A.F.K. for pr0n...


Chillin' like a villain
Feb 4, 2003

Hey dudes and dudettes,

This is ol' Nitelite takin a quick A.F.K. to go look at some nekkid ladies...

If you leave your name and a message, I will be sure to get back to you when I return.

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Bring some back with you for the rest of us, k?

Oh, and a glass of tea would be perfect, too! Thanks.
LOL, it just occurred to me that I can bump this message anytime I want to take a ‘coffee break’.

This will be my answering machine thread!
Nora said:

So? Where's my tea?

Lemme guess... you don't drink it with sugar either do you?

Can we take requests for certain kinds of porn nitelite?
Nora said:
I'm all about sweet tea, baby!! :p

There we go.. Raina says she won't let me even make her tea when she comes to visit me. So I know that at least one person will. :D
Right now I'm drinking Crystal Light raspberry tea (on Eumenides's recommendation). For a non-southerner, she done good. It's not too bad, actually.

It's not the real thing, of course...

But hell yeah, I'd drink your tea in a heartbeat! Of course...that is presuming Mr Answering Machine ever fetches it. *looks at watch impatiently*
I like that stuff! Started drinking it a few years ago and no it doesn't beat good ole ice sweet tea.

I put a cup of sugar per gallon.. Raina is weird and doesn't want any sugar at all in hers. *glances around*

Wonder if he's erm busy? :D
Yeah, i do about 3/4 to 1 cup of sugar in a gallon. Unless I do it seriously old fashioned and make tea concentrate and sugar syrup. *grins*

Dunno. He's probably one of those people who never returns phone messages. :D
Nora said:
Yeah, i do about 3/4 to 1 cup of sugar in a gallon. Unless I do it seriously old fashioned and make tea concentrate and sugar syrup. *grins*

Dunno. He's probably one of those people who never returns phone messages. :D

I love in the summer time setting out a gallon jar filled with water and the tea bags and just set it out in the sun.

We could always start placing prank calls. :D
/me panting out of breath...

I went to three stores and they were all sold-out of your specific Earl Grey blend with the high quality black Assam and the natural bergamot orange highlight...

I knew that you would accept nothing but that robust mix with its signature fruity notes...

So naturally I could not rest until I finally located it at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf uptown.

Your tea is steeping as we speak, and I beg your humblest pardon!

/me backs away with a sweeping curtsy.
k¡tty said:
Can we take requests for certain kinds of porn nitelite?

This is certainly open for discussion!

But perhaps on the morrow...

Nitelite is very very stoned... Stoned enough in fact, to speak of himself in the 3rd person. Which is very, very annoying and will no doubt be edited tomorrow when he reads this.

Above and beyond the call of duty, Nitelite. Thanks and g'night. :kiss:

Kitty? Methinks this boy ain't from the South.
k¡tty said:
I like that stuff! Started drinking it a few years ago and no it doesn't beat good ole ice sweet tea.

I put a cup of sugar per gallon.. Raina is weird and doesn't want any sugar at all in hers. *glances around*

Wonder if he's erm busy? :D

Ugh! Y'all and your sweet tea...you're the weird ones.

And Crystal Light???? That's not tea it's Kool-aid! Ick...just ick. I expected so much more from you Nora.

*shakes head disappointedly*
Well glam fulfills my gay porn collection already..

Anything oral, his receiving, cum shots, facials that sort of stuff.

Man and two women pictures..

Oh and Fem to Fem strap on is great. :D

You can decide, if you are going to accept this challenge, tomorrow when your buzz is gone.
Nora said:

Kitty? Methinks this boy ain't from the South.

Earl was the tip off.. we don't call our tea after hillbilly names. :-D

Uh oh.. she found out! Raina no sugar is just plain nasty!
Raina said:
Ugh! Y'all and your sweet tea...you're the weird ones.

And Crystal Light???? That's not tea it's Kool-aid! Ick...just ick. I expected so much more from you Nora.

*shakes head disappointedly*

but..but..but...it TASTES GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!! lol

*slinks off to bed under the weighty (yet arousing) disapproval from Raina*