A Question about Mythological Creatures Vs. Bestiality


Jul 9, 2012
Where is the line drawn, exactly? Is it in traces of human form in the mythological beast? Or is it in human-level intellect? Is it both? Why are tentacle monsters, which are largely devoid of either of these, generally accepted?

This is partly just curiosity about policy, but I also have some ideas for fantasy stories that run the mythos-beastie gambut.

I appreciate any info anyone can give me.
Mythical creatures are allowed as far as I know. I've seen several stories where a human has sex with the Predator (from the sci fi movie) and with alien creatures from video games.

It's only a problem when you use animals that actually exist.

Hope that helps.

And to the question in your sig; you can submit as many stories as you want at once. I don't see why there would be a problem.
#1 is the ability to consent. Natural animals can't do this, so that's why they're out. The tentacle monsters are by nature the initiators, and as the fucker rather than the fuckee, that's consent.

Or, it may be considered along the lines of a robot, which is more of a sex toy than a creature as best I can tell Lit judges it. The completely unintelligent tentacle monsters probably have a mixture of this and the fucker over fuckee elements.

#2 is not getting too close to natural animals. A talking dog isn't going to work. There are some things such as unicorns that dance on the line of this, as they're little more than horses with a horn, but as well-known fantasy ( not real ) creatures, they seem to pass muster. Something lesser-known may not make it past the rejection stamp.

If the creature is humanoid, regardless of animal characteristics, intelligent, and consenting, it's not an issue. Were creatures and furries are your examples here. Satyrs, Lamia, Harpies, and Centaurs also fall in this area.
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Ahem, bestiality is not allowed because at best the animal is a severely drunk woman. Having sex with her is rape, I think not if you are married to her but otherwise that is rape. Doesn't matter if she said fuck me now you stud and took her clothes off, it's rape. It's a gentle rape and really only called such if she says in the morning I didn't want to do you.

Now, fantasy creatures are not the same thing. Granted a unicorn probably has the intelligence of a horse but it's not real either. So a fantasy story with a unicorn fucking a virgin girl is allowed because a unicorn doesn't exist. Same thing with the tentacle creatures, I mean seriously think about it, what's the motivation?

Octupus have eight tentacles and they don't go around grabbing women to please them sexually. If they do send one to me please. :D
Stoopid Shitz

Nuthin in any work of fiction is real. Its the same game cops play pretending to be lil girlz and boyz.

Slightly off topic, but I couldn't resist pointing this out.

Same thing with the tentacle creatures, I mean seriously think about it, what's the motivation?

Octupus have eight tentacles and they don't go around grabbing women to please them sexually. If they do send one to me please. :D

Well, they don't grab human women, but "Naughty Tentacles" is how cephalopods (octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, etc.) have sex. They even have a special kind of tentacle, the hectocotylus, to inseminate their mates with (a male cephalopod generally has two hectocotyli; nature loves symmetry).

Again, I know it's off topic; sorry. :eek:

Oh, and as for the person who pointed out that technically nothing in a story actually exists due to it being, you know, a story, the point is that if you write a dog-on-girl story, that particular dog doesn't exist, but somewhere in the world, dogs exist. The same cannot be said for unicorns, dragons or alien tentacle monsters.

Granted, if we make first contact and the aliens happen to look like squid, those stories are going to get really awkward really fast.
I had a recent story where a character had sex with a pan which is half goat/half man. I really wondered if it would get through as I thought it was cutting it close. Thankfully it was excepted so mythical creatures are OK it seems.

I do think the ban on bestiality on Lit is (in the sense of adult fiction) a strange one though. I agree for sure in real life such an act should be punished, but as a fantasy that happens only in the readers mind its OK. It seems strange the amount of incest stories and near pederast content on this site seems to be acceptable, while bestiality is shunned.

It's like I have read stories on this site of zombies having sex with people but once I submitted a story about some guys deliberately having sex with the the zombie versions of women they knew but had previously been rejected by, and it was rejected.