A lil' question for 4laterer


Fear the Spoon
Feb 4, 2003
Oh, lawdy, I'm a-gonna regret this.

Or maybe not :D It's an honest to goodness, no-hostility-intended question.

Just wondering, 4laterer...
It's obvious that your aesthetic preferences run towards svelte figures and so on. I have no problem with that. After all, one man's porridge is another's feast.

In keeping with that spirit however, I wonder why you're making such an issue out of other people's preferences?

Wonderin' in a Winnebago,
Because it gains attention from it. It's a surefire way to ensure a high reply rate.
Sh'e trying to prove that a good looking idiot is better than an average looking nice person. And doing a bang-up job, too.
Eumenides said:
Because it gains attention from it. It's a surefire way to ensure a high reply rate.

Is that all?
Sheesh! I don't get nearly enough attention around here. Maybe I should start fifteen threads complaining about men with goatees. I hate goatees.

Naw, I wouldn't do that. I would start a plaintive thread if women started to grow them, though.

Shallow in Shawshank,
EllieTalbot said:
Is that all?
Sheesh! I don't get nearly enough attention around here. Maybe I should start fifteen threads complaining about men with goatees. I hate goatees.

Naw, I wouldn't do that. I would start a plaintive thread if women started to grow them, though.

Shallow in Shawshank,

I loved that movie!!!

JazzManJim said:
The word "git" comes to mind. ;)


Leave it up to you to define it all so succinctly. Did I ever happen to mention how utterly cool you are?
Well... I guess I just did!

Blushin' in Bangladesh,
EllieTalbot said:

Leave it up to you to define it all so succinctly. Did I ever happen to mention how utterly cool you are?
Well... I guess I just did!

Blushin' in Bangladesh,

I find myself growing more in adore with you, Aimless Traveler.

But I'm not shaving my goatee. It keeps me from looking like I'm 14 years old. ;)

(Soulpatched in Sheboygan)
JazzManJim said:
See, now I'm crushed. :(

Nooooo! Don't tell me you have a goatee?

Oh, that's just figures! :rolleyes: I just had to go and stick my foot in it.

Don't worry, Jim. Really! I don't hold it against a man for having facial hair or going against any of my other aesthetic preferences, like some people!

Sorry in Saskatchewan,
EllieTalbot said:
Nooooo! Don't tell me you have a goatee?

Oh, that's just figures! :rolleyes: I just had to go and stick my foot in it.

Don't worry, Jim. Really! I don't hold it against a man for having facial hair or going against any of my other aesthetic preferences, like some people!

I never believed that you'd let something like a goatee ruin your impression of anyone. I think far better of you than that!

But, I will say that there are a couple amusing textural sensations a goatee is able to give that you simply must experience. ;)
guilty pleasure said:
I loved that movie!!!


It's on my Top Ten! I think I have it memorized.

"It's in Mexico- a little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific?"


'They say it has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life- a warm place with no memory..."


Zappin' to Zihuatenejo,
JazzManJim said:
I find myself growing more in adore with you, Aimless Traveler.

But I'm not shaving my goatee. It keeps me from looking like I'm 14 years old. ;)

(Soulpatched in Sheboygan)

Okaaaay, if you must have the goatee.
But how long has it been since you shaved it off? You might have developed a grown man's face since the last time you saw it bare.

Oh, and as for those textural differences... hehehe. Texture- no complaining about that. But if, while kissing you, I can smell in your whiskers what you had for breakfast, there are going to be problems...

Blanching in Bosnia,

p.s. Liked the sig, lol!
storm1969 said:
As am I, Jim! :mad:

Ignoring Ellie in Exile.

Oh, no! I've really been put on ignore? And by someone with such a cool AV?
Say it ain't so! I never been put on no ignore before.

Ignored in Ithaca,
Okay, so 4laterer is a no-show. Doesn't like the question, I guess.

86ing 4lat,
EllieTalbot said:
Okaaaay, if you must have the goatee.
But how long has it been since you shaved it off? You might have developed a grown man's face since the last time you saw it bare.

Oh, and as for those textural differences... hehehe. Texture- no complaining about that. But if, while kissing you, I can smell in your whiskers what you had for breakfast, there are going to be problems...

I last shaved it off about a year ago, after an unfortunate patch-trimming accident resulted in it's becoming...uneven. Aside from a couple instances like that, I've had my goatee since my early 20's. I honestly do look better with it. :)

No worries about breakfast. I keep it trimmed and I make sure it's clean after I eat (because I hate smelling lunch two hours later, too). I'm realy picky that way. :)
EllieTalbot said:
Okay, so 4laterer is a no-show. Doesn't like the question, I guess.

86ing 4lat,

Yup, what a surprise.

*points to clean chin*

goatee-less in Goliad,


4laterer is posting as Hanns today.

He/She/It must not feel like logging in and out to change IDs.