
Dec 18, 1999
I got an erection on my 12th birthday and it didn't go away until I was 17.
Just how long can a guy keep an erection? I've read in many stories, that guy go limp after blowing thier wad, and it takes a little time to get it back up.

I personally don't have that problem, as long as i'm aroused, i can stay hard for as long as i want.

Has any one ever had this experence? Is it common, or am i just a lucky one?
I don't think it is common, but I do know a guy who can stay hard for hours, even after cumming....
You had that problem too Lasher? Damn! I thought I was the only one...
LOL, Lasher99! It's a shame those lovely perpetual hard-ons are wasted on the pubescent.
You think they are wasted on the pubescent huh? Well now I am starting to understand eve_of_destructions obsession with young guys (there you go Hans....I said 'young guys' this time instead of 'young boys')
LOL, little slutbro! Yes, sometimes I do think it's an obsession. To be fair, though, my husband can go for hours without cumming - whether this is his age or the fact that he drinks quite a bit (or a combination of both) I don't know... but I prefer the young ones, who I can please over and over. That in itself gives me so much satisfaction! Usually 5 minutes later and they're ready again - just enough time for a cigarette break. The constant thrusting from someone who takes forever can rub me raw in no time... and the young ones love to be blown, so I can give my pussy a break. I don't know, what can I say? It just works for me!
