A helping hand from mom (open for one female)


Literotica Guru
Feb 26, 2008
Patrick (pat) McCurry
just 18, short blond hair, blue eyes
Average high school kid, keeps to himself, good looking but doesn't realize it yet

Patrick was horrified and embarrassed on the car ride back from the doctor's office and sat in silence while his mom drove the car.

The doctor had told him and his mom that the fever he had been unable to shake and the pain in his abdomen was a prostate problem that was caused by an unusual condition that sometimes - very rarely - arose is teenage male boys who weren't getting enough sexual stimulation. The doctor had gone on to explain that the only way to treat this problems as to ensure that the patient ejaculated at least 8 times a day, more if possible.

Patrick had sat in complete humiliation as the doctor had explained all this to him and his mom. He had had to admit that he didn't have any girlfriends who could help him out with his problem, and that there was no way he could ask one of the girls he knew from school - it would be way too embarrassing. And even though he was an 18 year old boy with a commensurate sex drive, there was no way he was going to be able to make himself orgasm 8 times or more per day.

The doctor had then very professionally explained to Patrick and his mom that in the circumstances, there was nothing shameful or wrong with his mom helping out. Patrick was surprised when his mother agreed - she was so concerned for her son's health that even though she would normally never consider such a thing, she was willing to try to put her son in the best position he could be in to get well. So she asked the doctor what she could do to help.

The doctor responded that ideally if she could stimulate Patrick in any way she found comfortable to help him ejaculate, that would be ideal, be it the way she dressed, talked to him and touched him. At that, Patrick's mom looked a little uncomfortable and didn't ask anymore questions until they left.

Patrick didn't say it, but he had always found something hot about his mom - all his friends at school gave him a hard time about how hot she was, with her great, young looking body and fake boobs and blonde hair. She spent a lot of time working out and staying in shape. But she was essentially a suburban housewife who went to church, and Patrick was sure that she had never entertained thoughts about sexually stimulating her son.

So they sat in the car in silence until they arrived at home. After an awkward moment, Patrick's mom said "Honey, I'm worried about you and I really think you need to listen to what the doctor said. You need to start aiming for 8 times a day immediately."

Patrick responded, "Mom, I really don't think I could do that by myself... I mean, maybe 3 or 4 in a pinch... but I really need to be turned on to do that and there is only so far I can take that myself.... I don't know what to do... I mean, I could try looking at stuff on the internet, I guess", Patrick blushed at the disguised reference to porn, knowing his mom would disapprove if she knew he already looked at porn most nights before going to bed. "But, I just worry that that is bad for my soul," Patrick finished, lying feebly, not caring for a second about his soul... "I know it sounds wrong, but I would like us to get through this together mommy, so anyway you could help, even if it was just by how you dressed when we are at home, would really help me out."
Larann McCurry 39 Widow.

Larann started working at the local chrysler dealership as a part time receptionist. One day all the sales staff were busy, so she sold a Lebaron to a well known looky loo. She was promoted to sales and worked her way up to sales manager. One month after her promotion the owner died. His son came in to meet with her and discuss the future of the business. Within a week they were dating and 6 months later they were married. A year later their first son and only child was born. Her husband died at the same age as his father on teh same day when Pat was only 9. It had been the two of them since. Larann dated occasionally but no one could replace her husband.

Todays diagnosis was a shock to her. She knew that Pat did play with himself, she had seen him accidently a few times, but 8 times a day. Taht was a lot. She had no idea how to proceed. She sat in the car thinking about what the doctor said and what her son had said.

She turned to look at the young man sitting next to her, and suddenly realized how much he resembled his father. God they could be twins she thought. "Well I guess we should buy some stock in baby oil huh?" she said trying to break the tension.
Sense his father had passed and it was only him and his mom, they were close but never really did much with each other. she was always busy with work and me with my sport. So ya it really sucked that the one time that they are need to help or spend time with each other was cause of his little problem. Well to the guys i play sports with, I guess it really isn't all that little.

After being a couple hours after they left the doctors and I've been trying to get here option on what we could do she finally spoke. Baby oil what am i gonna do with that. I'm not tanning i say even thought i know what she is bringing it up for.

Mom the problem isn't what i use. The problem is well mainly motivation for it. Well that and well 8 is a lot to ask for. It takes a toll on my wrist and forearms after awhile. Specially the more i well you know do it the longer it takes
She flashed a smile at her son figuring he missed the joke. "Well baby, I guess we need to go inside and talk about some changes around here huh?"

She got out of the car and walked inside her heels making a click clack sound as sshe walked across the garage floor and into the hallway leading into the kitchen.

"What the fuck do I do here?" She asked herself, in her head. Do I really have to lend my son a hand to...to do that? Do I need to let him see or maybe even feel my body to encourage him to cure himself? She poured a glass of wine to try and settle her nerves.

As she sipped the wine waiting for Pat to join her, a plan began to form in her mind. It should work for today, and Larann realized she would just take this one day at a time.

She heard her son approaching, and she took a seat at the table looking at her watch. It was just after 4pm, so plenty of time to get in the 8 Orgasms before midnight. She desperatly hoped her plan for tonight would work.
Waiting in the car for a couple. Watching you step in front of your car. Hearing the sound of your heels on the garage floor until i see the house door close and your out of my sight. God i never thought i would ever have to have a conversation with my own mom about stuff like this. Waiting a couple minutes i finally get out of the car and head to the house. Hitting the garage door opener on my way in.

Walking down the hall i round the corner and step into the kitchen. Looking across the room. Seeing her sitting at the table with a glass of wine. "Wine mom doesn't drink that much. specially this early in the day"i think. Moving to the center of the kitchen, my eyes never leaving you. Mom before you say anything I just want to say im sorry. Im sure this was the last news you wanted from the doctor. Let alone probably never wanted or expected the 2 of use to be put in a situation like this.
"Honey, honey, honey...this is not your fault. It's a medical condition. No different than all the other times I had to treat your boo boos. I have an idea for tonight, get dressed nicely, but in something with easy crotch access." I finish my wine, then stand up. "I'm going to shower and dress then we'll go out for dinner to this place I sometimes have to go for business."

I walked out of the kitchen wondering what my son would think when he finds out where I have a lot of business meetings...
I stand there listening to you. Unsure of whats going on. Surprised she is taking it so well. Sure was the only word i could get out before turning and walking out of the room. Heading up the stairs and walking down to my room. Hearing the sound of moms heels on the wood floors as i close the door. Stripping off my close i walk naked into my little bathroom and hop in the shower.

Washing every inch of my body. Taking a little extra time to get rid of my first load. Which i knew wouldn't take much time sense the first is usually the quickest. getting out of the shower and drying off. Going threw my wardrobe till i find something that fits moms request as well as is still comfortable with the temperature outside. Walking out of my room after a half hour i make my way towards the stairs.

Mom im ready i think i yell out. no clue as to where she is.
After showering and drying my hair, I put my makeup on naked. I debated calling Pat in so he could get started. BUt there was still a part of me screaming that even in these circumstances it would be wrong.

Once I had my face on I debated between slutty sexy and professional. Finallly I decided sexy professional, I might run into people I know tonight, so I don't want to ruin my hard earned rep. I put on a short black skirt with a pair of stockings, a see through blouse, no bra, and a jacket that matched the skirt. I finished off with a pair of peek toe black sandals with straps that tie on the leg. I put on some perfume and looking in the mirror I nooded in appreciation.

I walked downstairs and took my sons hand. I lead him out the the car, got in and began to drive.
Waiting in the kitchen for what seamed like for ever even though it wasn't. All kinds of thoughts running threw my head but non even close to what mom has planned in her head. Looking around i finally hear the sound of your heels as you walk into the kitchen and grab my hand and pull me out the door before i can say anything.

Sitting in the car as you drive. Looking over at you. Having see you go to work looking close to this, but for some reason with me here, your look seams different. You um look real nice mom, where are we going.
Someplace ypu/ve never been, and I do a lot of business. Its a bit of a drive, so while I drive, why don't you relax a bit and tell me how I can help you with your umm medicine?
I grab the lever on the seat leaning it back after hearing you tell me its a little drive. How can you help. Well mom I'm not sure how easy it is for you to ask that question. but giving you an answer. Well thinking of different ways i easy. but to sit here and tell my mom well that's not so easy. How many sons out there can honestly say they have talk about to told there mother how they could help with there penis problems i say with a laugh trying to lighten the topic a little more
"It seems to me the key problem is arousal and time. Arousal can be helped with medicine, but I think you are still young enough to not need a pill to get ready. You just need something to stimulate your interest. So tell me about your likes and dislikes."
Sitting there listening i cant help but laugh. Mom im no different then any other guy who likes woman. What there wearing or not wearing turns up on. Cant really say im to picky, i like woman who stay in shape, not over weight. And like most guys my age, woman older then us are always better. They know what they want and what there doing. Girls around my age are so stuck up. They catch a hint of a little default in you and you got no chance.
"So your telling me that y0ou would be as turned on by a woman in sweats as you would a woman in a baby doll nightie." I ask as I turn off the free way and manuver the car onto some local streets.
Well sweats might be ok, depending who the woman is and how she acts of presents herself. But well your a woman. im sure you know when it comes to guys less is always better. Hell getting past clothes what a woman does can turn a guy on, how she talks or touches him
"So how should a girl talk to you or...touch you to turn you on. " I ask as I turn into a parking lot. A glaring neon light Is flashing in the on a building.
Pink Palace​
:nana: X :nana: X :nana: X :nana:

[OOC imagine the dancing bananas are females]
Sitting there looking out my window as you drive. Well as far a touching. like a masseuse. gentle and soft. lightly rubbing and running her hands all over. running her hands over sensuously.

As for talking. Well what guy doesnt love when a woman talks to him sexily, erotic, naughty. Thats always a turn on i say as i notice us turn then a bright light. Turning my head and seeing the large bright neon sign.

What the hell. What are we doing here? How do you even now about this place? Wait if your thinking were going in there together then were leaving the mother and son names outside. It weird enough my mom bring me here, we dont need anyone in there knowing. All these words coming out of my mouth as i stare up at the sign.
"I know about this place, because after dad died, several of our clients decided to try and take advantage of me by trying to close deals here. They thought I would give in to their demands due to embaressment. I found that with the guys being distracted, I could make better deals here than in a restaurant. Hell this is where I closed the deal to supply the state police with crusiers for the next 5 years."

I looked at my son in concern. All the employees know me here. I come here at least once a week with potential clients. So lying about my name wouldn't work. I do have a VIP membership though which comes with some perks. Including private rooms for lap and table dances.

Now here's the problem...They know me, buit not you. You are too young to be someone looking to buy or lease a fleet of cars, so what could the story be?"

I look at my son resting my hand on him and starting to lightly caress his bare arm while we talk.
Eyes traveling back and forth from the building to you, to your hand and back to the building. "God after all this time, never thinking my mom did anything exciting she been coming to a place like this once a week". Well like you said im to young to be someone buying stuff from you. And well sense you said they know you the last thing you want is them knowing your bring your son here. So i guess the only story we can go with. i think for a second before i speak.

Well i guess you will just have to play it that im some young stud who is extremely lucky to have landed a woman like you. Unless your not comfortable with that then ill do my best to go along with any suggestion you have.
"Well then my young stud, here is some cash so you can show your hot cougar of a date a really really good time. Now shall we go in?"

Debbie gets out of the car and walks to the door standing there waiting for her date to open the door for her. Pat hurried over and threw open the door.

The music came blasting out of the door hitting them with physical force. Beastie Boys Girls was playing, and the odors of booze and cigar smoke were thick. Larann smniled and walked in.

A bouncer was at the door and jumped up. "Larann, long time no see", and he walked around his podium and hugged her. He turned and looked at Pat who looked scared and a bit neaous. "Who is this young pup?" he asked her.

Larann smiled at him and replied "Thats my date tonight." and linked her arm through Pat's. The bouncer looked him up and down and laughed. "Robbing the cradle a bit are we."

"Hey a cougar likes to play with her cubs" Larann laughs as she lead Pat into the club itself. It was not very crowded, since it was still a bit early. Larann lead her son over to the stage and sat him down front and center. She pulled her chair a bit closer to him and whispered in his ear "tip her a $5." indicating the dancer currently on stage.
Getting out of the car and following you to the door and open in. Nervous about this, which i can tell that the bouncer notices. Not saying any word letting my mom do all the talking. With in minutes she leads me to the stage and we sit. My eyes roaming around the room checking out what woman are there.

Seeing acouple young ones who look like there around my age but then also seeing a few that look like they could be my mothers age. Hearing my mother tell me to tip a 5 i look up at the dancer on the stage. Her age looking close to my mothers. my eyes instantly running over her body as i reach in my pocket and pull out a 5. leaning towards the stage i hold it up. Staring at the sexy milf dance and move towards us.
Venus, dances closer to us, and drops her bra on my sons head. She leans down and holds her mesmerizing tits just inches from his face as she jiggles them enticing him with the untouchable mounds.

I smile watching his pants start to tent, and I nod at my long time friend who winks back and goes back to her routine.

A new server comes over to my table, "Anything I can get for you folks?" she asks. I order a beer for Pat, and a cocktail for myself.

"Is the VIP lounge available tonight?" I ask the young buxom blond as I hand her my VIP card.

"Let me check on that for you darlin' she says winking and flashing a smile at me. I watched her cute butt as she walked away.