A Lucky Winner (Closed)





Name: Bethany Knowles
Age: 18
Height: 5'6
Breast size: H cup
From: New York city​

I was so shocked. Normally, I don't win anything really - save for that one time that I got myself a shirt from that Pepsi bottle. Anyway, so this is the story; I was at home, managing through my drawers as I listened to FM 86.7 (my favorite music station). I wasn't sure of what to expect as I heard the host say after the Lady Gaga marathon:

"...And if anyone is a fan of New York's notorious bachelor, Ben Gold, then you must know that the movie adaptation of his best-sellers book if going to premier tonight. We're giving away one, and just one, ticket for this event. This could be your chance to meet a celebrity this evening! Fifth caller gets the ticket!"

Now I wasn't much of a wild flower myself, coming from your everyday conservative family (despite living in a place like New York city)...but I absolutely love his book. It basically described his notorious lifestyle and I read through it almost like it was some sort of intense movie. I have to admit, part of me was jealous of his outright bold and adventurous life. Not that I would want to be like him, mind you.

Anyway - I rushed to the phone, dialing the number (which I knew by heart) and with my heart racing at about two hundred beats per minute, I heard the voice on the other line say that I had won.

I thanked him, over and over. But when the event was over, I was devastated. The realization hit me; my boyfriend couldn't possibly come with me, as I had won just one ticket. Of course, many would scoff over how bad I felt, as it was just one evening away from him. However, we did everything together (having been inseparable for six years now). I was happy as could be though, as after I explained the situation to him and hear him reply:

"Oh...Well, go ahead to the premier honey. How often can you win this sort of a thing? Have fun now!"

"Thank you. Love you!"

And it was set and I counted myself lucky for having such an understanding significant other in my life. He was the only man for me - and I made sure to let any other man know that. Not to seem as if I'm bragging, because I'm not, but I was constantly hit on by the opposite sex. I was an attractive woman, I guess, being fit, slim and having a pair of breasts that just seemed to pull in the gaze of every passing member of the male species. But as I said, I never let this thing get to my head - I was in love with Alex Washington, my nineteen year old boyfriend.

I didn't even get into some ridiculous get-up. I went to the premier in the same way that I went to pick up my ticket - in my regular batman shirt, pair of jeans and sandals, before going over to the theater. I suppose that I sort of regretted my decision, after some thought, but it couldn't be helped. Not that I thought that I looked like a slob - I just thought that maybe this shirt was giving a bit too much cleavage. I knew the book told of the author's countless pursuits of women and I didn't want to make it seem as if I was as 'easy' as the other girls which the book described.

Nevertheless, I was just about to go in the showing until I saw him -

A tall, rugged handsome figure standing by the door, laughing as he talked to some journalists. It was him - Ben Gold! I seized the opportunity when he seemed less busy, walking up to him and asking outright:

"Oh my god, you're Ben Gold! I know you're busy and all but...could you take a picture with me?"
"Of course dear...are you a fan?"

"Oh for sure! I've been reading your book for a while now. It never gets old." I reply with glee, ready to take a picture with him as I pulled out my pink cellphone, adorned with none other than a Hello Kitty case. I suppose that it fit right in with my playful personality. Anyway, he interrupted me by insisting that he could do better than my modest phone - he was Ben Gold. With a snap of his fingers, a man came up and was ready to take our picture.

"Whats your name dear? how old are you?"

"Um...I'm Bethany Knowles. I'm eighteen years old." I say and see a sudden spark in his eye. Regardless, that thought was pushed aside as his arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me close against him. I laugh a bit to his demeanor, knowing that he was (probably) just trying to keep a fan happy.

"Whats your cell phone number, my guy will send it to you in a text after we take it."

"Oh okay. Sounds good to me." I say, saying out loud my own telephone number - which only my parents, close friends and boyfriend knew. At least, up to this day.

"say cheese"
"Cheese!" I exclaim

And there, in just a moment, I felt his hand move away from my shoulder and dive into the cleavage that my top gave out. I gasped, rightfully so, I felt his rough skin move into the valley of my breasts as his fingers expertly slide across the surface...until his hand grabbed hold of one soft, plump breast. I would be lying if I said that was it, given that his greedy hand gave it a squeeze - as I felt it expand, or at least tried to, given the restraints of my bra, tight shirt and his hand, into and between his fingers.

I was shocked and my expression showed it. I blushed wildly as the photo was taken, and I saw it for myself when I had received the photo on my cell phone. My eyes darted around us, seeing that a few glances went my way from individuals going into the theater. Oh my god...I was so embarrassed. I left a mental note to delete the picture as soon as I got away from here. Oh my god...what if Alex saw this?!

"This is the time where a polite girl would thank me for the picture that she requested of me." he said, almost mocking me after I checked my phone.

"I...Uh...Well..." I say, trying to muster the courage to yell at him for his sexual harassment but...I couldn't bring myself to it. I didn't want to cause a scene and most of all...this man was a celebrity right? I swallowed my pride and continued "T-Thank you Mr. Gold." ready to leave up until he added:

"We should talk more about your interest in my book and the movie...Where are you staying? Will you be in town long?"

Whether I liked his behavior as we took the photo or not, I would be crazy to let this opportunity to slip by. "Well...I live here. So I guess I will be." I reply with a laugh, trying to forget what just had happened, or at least try not to show how incredibly shocked I was. "But what about the premier? Aren't you going to go watch it now?" I genuinely asked.
"Yes but they have a special place for me to sit, kind of like a VIP seat to keep me away from the public. Would you enjoy me getting you in there?"

I grinned as everything seemed to pay off. Now, that said, I knew that I probably shouldn't get too friendly with him. In Ben Gold's book, he told quite proudly of his conquests with women, so that I knew that it wouldn't be past him to do something like that with me. Still, his described adventures were years ago, so maybe he has changed since then? Anyway, that's besides the point, I quickly felt his hand on mine as he almost pulled me with him.

He finally adressed the quesiton on my current status; "Do you have a husband, a boyfriend? tell me about him?" as we waked inside. "Oh, I"m not married. But I do have a boyfriend." I reply quite honestly, thinking that the fact that I'm in a committed relationship would prevent the sort of mishap that went on moments ago. "His name is Alex and we've been together for about five years now."

But my response was cut short:
"Whats your sex life like?"

I ask, as I nervously continue "Well, it's not that I'm ashamed of it or anything but...I never had sex. Alex and I are waiting a few more years until we can get married."

But that didn't stop him. As we entered the isolated room, with just one chair sticking out in the middle, I witnessed the new celebrity sit down and pat his lap.

"Here you go Bethany, this will be your seat for the movie....have a seat here."

"But..." I mumble, feeling a bit anxious about this whole ordeal. Was he going to try something again? And regardless, sitting on another man's lap seemed almost as if I was cheating on Alex...but this man was a legend. If a single woman was in my shoes, they'd definitely go along with this. Maybe I was simply over thinking - how was this anything like cheating?

And so, I quickly found myself sitting down on his lap.

"Uh...thank you sir." I say with a laugh.
I was ready to watch a movie, but he clearly wasn't. I couldn't watch as his hands rubbed on the top of my thighs, perhaps only playfully, before he uttered out: "That feels nice, doesnt it?". Now, I did feel something from having him, Ben Gold, touch me like that. And although I did feel a bit guilty, I responded with a rather submissive "Yeah, that's not bad."

His questions soon began much bolder. "So since you and alex are waiting for a few years to have sex, does that mean you go down on him or at last stroke him when he needs to get relief from stress? What about you? does he help you out at all or do you just have to masterbate when hes not around so that you can get pleasure?"

"W-What? No, I don't do anything like that nor does Alex. We're saving ourselves for marriage and don't want to spoil it. It's supposed to be romantic."
I try to respond, feeling his fingers to my waistband as he tells me to relax, as to enjoy the movie. I complied, if a bit hesitantly (especially as I helped him undo the button of my tight jeans). His hand left that area alone, going back to my thighs as he teased:

"See, thats much better now, dont you agree with me Bethany?"

"Y-Yeah..." I responded timidly see, as my eyes glanced down to see that my silk underwear was showing. The pink fabric could be seen, despite the room being dark, except for the occasional illumination coming from the screen. Nevertheless, I looked back to the screen - trying my best to enjoy the movie.
A felt shiver run down my spine, as I felt his hot breath against my earlobe quite unexpectedly as he whispered: "I'm not sure if you know that man over there. He played one of the 'bad guys' in the most recent batman movie and I cant help but think your shirt may offend him if he sees it." I tried to look around the audience to see this famous actor, but couldn't do so in the darkness around us. However, Ben simply couldn't wait for me to respond, as I felt his hand go to the bottom of my shirt and pull it up a little. "I dont think people in a VIP area should offend anyone...so you are going to need to take this off and turn it inside out."

"Well...Okay...I don't want to offend anyone."
I say as I quite nervously brought my hands to the bottom of my shirt (my hand lightly touching his to get there) and pulled it over my head, having a bit of trouble given how tight the top was but Ben soon helped me. For a moment, I was actually half-naked, on this man's lap, with my large breasts encased only in my lacy pink bra and my strong stomach out there in the open. I rushed to turn my shirt inside out and putting it back on again. God, I hoped that Alex would never know about this. And I felt horrible for even thinking that, given that we never kept any secrets from one another...

"We are alone here Bethany, I believe you that youve never been sexual with your boyfriend, but i cannot believe an 18 year old as attractive as you, never touched herself at all...not when you were home alone, or in the shower or bathroom or under your covers? you can admit this to me, i wont tell alex....i promise, as long as you admit it and fully tell me about what you do." he continued, as the movie played out in the distance. I bit my bottom lip as I thought of something to say. "Well...um...no Mr. Gold. I did once, put my hand in my panties when I was in my room, but I didn't do anything really wild. It just...didn't seem right." I replied, realizing that every word that I said practically slept out that I was a conservative virgin.
"See, its easier when i guide you, isnt it bethany?"
"I...I guess..." I reply, almost shamefully so.

But whatever shame I felt here would be nothing compared to what happened next; namely, his fingers going to my right hand and moving it inside of my jeans. The travel was easy, given that he had undone the button of my pants just about a minute earlier, moving it inside and sliding it to my panties.

"Did you do it like this bethany? or were your fingers under your little panties when you touched yourself that one time?"

"Oh um...like this..." I said, as he pressed my fingers into my own panties, continuing on his interrogation "does your boyfriend like my books too? Has he even read them at all or do you two talk about it?"

"Well..." I try to respond, knowing fully well that Alex absolutely hated the books. He thought of Ben Gold as a total sleaze. Among other things. Still, I couldn't possibly respond with that, so I lied "He hasn't ever read your books. Never had the time for it, I guess..."

His hand went to my chin, moving my eyes to the current lovemaking scene: "What about this part, how many times have read this portion of the book...more than once i bet, havent you bethan?" he stated simply.

My fingers, against my own willpower, betrayed me and actually slipped into my panties as I observed the scene. "Ah oh...." I softly moaned as I replied "Y-Yeah..."
"It got you excited by the way he was treating her in the bedroom, didnt it bethany?"

"I...Ah...Yes it did..." I respond softly as I continued to watch the scene, all the while his fingers pushed mine more against my pussy. This went on for a little while longer, until he spoke again "I bet its turning you on now too, isnt it? Can you feel any wetness under your rubbing finger at the moment bethany?"

Truth be told, I did feel my panties get a little wet from my own excitement. And it feel 'good', as he would put it but - this was just horribly wrong. I hoped to get out of this soon enough but something kept me here. I was willing to just run away but my own disgusting emotions held me in place. "Y-Yes it is. I can feel it." I respond, as my finger continued.

"Its such a shame i didnt meant you before tonight, you would be perfect for some of those scenes....i coudlnt find an actress with tits half the size that youve got bethany...i bet they are firm enough to stand tall even without a bra, arent they?"

I moaned softly again, partly because of my own finger and partly from his own language. I couldn't help but reply in my timid voice "T-They are. And I would have loved to be in this movie..."
As he pulled his hand away, I wish that I could say that I pulled my hand as well. But probably out of instinct, my fingers gave my panties a few more rubs before realizing that his fingers weren't pushing against mine. That's when I stopped, hearing him whisper "take off your bra for me and lets see how well they sit in that top."

I almost obediently followed what he said, as he continued whispering:

"I can tell this isnt your favorite scene....but i bet you have a favorite one, where if i was casting you, that youd hope to get that role int he movie....so tell me dear....Drescribe to me the scene you wish you could have been a part of from the book that you love so much?"

Pulling my shirt just above my breasts, I replied "W-Well...I really enjoyed that love making scene at the bathroom stall. O-Or when you were on top of that woman, using her breasts to pleasure you. Oh, or when you were spanking that woman in public. They all seemed just so...naughty."

And my hands went behind to my bra, undoing the knot before I felt my bra fall down on my lap. My breasts instantly strained my back as it happened - with my nipples pointing out into the dark. "Okay...done..."
"Oh my those are still very very firm evne withotu a bra, arent they bethany?"

"Yes...I suppose that they are..." I say softly into the air, feeling his hands simply hold them out there, almost as if to feel their weight. He didn't squeeze or play with them or anything of that sorts and soon I felt a hand go to my face. He described the bathroom stall scene, which involved the woman sucking on his...cock, as his two fingers touched my lips.

"Youve never had a cock in your mouth before, is that correct bethany? was my book detailed enough to give you a bit of direciton to teach you how to do it when the opportunity presents itself to you dear?"

With his fingers sliding past my teeth, I didn't know what to do - except for sucking on both digits. I felt so odd doing this and yet, somehow obligated. Not only because he wanted me to do that, but maybe because I too felt pleasure...somehow.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry Alex...

My tongue actually went to both fingertips as the movie continued to play.
I continued, my tongue swirling around both fingers as his voice directed me further, his lips merely an inch away from my earlobe. "...its such a warm wet mouth and feels so nice on my fingers." I heard him whisper, before pinching and pulling at a little a bit. I gasped and groaned out, feeling a sudden shock and...pleasure. But I quickly went back to sucking and licking, desperate to keep my mind diverted, somehow.

"thats it, and just as int he story...do you remember how she moved her tongue all around him...i want you to do that too..."

And I complied with his demand - my tongue was soon doing as the random woman did in the book (though not exactly, since I only had two fingers in my mouth. Thankfully so.) A scene came up, where Ben was having sex with a woman...with her torso pressed against a window as people watched.

"O-Oh, that one is good too..." I softly said before getting back to his fingers.
"Would you like that bethany...would you enjoy being with a man who pinned you agasint the window like that while he had sex with you over and over and over again?"

His demeanor suddenly became more...direct. Just like I expected from his persona in the books. But at this point, I realized that maybe it wasn't all an act...

"Y-Yes!" I mutter outloud, almost bringing a hand to cover up my mouth to pretend that it was just a slip of toungue. "I mean...it just....It looks so dirty..."
His fingers quickly went back in my mouth, earning a soft moan on my part "Mmm"

"does that make you wet just thinking about it? Go ahead, you have a free hand, go on and touch that wet pussy, i know its aching to be touched while you watch this part, isnt it?"

And I quickly found myself, even though I didn't say a word, touching myself while I watched the scene. Hearing that woman moan out his name while he fucked and spanked her...Oh god...

My fingers were actually inside of my panties, touching my untouched, just barely trimmed, pussy. I rubbed and rubbed against it...nearly squirming on Ben's lap.
I feel a tent growing between my cheeks, knowing well that this was his cock. "Oh my god..." I think to myself, as I felt it growing more as time went by - wondering to myself if he was as gigantic as he portrayed himself in the book? He could have been just inflating his own ego but then again...Wait, why was I thinking that?

And why was I rubbing my backside against his cock?

"arms up"
he said, as I followed his orders - though, I was curious on what he was doing, he quickly directed me to the screen. That is, before asking:

"how wet is this making you bethany? show me your fingers."

"I..." I mumble, before giving myself a few more rubs and then showing him my finger. To my own amazement...I saw the digit soaked in my own fluids. "Oh my god...what are you doing to me...?" I asked.
"did you realize how much i would turn you on in this short period of time?" he said, bringing my hand closer to my face. I saw my own fingers, dripping with my own juices and...I felt so good about it. As if I finally experienced something that I've been missing out on. And he was right...and it was wrong. I just had encountered Ben Gold about thirty minutes earlier and yet this was happening. Alex...I couldn't stop thinking about him. This entire situation was just wrong and yet the taboo of it all actually made it exciting.

"...suck all your juices off those fingers and then when yovue finished and they are clean, i want you to tell me how sweet that little pussy of yours tastes bethany." he then stated, snapping me out of my own thoughts as his fingers went in my mouth. At first, I was horrified - I was tasting myself. But after a while...it was good. I thought that I tasted good. I thought that this entire situation was just...good. "Mmm" I moaned again, as my tongue collected as much as my own fluids as I could, savoring everything as if it was something exotic.

Once that I thought that I was done...

"My little pussy of mine...tastes so sweet...I love it." I subsmissively replied.