A picture is worth a 1000 words

You gotta love it when someone starts a thread like this, and yet still feels the need to add their own words in post #1. :D
Life is precious! (Innocent children should not be in a sniper scope) That is all.
where the fuck were you

when a pregnant woman was BUTCHERED only cause she was A JEW?


The ONLY problem with that pic

is the PALI terrorist......if it is a PALI


Just like Newtown one incident does not define anything but at least that shooting was not done with US aid...

so the ISSUE is that the US paid for it?

paid for WHAT?

how do YOU know?

how many dead JEWS and DEAD KIDS are there killed by the PALIS that get MORE in US AID per capita then anyone?
Snipers do scan areas with their scopes, that photo does not mean the kid is being targeted for a kill.
Who is suggesting that?

What it means is some douchenozzle clearly unfit for uniform thought "huh huh, this will make a cool pic", and snapped their iPhone at the scope sight.
unfit for uniform?


cause as a sniper he does what he's supposed to do

FUCK YOU, FOREIGN and/or DOMESTIC NIGGER and behead a cat