain (Company commander)
Lt. Colonel (Battalion commander)
Colonel (Brigade commander)
Brigadier General
Major General (2 stars, Division commander)
Lieutenant General (3 stars, Corps commander)
General (4 stars, Army commander)
General of the Army (5 stars, not used since WWII)
I can't find anything on Navy Seals though..

I'll keep looking. You are welcome Kiwi. :kiss:
ThrobDownSouth said:
sorry misread first post, thought you only wanted NCO ranks. Corrected.

Officers ranks:

2nd Lieutenant 2LT aka boot or butterbar (Platoon commander)
1st Lieutenant 1LT
Captain (Company commander)
Lt. Colonel (Battalion commander)
Colonel (Brigade commander)
Brigadier General
Major General (2 stars, Division commander)
Lieutenant General (3 stars, Corps commander)
General (4 stars, Army commander)
General of the Army (5 stars, not used since WWII)

Throb that is invaluable man. I thank you.:cool:
roxanne69 said:
A novel? Wow, best of luck kiwi! It's one of the things I hope to do in this lifetime. Congrats to you for having the gumtion to sit down and write one. :kiss:

LOL... the proof of the pudding is always in the tasting. We'll have to wait and see if it ever sees a printing press.

I'm also writing a collection of childrens stories for my daughter. A cousin of mine does book binding as a hobby and a cottage industry... he is going to bind them for me.
This guys' site drives me nuts. I don't like the layout, however, it might help.


Naval ranks:

Seaman recruit
Seaman apprentice
Petty Officer Third Class (sometimes referred to as third usually rating + 3)
Petty Officer Second Class (sometimes called second usually rating + 3)
Petty Officer First Class (sometimes called first usually rating + 3
Chief Petty Officer (called Chief)
Senior Chief Petty Officer (called Senior by equals or better and Senior Chief by juniors)
Master Chief Petty Officer (called master chief)

Naval enlisted personnel aren't called by their ranks. They're called by their rank and rating. For example, Jesse Ventura was a Petty Officer second class who was a storekeeper (supply) rating. He may have been referred to by SK2 depending on where he was. A chief and up is always a chief and up.

Write it up and then have someone else do the jargon for you. Look through various Navy seal sites and you'll find various seals posted. Rip their jobs. Navy is just so way fucked up rank-wise.
freakygurl said:
I can't find anything on Navy Seals though..

I'll keep looking. You are welcome Kiwi. :kiss:

I believe the Seals would have the same ranks as anyone else in the navy... the Seals are a special unit of the Navy... but they would be ranked just the the same as any other sailor I believe... Just like Army Rangers or Green Berets....

I was an Army nurse, but I think I am right on that point...