A Discussion of Feminism and rights


Really Really Experienced
Sep 5, 2002
A friend of mine had an assignment to go look for instances of violence against woman in the media for her woman’s studies class. I got sucked into her project while I was looking over her shoulder, and I have to tell you I am still reeling from what I have seen and read. I could list a dozen events around the world that would make your knees hurt, and your mind cringe. But I want to focus on something positive as I have already received a good dose of dread already.

I want to ask the other men of Lit if you support feminism, or woman’s rights in any form? Have you read any books on this topic?

Ladies, I would like to ask you to mention any good books you have read, or any organizations you support.

I think it's difficult in this day and age to say if one supports feminism seeing as that word isn't as clearly defined as it may have been in other feminist movements. There seems to be such a fraction of feminist interests that it leaves many doors to interpretation open.

I fully support the ideal that a woman should be able to realize her potential as she sees fit. Whether than means in a boardroom or as a housewife. Self-actualization, whatever that means to the individual, not the gender.

I used to do a fair amount of reading on feminist thought a few years ago but haven't really had the time since...

Donna Harraway, Camille Paglia, De Beauvoir, Irigaray, Kristeva
Good luck to your friend. Sometimes you can get sucked into a subject and it takes on a life of its own. This happened to me when I was preparing a talk for a women's group. I actually spent a great deal of time researching the topic of the Christian response to domestic violence. The most incredible book I've seen on the subject (and several others) is very readable -- not dry & scholarly at all. I highly recommend it.

There is a website and discussion forum for this book too if you're interested.
You make a very good point. Ask ten different people what feminism is and you a likely to get ten different asnwers. Lets set a commom difinition:

Good old Merriam Webster:
Main Entry: fem·i·nism
Pronunciation: 'fe-m&-"ni-z&m
Function: noun
Date: 1895
1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests
- fem·i·nist /-nist/ noun or adjective
- fem·i·nis·tic /"fe-m&-'nis-tik/ adjective

Parklife said:
I think it's difficult in this day and age to say if one supports feminism seeing as that word isn't as clearly defined as it may have been in other feminist movements. There seems to be such a fraction of feminist interests that it leaves many doors to interpretation open.

I fully support the ideal that a woman should be able to realize her potential as she sees fit. Whether than means in a boardroom or as a housewife. Self-actualization, whatever that means to the individual, not the gender.

I used to do a fair amount of reading on feminist thought a few years ago but haven't really had the time since...

Donna Harraway, Camille Paglia, De Beauvoir, Irigaray, Kristeva

Could not have said it better. Women have the rights, it sad that some guys don't get the message. The world is full of inequalities.:(
female sexuality should always be secondary, and reactionary, to male sexuality. women do not possess the ability to conduct themselves in a rational fashion, and thus should not be allowed to hold positions of power in the workforce. in fact, women shouldn't be in the workforce at all. women belong in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.
Has anyone else read:

"A woman's experiance of sex." by Shelia Kitsinger (SP?)

A fantastic book. Should be required highschool reading I think for boys and girls.

yayati said:
Feminists = Dykes who hate their father's for treating their mother's poorly. They have a immense hatred for men because of this. Tobba tobba.

That about wraps the discussion up. hehe:)

i think this accurately describes me.
Mouse I think I see your point, but it would be helpful if you elaborated on it.

Do you mean that any distinction between sex or class promotes segmentation? There has been a large rift over this idea for long time in many rights movements.

Or do you mean your actions and beliefs are universal regardless of the group?

By saying Feminism bores you, do you mean the promotion of woman’s rights bores you?

seXieleXie said:
so... women aren't people?

See, you have an automatically EXclusionary take on my sentence. Its an INclusive thought about the rights of people, female and male.

One of the reasons feminism bores me.
modest mouse said:

See, you have an automatically EXclusionary take on my sentence. Its an INclusive thought about the rights of people, female and male.

One of the reasons feminism bores me.

you took the bait :) thank you
I'm reminded of a time i went to the University of Michigan for a discussion (discussion about a students rights to post whatever he wanted on his own website - he posted about having sex with a particular girl in school)..

Anyway, Catherine McKinnon (anti-porn feminist) was one of the panelist and once everything was situated and the audience started asking questions, McKinnon wound up getting more questions regarding her stance on women and pornography asked from fellow feminist (from the Pro-porn camp) in attendance than anything. I got to give her credit though, those questions bombarded her left and right and she stood up there taking any and all on until the moderator had to restore order.

Like most debates, it ended with much yelling, name calling and nothing much decided. Which actually, was kind of cool to see that even these published respected intellectual sometimes let emotion ride too heavy...
glorfindale39 said:
Mouse I think I see your point, but it would be helpful if you elaborated on it.

Do you mean that any distinction between sex or class promotes segmentation? There has been a large rift over this idea for long time in many rights movements.

No. There are distincitons between the sexes that are inherent in each gender. There are few constants but general differences do exist and denying such is ignorant and unrealistic. Having said that, each individual is unique and how they relate as a person, with gender playing a role, is more important than a demographic.

I do think that feminism can act to divide more than convey ideas and work towards each woman being able to determine her own path. This is usually reactionary feminsim rather than the intelligent people who strive for equality.

Some feminists, the reactionary kind, take offense at women who choose alife not in-line with what they consider a modern woman. That has always bothered me.

Now, this is important. All groups and movements have elements that can or do have negative impacts. I am NOT singling out feminism as having any more negative elements as any other group.

As it applies to your next question, my point is that those who truly strive for equality and individual freedoms and those who consider themselves feminists do not always reside under the same umbrella.

Or do you mean your actions and beliefs are universal regardless of the group?
They are not universal but are not so quickly divided up in relation to gender, etc. Its more of an idea about what should be available to a person, what should be undeniable, and what life choices rest in their hands.

By saying Feminism bores you, do you mean the promotion of woman?s rights bores you?

Yes and no. The promotion of woman's rights tends to bore me when done so in such a narrowl scope as to be short-sighted and limiting.

There are issues that are specific to women in this and other cultures but I prefer that they be addressed in the idea of individual rights and care, rather than as its own agenda.
I support that a woman is the equal of a man in all aspects of social interaction, with the same potential.

However I do not support feminism as a whole, I actually agree with Ifeminist.com on alot of things... its just groups like NOW that disturb me.
word usage buddy:

reactionary - Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative. Syn. CONSERVATIVE 1, die-hard, fogyish, old-line, orthodox, right, tory, traditionalistic.

reactive - Tending to be responsive or to react to a stimulus.
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seXieleXie said:
female sexuality should always be secondary, and reactionary, to male sexuality. women do not possess the ability to conduct themselves in a rational fashion, and thus should not be allowed to hold positions of power in the workforce. in fact, women shouldn't be in the workforce at all. women belong in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

How about out of the workplace, in the living room on the couch, barefoot, and not pregnant?

I like that better.
English is a varied language buddy sez:


\Re*ac"tion*a*ry\, a. Being, causing, or favoring reaction; as, reactionary movements.