A Little White Lie ((closed for lovingfingers))


Oct 12, 2012
Kristen Jernigan walked down the wide, open hallways of Tremaine University, the private liberal-arts college that she attended. It was a very good school, and came with a price tag to fit: $36,000 per year for full time, and that didn't even include books and technology fees. But she had worked hard in high school, gotten the scholarships she needed, and worked a part-time job to pay for expenses like food and gas.

It was now her sophomore year, and she couldn't be more excited to start it. Of course, the happiness she felt was only further fueled as she briefly remembered the professor from the conference the week prior. She had told him that she was a professor of English, and somehow through sipping wine and clapping for speakers, they had wound up sleeping together in the Hilton uptown. It had been amazing, and furthermore it had been Kristen's first time. She smiled a little wider as she walked into the class, flipping her auburn hair over her shoulder.

And stopped dead. Standing in the front of the large auditorium, it was him. How could it be? He had said that he was going to teach at some community college somewhere. So why was he in the lecture hall, writing his name on the board? This could not be. She was the first person in class, she noticed. Usually, she would take this opportunity to sit in the front row and prove what a kiss ass good student she was.

Maybe if I just sit in the back.... She said, closing the metal door as quietly as possible behind her and trying to sneak to the farthest point in the room from the podium.
Edward Carrigan wrote his name and contact information on the whiteboard. He had pondered whether it was still necessary to do this. He was listed in the faculty directory and all that was online. Still, it was sort of a tradition in this business.

He turned and went back to the podium, where he reviewed his notes. He had taught this class before, but updated his notes as the field advanced. Tremaine had a reputation for excellence, and as he worked towards tenure, he strove as well. As he scanned the files on his laptop, he noted one and smiled. It had incorporated information he had encountered at a conference last week.

The information had not been the only thing he had encountered. He had had a delightful fling with a junior faculty woman. She had been... quite a pleasure. It was a pity that she had not given him her contact information, but he understood. People had flings at these things. She was likely involved, married, something. He had been discreet himself, not mentioning that he taught at Tremaine. It hadn't seemed important at the time.

He focussed as he heard students entering. He glanced at the hall as they filtered in and took seats. When the clock read 9:00, he began, "Good morning, I am..."
Kristen sat meekly in the top back row, taking down his information like a dutiful student should, like she didn't already know his name and credentials. She felt a small ping of excitement writing down his phone number, however, circling it twice. Sure, it may be his work number, but she could still call him on it, pretend to be the sexy, sassy professor that he had met at the conference.

Other students filed in, including Jenna, Kristen's roommate and best friend. Jenna had heard bits and prices about the conference, of course, but Kristen had omitted the part where she completely lied about her age and occupation. And the fact that he was a professor. Kristen felt her face redden slightly, but played it cool, chatting with Jenna before Professor Carrigan (or OhOhEd-d-dward, as she had remembered him for the past few days) began speaking.

She leaned forward, trying to look like a disinterested student, the complete opposite of what she usually was.
Introductory lectures were more about laying out expectations than the conveying of any substantative material. The crowd of faces in the hall had displayed the usual intensity characteristic of the first day of class. As he wound down the lecture, he pointed to a stack of paper next to the lecturn and announced, "We are having a problem with the server, so I have printed up the syllabus and assigned readings. Please pick up a copy on the way out. Class dismissed."

Students moved forward en masse, trying to grab the material and get out. Edward had closed his laptop and disconnected it from the lecturn. When were they going to go wireless? He answered the few questions that passing students asked, and greeted a few familiar faces.

His eyes widened though when he saw Kristen approaching the head of the queue. He made eye contact with her and smiled. When she got close enough, he said, "Hello Kristen! This is a nice surprise."

He remained standing where he was, not sure as to what to do. Kristen blended in with the rest of the students. He realized just how much she looked like a student. His body reacted to her, but this was not the time or place to do... anything. He was aroused, and confused.
Kristen filed down with the rest of the students, trying to look inconspicuous. She held her folder abnormally high, blocking out most of her face. However, when she had to get her syllabus, she was forced to switch arms, exposing her face. And it was that exact moment that he decided to look her in the eye.

She immediately felt her body tense, including the most intimate place between her legs. Images flashed quickly in her mind: him on top of her, kissing her neck, her on top of him, her whole body bouncing on his cock, side by side kissing afterward with the sheets wrapped tightly around them. She didn't quite hear what he said, but could tell that he recognized her. Shit.

"Oh, hey, Mr. Corrigan." She said, acting as though he was an old family friend. She gestured for Jenna to just go back to the dorms, mouthing that she would be there later. More students left, until it was just them.

"So, how's life been?" She asked casually, flipping her auburn hair over her shoulder and adjusting her purse strap. She felt unusually hot in the room, especially for the fact that she was wearing only a tanktop and khaki shorts.
When he recovered from the surprise of seeing her, it didn't take long to realize that she was keeping her distance. The tone of her voice and the choice of words seemed to say, "it never happened." And as she picked up the syllabus, dressed in a tank and shorts, like all the other students, it didn't take Einstein to figure that she was a student.

She asked about life, and he strove for words. He wanted to say, "I've missed you. Why did you lie to me? You look delicious." And a hundred other things.

He settled with, "Fine. Beginning of the semester push. Lots to do."

He paused, "I am surprised to see you here. It seems that you padded your resume the last time we.. talked. How are you?"

His eyes could not help but look her over as he spoke. Her long limbs and gentle curves, the color of her skin and hair, all the things he enjoyed about her came crashing back on him. Whatever the reasons for her deception, he still wanted her.
Kristen listened, feeling strangely detached. She hadn't missed him, per se, but that wasn't to say that he wasn't a great guy. But she had missed the rush, the restless excitement, the pure ecstasy that she had experienced when they had sex. She had even bought a vibrator, trying to fabricate the feelings, but it just didn't work.

She smiled a little bit as he hesitated on the word "talk." "Oh, good. Nice to get settled in again, get back to the old routine. And, of course, meet the new faces." She said, glancing at him a little bit flirtatiously. She refused to look him in the eye, however, knowing that the second she did her face would turn a rather bright pink and she would never gain control of the conversation again.

Instead, she ran her fingers through her hair again, making her 34C chest bounce inside the constricting purple tanktop and black bra. "And it wasn't like you disclosed everything either." She said, a bit defensively and a bit daringly. She slowly realized that she wanted him to challenge her. She wanted him again, and she didn't want to wait until she graduated and was a real professor, either. She wanted him now.
He watched her as she replied to him, not looking at him directly, running her fingers through her hair, her body moving subtly. She was flirting with him.

"Prevarication versus fabrication," he grinned, "which is more of a sin?"

He knew that he should steer very clear of her at this point. Having any kind of relationship with a student was grounds for dismissal. He cleared his throat, asking, "So, are you actually registered for this class, or is this a social visit?"

When she answered affirmatively, he continued, "I'm glad. I make this a challenging class, but I think you are up to it. You have my number.. if you have any questions."
Kristen smiled, feeling her body respond to her own words, before she even said them. "So, if I have questions about... oh, I don't know, luring 19 year old girls into a hotel room, I could call? Or should I just get the key from the doorframe?" she said, finally looking up at him, challenging him once more. They both knew that she was coming on to him. Now it was just a matter of how far she could push him.

She knew that the night had been mostly her doing. But really, she didn't think she looked anywhere near 29, her supposed age when they had met. So if he wanted to kick someone, his own ass was right behind him. But, of course, she wouldn't exactly mind him touching her ass, either.

Taking a leap of faith (if there were a god of seducing professors,) she hopped up onto the large console behind her and leaned over, letting him see straight down her shirt.
As he was suddenly presented with a delightful view of her cleavage and bra, he was momentarily at a loss for words. She certainly had a delicious body, and was using it to her full advantage. But, and it was a big but, she was being far too brazen for either of their goods. She was being as aggressive as a stripper at a club, and he was torn between fucking her on the console and giving her a good spanking. Neither would have done his career any good.

He locked eyes with her, keeping his face neutral, "as I said, if you have any questions, you have my number. What you use it for it your choice. Good day."

He took his bag and walked from the room. He was out the door and down the hall, when he started to breath evenly again. What the fuck was she trying to do? A mixture of irritation and desire ran through his body. Clearly, they would have to resolve this situation soon. An entire semester of this would be intolerable. He walked back to his office and entered. He checked the hallway, then closed and locked the door.
Even though she was a little shocked, Kristen smiled as her professor walked out the door. She had seen the growing bulge in his pants, and she could see his uneven gait as he opened the door and half-stormed into the hallway.

She collected her things and watched from the end of the hall as he went into his office. She regained her happy-go-lucky-innocent smile and traipsed down the hallway, pulling out her phone. Checking the number against the one he had given her when they first met and the one on the syllabus, she texted

Two can play hardball. (;

and hit the send key.
He had just settled into his chair and was reviewing his schedule for the rest of the day, when he felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it from his vest pocket and a flipped it open. He read the text and swore silently.

She was persistant, and bold, and had a lovely body. Those were good. But he was not some guy she could simply flirt with. He pondered what to text back, if anything. Texts were forever and could certainly could be produced in an misconduct enquiry. Did she not understand that she was putting them both at risk?

He considered, then texted, "Miss Jernigan, I am not in the habit of playing games. If you have something you wish to discuss, I have office hours and consultations by appointment."
Kristen was halfway back to her dormitory when her phone vibrated. She opened the message, and smiled.

Awesome, tomorrow at 4:15 works fantastically for me.

She replied, then slipped her phone back into her pocket. She quickly decided that she would not reply to any more of his texts, at least not tonight. She would simply be at his office at 4:15 the next day. Whether or not they would up, say, having hot sex on his desk or not, she did want to talk to him, in person. She owed him an apology.

She just really hoped that he took alternate methods of repayment. Still smiling, she entered the cool air-conditioned dormitory building, the goosebumps showing on her tan skin, the same way they had that night when he had first touched her clit. She wondered if he could tell that she had been a virgin. She certainly hadn't told him so.

Read PM before reply.
So she wanted to seem him one on one, in private. His mind recalled the previous times they had spent in private. His heart rate picked up a bit and he grumbled, "tomorrow afternoon?"

He finished his work and went home. The half house he was renting was not far from campus. It was quiet. His office there was much more comfortable and productive for him. No students or colleagues dropping in to interrupt.

He did some writing, but was distracted. No surprise. He eventually retired and slept fitfully, dreaming of Kristen slowly stripping in his class room, with other students and faculty watching. He woke both aroused and irritated with her. They would have to talk.

Once he was back at school, he texted her, "4:15 still good, but office not. Would meeting at my home office work for you?"
Kristen had slept rather well that night, amidst dreams about she and Edward in his office. Her mind played out many scenarios: the dirty secretary, the romantic rendezvous, and of course the naughty student. She awoke the next morning feeling an electric buzz of apprehension about meeting with him.

On her way to her first class, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, and she checked it. She read the message, and decoded it immediately. She wondered vaguely if he had a wife. He had never mentioned it, and he didn't wear a ring. So she supposed not.

Kristen went about the rest of her day nervous and excited, making herself wet in the middle of class just thinking about what was to come.
His only teaching obligation was completed by early afternoon. Edward went to the gym, as was his habit. He was amazed that he rarely met any of his students there, although the majority of the people at the gym were student aged. He kept fit, but today was consciously working off steam. He would be meeting Kristen later, and wanted to have some semblence of control.

He concluded his workout and went home. He had time for a shave and shower. His own nudity reminded him of when Kristen's naked flesh had been pressed against his. He dressed casually in linen slacks and a cotton shirt, then settled in to read while he waited.
Kristen went back to her dormitory directly after her last class, and quickly showered, then went about the task of picking an outfit. She didn't want to look like she was planning to go to a bar, but she also didn't want to look super-professional either. After nearly twenty minutes of trying on clothes and shoes, she picked a purple tunic with ruffles and sequins on the bust, matching it with a pair of dark-wash jeans and black tennis shoes. Casual but scholarly. Exactly the impression she wanted to make. And if he happened to notice that the jeans made her ass look amazing and that her boobs were a little higher than normal, well then that would just be coincidence.

With one last smile into the mirror, she got into her old grey Altima and headed out towards the address he had given. It was near a lot of other houses that the professors lived in or rented from the University. She looked carefully at the mailboxes, and pulled into the small house. She got out, taking her purse with her, and knocked on the front door, her nerves buzzing.
He heard her car pull up in front of his house, and saw her get out of the car. He took a breath as he saw her more clearly, her clothes clearly chosen to accent the curves of her body, but fortunately, not blatantly sexual. He heard her knock on his door, and took his time answering. He opened the door and smiled, "Good afternoon, Kristen, please come in."

He stood back as she walked in, and enjoyed the way her jeans clung to her ass. He took a brief look outside, then shut the door behind her, and flipped the latch. He turned to face her. Each of them stared at the other for a moment, knowing they were alone and uncertain of where they stood. He gestured towards his office, "shall we?"
She walked in, putting on a confident facade. She stood in the foyer/living room, just looking at him, unsure of what to say. He gestured to his office, and she nodded, walking in.

She sat in a chair near the desk, and put her purse on the floor next to her feet. "So, what's up?" she asked casually, smiling at him.
He walked in front of her and leaned back against his desk. "What's up?" he started, "What's up is one of my students is coming on to me in front of other students. What's up is one of my students lied to me about at a conference about who and what she was. What's up is that I had a wonderful time with her and don't have a clue as to what to do about it. What's up, is my cock, seeing you."

He looked down at her, at the sweet lips that he had kissed and that had sucked his cock, at the body that he had kissed and loved and fucked, and his cock was hard.

"Kristen," he continued, "what am I supposed to do with you? Do you have any idea what would happen to me if the department got wind of this? You have put me in a very precarious position."
Kristen looked down, still smiling, as he talked. The way he made it sound, she had done nothing but lie to and fuck him from the start. Which wasn't entirely true. She had given him her real name. And hometown. But besides that, everything else was pretty much a lie.

She looked at the growing bulge in his pants, remembering how good his hard cock had felt that night. She bit her lip a little bit.

"There's no way the department could get wind of anything. I'm here for a private session because I'm not very good at English. What you choose to do with that time is no concern of theirs." She said, once again glancing seductively at him. "And besides, there's no use dwelling on the past. What are you going to do, spank me as punishment?" She looked at him a little skeptically.
Edward looked down at the coquette flirting with him. It was clear that she wanted more from him. If she hadn't been in his class, then it would not have been such an issue. But she was his student, his incredibly sexy, totally fuckable student.

He grinned briefly when she suggested a spanking. He quipped back at her, "given your conduct in class today, I should." He watched her eyes widen a bit, and wondered whether she might enjoy it.

He decided to take a chance. He moved from his desk to a straight back chair with no arms. He sat down and looked at her sternly, "Well?"
Kristen just looked at him for a moment. Surely he couldn't be serious? Who on earth actually spanked anymore? She had never even been spanked by her parents.

But, on a whim, she got up from the chair and sat on his lap. She knew that this was definitely not the way that spanking was done, and felt a small thrill of excitement at disobeying him, even indirectly in this small way.
Edward could see it in the curve of her lips. She was playing with him, disobeying him intentionally, just to see what he would do. He was not one to refuse a challenge and the more he thought of actually spanking this young tart, the more aroused he became.

"You know what I meant, young lady," he said as he put his arm around her. He stood, forcing her to stand as well. He slid the arm that was around her down her arm, taking her wrist. His free hand clasped her other wrist and he walked her the couple steps back to his desk.

"And since you are being recalcitrant, we will have to do this the hard way," he sighed as he dragged her hands forward, over the top to the far side of the desk. The size of the desk meant that she had to bend over, her torso near the surface of the desk, her ass prominantly displayed. He released her wrists and put one hand on her back, pushing her down further, until her chest was flat against the top of the desk. "Don't move," he growled.

He reached under waist and unfastened the button on her jeans. He ran his hand around to the back of them and jerked them down, exposing her tight ass accented by thong panties. He ran his hand roughly over her cheeks, crasping each in turn, then raised his hand.

Kristen smiled as he led her, a little roughly, off of his lap. She let him push her onto the desk, letting out a small noise.

She felt him reach around her and start to unbutton her pants, and felt herself getting wet. She remembered the last time that he had undone her pants, remembered how it felt when he put his fingers inside her pussy, how he had wrapped the same fingers in her hair as she sucked him.

She felt the cold air hit her ass, and gasped a little. She smiled as he caressed her bare ass, then yelped as he hit it.