A Good Girl


Sep 9, 2002
A Good Girl (closed)

This role is closed for "DeliciousMaiden" and myself

IC: I have been working at Saint Jose high school for about 4 years now, but at the beginning of this school year our principle became very ill so I was promoted to principle. It was a small boarding school so I never had to work hard, all of the kids were very good, we never had any big parties, fights, and drugs are almost not there at all. Everything would just be dandy if it wasn't for one student. Jenna was a senior this year, from the day she got here four years ago she has been trouble, getting in fights, not doing work, breaking dress code, as she got older more and more drugs. I can't kick her out of school because her Father contributes to the school so much, so we just have to deal with her. Well, now that I'm in charge things are going to change. The phone rings, it's Mrs. Smith, she tells me that Jenna exposed herself in class and she was on her way up to my office. Here is my chance to get even.

OCC: I'm looking for someone to play Jenna, she's just turned 18, she is very popular at school, almost everybody likes her, she is very conceded, she is not used to people not doing what she want's, she's an only child from a rich family, so she a real brat.

I'm hoping to take this role to domination, bondage and some spanking. I hope someone comes along.
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Jenna Miles


Jenna Miles is a spoiled brat of the first order.
She is bright and feisty and knows just how to play the system.
Her open disdain of the teachers is a source of constant amusement to her classmates.
Popular with boys and girls alike, her immunity to punishment is strangely not resented.

Whilst the girls of her age are sporting long feminine locks and presenting a fresh-faced girl-next-door image, Jen has her hair cut into a short 'n' sexy bob, which is just too long to pin back and the source of much teacher irritation as the thick dark brown
hair shot through with natural fiery highlights is openly admired by all; not least by many of her male contemporaries, as they watch her run a hand through her hair and flick back the constantly straying strands.

This coupled with her short, lowcut version of the school uniform make Jenna a pupil that most of the staff are ready to see the back of. Although only the beginning of term, the countdown has begun in the staffroom; countdown to Jenna's exit and a cessation of her father's interference in his daughter's education.
Unfortunately all knew that if Jenna did not complete her year successfully they would also be losing his patronage of the school!


As the old bat turned her back haughtily the class sniggered as it bent back over its work.
I pulled myself slowly out of my chair and sauntered out of the room, making sure I slammed the door behind me.
I was to report to the principle’s office straight away to “explain myself”!
I could hear her exasperated whine as she tried to still the class.
I looked back through the glass pane and grinned at James Wellingham.
It was all his fault anyhow.. if he hadn’t stuffed that note down my top then I wouldn’t have had to… well.. what the hell…
I pulled a face and rolled my eyes at the frazzled teacher and turned to climb the stairs.
Well it was a walk anyhow… wasted more time…

“Hey Jen!”

The voice attracted my attention. Looking up I saw Cal.
Same year as me and a really good laugh, but he towed the line in class.. well I guess he had to.
The teachers couldn’t touch me here, hell daddy paid their wages, or as good as.

”Whatcha up to?”

I asked as I looked at him curiously.

”Off to medical… strained ankle so I can’t do footy practise… “

I looked at his feet and raised an eyebrow as he strode towards me and drew near.

”So.. which foot…? you’re not limping… “

He grinned, flashing his drop dead gorgeous eyes.

”Haven’t decided, but I’ll be limping by the time I get to the med room.”

We stood on the stairs, laughter filling the hall.
A door opened and Mr Wilder stuck his head out.
I fixed him with a glare and spoke rudely.


Cal swallowed a snigger.

”Oh.. err.. um.. it’s you Jenna.. I… “

We burst into laughter as he closed the door.


I muttered disgustedly.

”So.. where you off to Jenna… ?”

Cal’s query reminded me and made me scowl.

”Principle’s.. You’d have thought that the old coot had given up sending for me, but Mrs Smith put him up to it.. Told him I’d been exposing myself for gawd’s sake!”

Cal rubbed up against me.

”Ohh.. Jenni… what did you show… ?“

I brushed off the hand that squeezed my ass…

”Down boy.. it’s not as fun as it sounds.. the old bat.. over reacted…
I only undid my top to get to a letter that idiot James shoved down there…
and she goes ape and accuses me of exposing myself.. so…. “

I giggled remembering the teacher’s face.

”.. all I did was get my tits out and show her what exposing really meant… !”

Laughing at Cal’s expression I continued.

”How pathetic, you see as much on any good beach… still… I guess Old Taylor has to go through the motions and tell me what a naughty girl I am… and give the old windbag a sedative… “

Cal’s mirthful expression altered slightly.

"Taylor…? ... haven’t you heard…?
He was gonna go sick, but they had to ship him out fast
… it’s Mr Paul who’s taken over as Principle this year.. didn’t you know…?”

I grimaced.

”Mr Paul.. isn’t he that sullen looking guy.. face like he ate sour grapes all the time…
sheesh.. this should be interesting… not even a proper principle anymore.. Some jumped up teacher appointed in a panic, bet he thinks he’s boss now…“

Saying bye to Cal I continued up to the top floor where the Principle’s offices were.
I was going to have to play this right to make sure I didn't have this guy on my back for the rest of the term...
I didn't forsee any trouble, but I might as well have some fun whilst I was about it.
He was gonna be a pushover!

I hesitated and adjusted my clothes.
Again I’d defied the rules and worn my black skirt to thigh instead of knee length and my blouse was unbuttoned to the clevage. I wore no blazer.
In final year the teachers had given up trying.
It was all fuss about nothing anyhow.
I only wore full uniform for special occasions when daddy wanted me to look the part.

The one blouse button I’d fastened popped open again, the button hole must be stretched now after I’d yanked it open in class.
A smirk crossed my face remembering.
“Oh well.. lets get this over with,” I thought.

I raised my hand and knocked.. slowly.. three times…
The very sound was supposed to indicate my boredom, communicate insolence before I even stepped into the room.
Without waiting for an answer, I pushed open the door and stepped just over the threshold.

One hand leaning casually on the doorframe, I stood at a studied slouch and made eye contact with the man who raised his gaze from a pile of papers.
As soon as I saw him sat in behind that desk, I recognised him.
I hadn’t had any major run ins with him over the years, but he sure knew who I was.
He wouldn’t stand a chance in this job, I thought to myself.
He frowned, but I met his gaze and smiled brazenly, keeping my tone light and casual.

”You wanted a chat…?”

I let the question hang in the air.
He would soon see how this was gonna work.
He was going to have to realise quick that I was not going to respond to being “summoned to explain myself”.


Picture for Mr Paul and staff, pupils and readers of sassy Lil Jenna!
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Mr. Paul

"Come in Jenna. Please take a seat." I try and force a pleasant smile.

I was going to try and make this go as smoothly as possible, I really didn't want to make to big an issue out of this. I just got this new job, I really want this year to go by without getting fired, and I knew that the little bitch could do just that.

"So, Do you want to tell me what happened today in class?" Maybe giving her a chance to explain things will make this go faster.
Jenna Miles

"Come in Jenna. Please take a seat."

I tried not to let my expression show surprise as he invited me in.
Interesting approach, I thought. I could play the game.

I smiled sweetly and stepped into the room.
I closed the door and sauntered across.
I stood and watched him, almost as if about to refuse, then sat demurely in the chair he had indicated.
I watched him as he sat opposite behind his desk.

"So, Do you want to tell me what happened today in class?"

His voice continued to be conversational, but I didn't know him well enough to know if it was forced or not.

"It wasn't my fault. That old bitch Smith has it in for me.
You must know that!"

I muttered sulkily - testing deliberately to see if I could get away with that.

Taking on a more reasonable tone, I sketch round the details.

"She accused me of something I didn't do... so... I made sure she knew the difference.... "

I smirked at the memory.

"Guess you could say I was just being helpful... I didn't know she'd freak like that... "

I remarked, almost reasonably as I sat back in the chair and let my gaze slip over him.
Mr. Paul

I was going to try to be as fare as I could, and just maybe this would be painless.

"I haven't had to much contact with you Ms. Miles, since this year I think I will be seeing a lot of you." I let a little smirk cross my lips. "I thought, maybe we could try and work together. If none of your class mates make a complaint, well then I'll let this slide, but only this once. I really think you should try and clean up your act, and try and get out of here. You wouldn't want to repeat your senior year . I'm sure you want to get off to collage." I give her the cheesiest smile I can muster. :D

I really doubt anyone in her class would complain, glancing over her chest. My she's grown since I had her in my freshmen English class.
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"I haven't had to much contact with you Ms. Miles, since this year I think I will be seeing a lot of you."

Oh he did, did he?
Well I didn't intend to keep trailing up here every five minutes!
He smirked as he continued.

"I thought, maybe we could try and work together.
If none of your class mates make a complaint, well then I'll let this slide, but only this once."

Wise move. Perhaps I could get going I thought until he continued smugly.

"I really think you should try and clean up your act, and try and get out of here.
You wouldn't want to repeat your senior year .
I'm sure you want to get off to college."

I glared at him as he smiled.
Big mistake buster!
He wasn't going to try and intimidate me!

Matching his cheery conversational tone I replied pointedly.

"If you have any problems with my "act" I'm srue daddy would be interested to hear how I might "clean it up"..."

I paused to let that one sink in, then said in a much more taunting tone.

".. and I think both you and I know, Mr Paul, that there is no chance of me repeating my senior year.
If that were even hinted at it would mean ... staff cuts ... and a withdrawal of my father's patronage... and I'm sure we don't want that to happen do we..?"

I smirked at him as he had done earlier.

"I'm so glad we agree that we're on the same side... "

I said brushing him off and standing to leave.

Casually I turn towards the door, then pause and look back.
I had noticed him checking me out.

"Ohh.. and if you want to know what my tits look like, ask anyone in class.... Mrs Smith sure knows.... "

My eyes locked with his and I laughed.
Mr. Paul

The little bitch! She was not going to push me around. I tried to make this go smoothy, but if she wanted to go down this path, I already knew what I was going to do now.

My smile gone, my pleasant tone gone. "Ms. Miles please take a seat, I'm not done with you." Oh God I hope this works.

I get up from my desk. I walk out in front of her, keeping my eyes on the floor, I pace back and fourth. I had to be careful, I was treading on thin ice, and if this didn't go down the way planed, I would be in a good amount of trouble.

"Tell me Jenna, have you ever seen the movie "Apocalypse Now"?"

I don't wait for her to respond. "In the beginning of the movie, the main character has a break down, he doesn't know what's reality or what's his imagination, whether he's in the jungle or in the hotel room. So you know what he does?" Again I don't wait for her to say anything. "He paunches a mirror! Do you know why? Because he needed a reality check to bring him back down to earth."

"Do you have any idea what this story has to do with you?" I look into her eyes, such pretty eyes full of hate. If only she knew what I was going to do to her. I couldn't wait to see the hate change to fear.:devil:
Jenna Miles

I saw the change immediately.
His face became hard and his voice unpleasant.

"Ms. Miles please take a seat, I'm not done with you."

I couldn’t help my eyes widening in surprise.
The guy had more balls than I’d thought.
Again I thought I’d go along for the ride.
With a forced polite smile, that was 100% insolent I sat down once more and crossed my legs and leaned forward slightly.
Let him check out my breasts and my legs.
Daddy would love to know how his ‘lil girl was being sexually harassed by the principle.
That would be a handy trick to have up my sleeve.
I tried to hide my smug smile and looked up to watch as he came out from behind his desk.

Walking up and down the floor before me, his eyes remained disappointingly lowered.
I sat back and crossed my arms sullenly before me, thinking that he’d better get on with it.
Suddenly he started speaking, making me start slightly.

"Tell me Jenna, have you ever seen the movie "Apocalypse Now"?"

My eyes widened questioningly.
Had he completely lost it?

"In the beginning of the movie, the main character has a break down, he doesn't know what's reality or what's his imagination, whether he's in the jungle or in the hotel room. So you know what he does?"

What was the point of this?

"He paunches a mirror! Do you know why? Because he needed a reality check to bring him back down to earth."

Finally his eyes fixed on mine.

"Do you have any idea what this story has to do with you?"

He looked hard at me.
I thought that I was supposed to get something, but had no idea what he was getting at.

"Well… it’s a very nice story, but… I really should get going, unless you want me to miss another class?”

Right on cue the bell for the next lesson sounded.

”Mr Paul, Taylor might be the guy who had the breakdown, but it seems like it’s you who need the reality check…”

I sighed theatrically and uncrossed my legs.

”Look can I go now..? I’m missing out on my education sat here… “
Mr. Paul

"No, you my not go. You will sit in that chair until I say you can leave." This had better work, or I'm going to jail for a long time.

I walk away from my desk, moving behind her, there was a closet in the corner that hadn't been opened in many years, taking my key chain out, I unlock the door opening it slowly. I look over my shoulder, just in time to see her ass disappear behind the door.

"Bitch!" I mutter under my breath. Next time...
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Jenna Miles

Without waiting for his permission I stood and turned towards the door.
His voice was harsh as he barked out.

"No, you my not go.
You will sit in that chair until I say you can leave."

I turned to glare at him, but he was already moving away from his desk.
Without waiting I turned on my heel.
I'd humoured the guy just so far, but this was beginning to get tedious.
He could bluster and order 'til he was blue in the face.
If he gave it up now, at least he'd spare himself time and temper.
I decided not to give him the satisfaction of a response.
Wordlessly I opened the door and slipped out of the office.

I had to admit, he'd tried more than the last principle, even though he was a stand-in, but there was no way that I was going to respond to him talking to me like that.
I sauntered away, remembering how his eyes had wondered over my body and mused about developping a story about the principle letching after me ... mmm ... that would be the first tale I'd pass on to daddy - if Mr Paul proved to be ... tiresome!
I had it all worked out. Next time things were going to play out differently.

One of the security guards at the school, brought me something that he thought I should see, a few days before my little interaction with Jenna.

This is how I was going to make this work, this is how I was going to take the little bitch. My friend Bob (the security guard) was on duty one day, when he saw something on the video surveillance screen in the school's pool. The tape was of her on her hands and knees blowing one of the school jocks while another guy ate her pussy from behind, as I watched the video, I could feel myself become very aroused. Seeing her bucking her hips into the other guys face, hearing her stifled moans with a cock sliding in and out of her mouth, watching her perfect teen tits swing back and fourth. "I wonder what daddy would say about this?" I smile to myself.

Now all I had to do is wait until she fucked up again, which should be to long then I will have her. Sliding my hand over my hard cock thinking about what I will do to her.
Apologies all ... withdrawing

Have PMed Roadrunner, but just to let you all know, I'm withdrawing from this thread.

My interpretation of Jenna is feisty rather than a total slut ... at least at this stage in the story.

I wanted Jenna to be a strong character, who took a long time to subdue, but the sassier they are, the greater their submission, right?

Good luck with this version Roadrunner!

Am sure you will get many offers for girls who will play the Jenna you've seen on your cams...

Will keep an eye on this...

DM x
(untameable... ggls.. try me!)
