A near perfect record.


Loves Spam
Feb 26, 2022
In Jan. 2014 former Defense Sec. Robert Gates wrote of Joe Biden, "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Here we are almost nine years later and nothing has happened that would change that assessment.

We are now closer to nuclear war than we have been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. And I'm of the mind that the US IS the culprit behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. I come to that conclusion based on statements made by this administration, motive, and means. That pipeline was a bargaining chip to a negotiated settlement of the Ukraine situation and that chip is now off the table. The removal of that chip has backed Putin into a corner with no realistic resolution to the issue beyond a military solution. Cornered animals are dangerous animals. While I am not prepared to place Putin's decision to invade Ukraine entirely at Biden's doorstep (just as I am not prepared to buy into Trump's assertion that it "wouldn't have happened" if he were still president) the fact of the matter is that his handling of the situation has been far less than stellar. While Putin is an asshole, Zelenskyy is far from being a saint.

Then there is the debacle that was Afghanistan.

And the remarkable ability to alienate BOTH Saudi Arabia and Israel at the same time.

Whether anyone would like to believe it or not, the border situation is a National Security issue as well. We don't know who's coming across, where they are, or what their true motives are. Pile the health issues on top of that.

A near perfect track record.
I hate pussies that bow to Putin. If humans are too cowardly to fight against his aggressive behavior....humans don't deserve to live.

But they sure can criticize others huh?
Get me up to speed here, who exactly is Ish cock-smoking in the OP in order to dump on Biden again for the nth time, Robert Gates or the Russians? :unsure:
I'd say the decison to pull out of Afghanistan is the one thing on his record he got right and I have him a lot of credit for it. The problem was it wasn't executed very well, in fact it was screwed up by the numbers. Still, he showed more guts and wisdom when the whole DC complex for the forever war was putting pressure on him to say screw it we'll stay for another twenty years in Afghanistan.
We are now closer to nuclear war than we have been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. And I'm of the mind that the US IS the culprit behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. I come to that conclusion based on statements made by this administration, motive, and means. That pipeline was a bargaining chip to a negotiated settlement of the Ukraine situation and that chip is now off the table. The removal of that chip has backed Putin into a corner with no realistic resolution to the issue beyond a military solution. Cornered animals are dangerous animals. While I am not prepared to place Putin's decision to invade Ukraine entirely at Biden's doorstep (just as I am not prepared to buy into Trump's assertion that it "wouldn't have happened" if he were still president) the fact of the matter is that his handling of the situation has been far less than stellar. While Putin is an asshole, Zelenskyy is far from being a saint.

not so fast.
You're probably ignoring my posts given my tasteless threads, but you might find this theory to be intriguing & enjoyable to debunk.
According to a EE historian, at this moment in time it's Britain and NOT America, who's trying to sabotage any peace talks.
Hope I got him right:

First, to clarify: I'm referring only to the progression of the Ukraine conflict, the last months.
NOT to it's initiation (by Russia + the controversies about America's role)

So what this analyst was saying:
In his opinion, Britain is now playing a far more anti-peace talks role than America does,
as shown by both Britain's History and by the Zelensky - Boris Johnson friendship.
America Was prepared for peace talks, but Britain doesn't want them,

Re the first: after France's Imperial power declined, the main rival of Britain was Germany.
Poland, for example was Britain's project against Germany.

And still is, behind the curtain of this war.
What the historian envisions after the war are two axes of stability in Europe, given Russia's antics:
---a Poland-Ukraine pole that would be under Britain's unseen umbrella, and will serve Britain's interests to win over Germany in being 'the power' in Europe,
-- a Turkey pole, established by America.

The man who spent the winter lauding Putin as a genius who was playing the U.S. like a fiddle has some more geopolitical thoughts for us.
If laypeople are starting to bail out on Ukraine
It ISN’T because they agree with Putin’s ilegal acts or war crimes
It's clear in the US why they want to bail ...maybe look at right wing twitter a bit for the examples (Boebert and MTG are the leading examples of this)

Hint: it's not because they disagree with Putin
I hate pussies that bow to Putin. If humans are too cowardly to fight against his aggressive behavior....humans don't deserve to live.

But they sure can criticize others huh?
You’re such a brave anonymous keyboard warrior, your mom would be proud.
Didn't take long for the, "If'n you ain't fer us, you're agin us" mantra to show up.

Biden on Nord Stream 2 (Feb. 2022)

His threat is well documented on multiple sources. The argument for the US being behind the sabotage is as strong as the argument that Russia was the culprit.
His threat is well documented on multiple sources. The argument for the US being behind the sabotage is as strong as the argument that Russia was the culprit.
Since there is no evidence or either party being the culprit, speculation is wild, correct.
Woulda been nice if you had such principles back in 2004, hypocrite.

To quote Biden:

“If Russia invades — that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine — then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.” Biden said while standing next to the new chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, at a White House news conference.

I don't see anything funny in that statement???
Announcement: “The Biden apologists have left the thread”
In the international community Biden is considered a clumsy, corrupt, clown, and he always was. Even his ardent followers in the main stream press are running out of excuses and patience with him.
In the international community Biden is considered a clumsy, corrupt, clown, and he always was. Even his ardent followers in the main stream press are running out of excuses and patience with him.
^^^ One man’s opinion without supporting evidence.
In the international community Biden is considered a clumsy, corrupt, clown, and he always was. Even his ardent followers in the main stream press are running out of excuses and patience with him.
So, in higher regard than the previous guy. Cool!
He obviously didn't read the OP. I think Gates summed it up quite succinctly.
In Jan. 2014 former Defense Sec. Robert Gates wrote of Joe Biden, "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Here we are almost nine years later and nothing has happened that would change that assessment.

We are now closer to nuclear war than we have been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. And I'm of the mind that the US IS the culprit behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines.s. I come to that conclusion based on statements made by this administration, motive, and means.That pipeline was a bargaining chip to a negotiated settlement of the Ukraine situation and that chip is now off the table. The removal of that chip has backed Putin into a corner with no realistic resolution to the issue beyond a military solution. Cornered animals are dangerous animals. While I am not prepared to place Putin's decision I come to that conclusion based on statements made by this administration, motive, and meanto invade Ukraine entirely at Biden's doorstep (just as I am not prepared to buy into Trump's assertion that it "wouldn't have happened" if he were still president) the fact of the matter is that his handling of the situation has been far less than stellar. While Putin is an asshole, Zelenskyy is far from being a saint.

Then there is the debacle that was Afghanistan.

And the remarkable ability to alienate BOTH Saudi Arabia and Israel at the same time.

Whether anyone would like to believe it or not, the border situation is a National Security issue as well. We don't know who's coming across, where they are, or what their true motives are. Pile the health issues on top of that.

A near perfect track record.
Robert Gates most certainly did say that, but what else did he say? It appears (from the article sited below) that he was at odds with everyone he worked for, including President Bush. The article paints a picture of a man who doesn't want a boss, who wants to be the one making the decisions and hates having to answer to anyone else.

I take it since you agree with his assessment of Biden, you would agree with his assessment of others too, correct? How about his take on Hillary?

"...but has glowing praise for Clinton, calling her "smart, idealistic but pragmatic, tough-minded, indefatigable, funny" — and it goes on."

Hmmmm...damn! That's one of the problems with cherry-picking your quotes. It can come back to bite you in the ass.

Be that as it may, lets move on to your assertion that the U.S. is responsible for the bombing of the pipeline.

You stated: "I come to that conclusion based on statements made by this administration, motive, and means." without offering ANY backing cites, evidence or quotes. So why did you come to that conclusion? Are we supposed to take your word for it that you have plenty of backing for it? Sorry sparky, because of your history here, ain't gunna' happen.

If I were speculating on who did it, it wouldn't be the U.S. We have no real reason, nor any real incentive to do so. The EU countries (as well as Britain) don't either. They need that gas for the wintertime. Nor does Ukraine. If they had and the EU finds out, every European country would be against them.

The only country that has a reason and incentive to do it and keep it hidden, is Russia. If they could pull it off and blame it on Ukraine it would turn the tide of opinion against Ukraine. But that is nothing more than speculation on my part. Unlike you, I can call a WAG a WAG.

So what in the hell does Zelenskyy not being a saint have to do with anything? Putin invaded Ukraine, it wasn't the other way around. And the but, but, but He's bad too! bullshit is just that.

The Afghanistan debacle was setup by the donald, your choice of leaders. Actually if you want to be honest about it, Biden delayed it trying to get things in place to do it right. He could have canceled it, but in that case your side would have given him hell for doing so. The donald put Biden in a no win situation and he did the best he could, much better I might add then 45 could have.

Alienate both Saudi Arabia and Israel? Yet another bullshit statement with absolutely no backing. Show me some facts to back it. I know, I know, "I ain't gunna' do your research for you!" The standard Ish reply when you get caught with your pants down.

Robert Gates Thinks Joe Biden Hasn't Stopped Being Wrong for 40 Years
