A Place Of Ones Own (closed)

"Going to Inverlochly could be our second honeymoon." Annie said with a small smile on her lips. "Our anniversary is coming up anyway. I think it would be good to get away."
"It would be. We should take Ferrous and Highlander with us, though. I hear Inverlochly is prime riding territory." Then he added teasingly, "In more ways than one." He kissed her again before heading toward the side of the house to chop more firewood as they'd been using wood constantly with the bitter cold.
Annie smiled as David walked away, telling her to make the plans to go to Inverlochly. She would talk to her Da, she decided as she bundled up in a woolen shawl and cloak, pulling the hood up against the cold as she walked towards the keep. She found him in his office, simply sitting there in the warmth, his blind eyes looking deep into the fire.

"Evening, Da." Annie said as she kissed his cheek and slipped out of her cloak to settle in beside him for a talk. "You're looking better today."
"Looking better?" Brogan chuckled. "How awful'd I look before?" He sat forward as he faced her. What with Kate and Kell managing a truce with the Erygonians, he was feeling better and beginning to take better care of himself, shifting his attention from military to home life and the lives of his people. It was doing wonders for Julia too, whom Brogan had been able to spend more time with, though she still looked weak.

"What can I do for ya, love?" Brogan asked softly.
"I talked to David about going to Inverlochly and he thought it was a great idea." Annie said softly, knowing that even though her father loved David like a son, it was hard for him to think about her being married. "Can we still go? I know you offered a while ago, but we thought it would be nice once this snow melted to go there for a few days."
"Once th'snow melts... I don' mind. Jus' don't be gone fer too long, aye? I expect th'baby'll be here before early summer, if not a little sooner, an' I'll need plenty o' help seein' Inverness through th'planting season."
"Thank you, Da." She said softly as she stood to kiss his cheek again. "I promise you that we won't be gone long. David always enjoys helping with the planting. Ferrous and Highland can help pulling plows."
"Don' leave jus' yet, love," Brogan caught her hand. "Tell me 'ow things're goin'. Y'weren't yerself fer a while, but y'seem t'be alright now. I know y'didn't think I'd notice, but I can hear it in your voice when yer no' doin' well."
Annie let out a sigh as her father pulled her back to her seat, asking her to stay and talk. She didn't quite know how she could tell him what had happened.

"I was pregnant, Da." She said softly, taking his giant hand in her own and holding it tightly. "And I lost the baby. It's been rough on the both of us. We wanted a baby so bad, but we aren't ready to give up trying."
Brogan turned to face her fully and she could see the concern and a bit of heartbreak in his expression. "Aw, Ann... Why didn't you tell me?" He leaned closer to embrace her tightly. "You an' David shouldn' 'ave gone through tha' alone..."
Annie melted into her father's arms as she always had from the time she was a baby. There was something so sure and secure about being in his arms and Annie let out a long sigh. She knew that he had the right to know, but she felt so strange about placing more worries on his shoulders in his greatest time of need.

"We're in the middle of a war, Da. I didn't think that you needed to worry about something else." Annie murmured softly. "I'm fine though. I promise. David and I aren't giving up yet."
"It's my job to worry. The day I stop worryin' is th' day the world ends." Brogan kissed her cheek and let his head rest against her own. "I want t'know what 'appens t'my little girl." He finally stood with her. "Y'don't have t'keep things from me, love. I may no' be at m'best, but I ain' a weak old man yet."
Annie rested her dark head against her father's and smiled as he told her that he would worry about her no matter what. She let out a little sigh as she thought about those words.

"I know you're not an old man." Annie said with a laugh. "I promise that we will let you know the next time a little one is involved."
"You know, you're shapin' up t'be jus' like yer Ma..." Brogan smiled, but she could see a hint of sadness. "We lost our first little one... Cassie didn't tell me til after, she said she'd been sure it was a girl. We would've named 'er after yer Grandma Jessie. Only people who knew were yer grandmothers at th' time. When she found out she was 'avin' you, she was scared t'tell me. Yer named after Marianne because she was practically yer Ma's guardian while she was carryin' you. Made Cassie tell me an' she was there when we made the announcement. Cassie knew she'd 'ave a girl, and a girl was what I'd always wanted."
"I miss her." Annie said softly. "I miss her laugh and her soft voice. It gets harder and harder to remember the color of her eyes or the sound of her voice."

She pulled back from her father slightly and touched his cheek gently. "Julia has been wonderful to me though. I couldn't ask for a better mother in my life. She has never once made me feel like I was out of place."
"I think that's because she knew how it felt t'be so out o' place, an' she never wanted a sweet little girl, much less 'er daughter, t'feel it too. She's th'reason we all made it this far, else I'd still be some kind o' monster an' you might never 'ave met David."
"I would have had to settle for an Irishman instead of the big lug I have back at home." Annie said with a smile as she wrapped her father with a tight hug. "I'm happy I have my Da back though. I know Ma is so proud of you and everything you've done in your life."
"Let's hope she is... It all turned out a lot different from th' dream she an' I once 'ad. I almos' gave th'throne t'Boar 'r Durban so I could spend most o' my time focusin' on family when we 'ad you. But either way, things turned out right, 'ard as it is to remember sometimes." Brogan touched her cheek lightly, remembering that she looked just like her mother even if he couldn't see her anymore. "Now, do me a favor an' see tha' Sam an' Rho an' Kate don't get into too much more trouble. One less set o' eyes watchin' means more nefarious deeds."
"Watch Sam and Rho and Kate? Da, you might be asking me too much there." Annie teased as she kissed her father's cheek, knowing that he needed all the help that he could get. "David and I will make sure that they stay safe. David is good with the boys and Kate can pretty well fend for herself."

"Get well for me, Da. Everyone wants to see you back to your old self again." Annie said softly.
"Get well? I'm fine," Brogan sat back down and leaned back with a peaceful smile. He looked better than he'd been when Kate and Kell returned from meeting the Erygonians, but to anyone who knew him well like Annie did, they could tell it was only an outward appearance. Brogan would never admit he was crumbling, even if it was painfully obvious.
"I don't believe that for a moment, Da." Annie murmured as her father tried to convince her that he was fine. "But I won't press you."

She was quiet for a long moment as she looked at her father and thought about how weak he was right that moment. "Would you like me to sit here with you a while? I have nowhere pressing that I need to be."
"Y'don't need t'concern yerself with yer ol'man, love... But I wouldn' mind a little company. Gets awful lonely with everyone so busy keepin' the town up while I can't 'ardly do anythin' outside th' keep... Rho an' Sam try t'keep me company, but young lads jus' can't sit still fer so long."
Annie kept her seat with a smile. Her father would never admit that he was lonely, but she knew him better than anyone. They had been through so much together that she could read what was in his heart and soul.

"Then I'll stay with you a while. At least until Ma is up and around after her nap." Annie said as they talked about nothing in particular to pass the time.

They laughed together as they talked about the old days. Annie loved the sound of her father's deep, rumbling laugh. It reminded her of her Uncle Ashien's pet tiger when he purred.
For all Brogan's good humor, Annie could always detect the underlying worry and sadness and the stoic leader he always had to be despite everything. When Julia rose, Brogan knew he needed to be at her side. He rose with Annie and kissed her forehead like he had always done when she was little. "Thank ya, darlin'. Y'don't know how much it means to an ol' man t'spend proper quality time with 'is little girl."
"You know I'll always come and visit with you, Da." Annie said softly as she kissed her father's cheek and let him go to her mother who was rising from her afternoon nap.

Annie left the keep, returning home to David. The house smelled wonderful as she stepped inside the front door, hanging up her cloak on its hook as she turned to see what her husband had been up to while she was gone.

"David?" She called, noting that the house seemed a little empty.