A guy who uses a Freddie Prinze Jr. pic as an AV


Spitting Game Theory
Mar 27, 2001
Is saying what exactly? "I'm a fan of gawdawful maudlin romantic comedies?" or "I Have a crush on Freddie Prinze Jr."?

Or both?
Weevil said:
Is saying what exactly? "I'm a fan of gawdawful maudlin romantic comedies?" or "I Have a crush on Freddie Prinze Jr."?

Or both?

Is saying that I don't have any pics of myself and this is as close as it gets.
Or that he wishes he was married to Sara Michelle Gellar. ;-)

I think it's cute.. why do any of us use AV's that aren't self portraits chose the ones that we do?
Re: Re: A guy who uses a Freddie Prinze Jr. pic as an AV

Romial said:
Is saying that I don't have any pics of myself and this is as close as it gets.

Yeah. Sure.

So it's the second one, is it?
Re: Re: Re: A guy who uses a Freddie Prinze Jr. pic as an AV

Weevil said:
Yeah. Sure.

So it's the second one, is it?

Try both.
:kiss:'s for Romial.

I think his av is sexy. I love the direct look into me, I mean, the camera.
Rubyfruit said:
:kiss:'s for Romial.

I think his av is sexy. I love the direct look into me, I mean, the camera.

Why thank you Ruby. :)
Romial said:
He isn't as swift as mouse tho.

So what do you do when a Freddie Prinze Jr. fan calls you dumb? How do you reply monosylabically and yet maintain a PG-13 rating so as not to expose him to any new words?
Romial said:
He isn't as swift as mouse tho.

Meaner though.

Right Weevil? ;)

Seriously though, how is Freddy whats-his-name any different than any other celeb?
Weevil said:
So what do you do when a Freddie Prinze Jr. fan calls you dumb? How do you reply monosylabically and yet maintain a PG-13 rating so as not to expose him to any new words?

What do I do? I do nothing. I can care less. I'm not Freddie Prince Jr. I don't try to act like him. I am who I am, no one else.
Romial said:

Compared to Weevil he is.


That would be:

Chuckling hard at the loser desperately trying to score points with girls by having a second rate hunk as an AV.
Recognizing Freddie Prinze Jr. in the first place makes you a dork-nerd of the finest caliber.

Rock on, Mothafuckah...