A Dangerous Game (Closed)


Ghost Of Who I Was
Aug 7, 2006
Eden Wolf was a young girl from around the Area, she was the kind of girl who could make guys pay close attention. But behind her stormy colored greyish blue eyes, laid many secrets there. And she had much she knew about, she had been called to go to the BAU and it was a place she had never been. But she drove over to their offices and slowly walked into the building. She had sun glasses on which she removed, running her fingers in her black hair.

She got a visitors pass and had her papers to prove who wanted her there, it was the boss himself. She was a language interpreter for her age of only twenty two she was highly intelligent. And kept herself open for many things to happen, the sound of her black thick heels could be heard. Though it was a dull sound, it still could be heard. As she began to hum a tune very quietly. She was stopped by a woman her name was J.J and she seemed rather nice.

Being told to wait in the conference room because the person assigned to her would be joining her in five minutes, looking at her watch she grew a bit nervous. What no one knew is she actually took behavioral science and could read people but not very well, just enough for her to know when to push or when not to. So sitting back in the chair her black blouse showing off her chest but not in a horrible way, rather flattering on her.
Reid was sitting in one of the back offices of the BAU when Hotch and JJ knocked on the door and walked in. They asked about some particulars on the Unsub from the case he was studying and they briefly discussed the theories that he was beginning to develop. After the initial conversation, Hotch tells Reid that his new assignment is here and is waiting for him in the conference room.

What they do fail to tell him is that his new assignment is a female that is to be placed with him for a while to be shown the ropes of how things are handled around the BAU. The fact of her being female would be such an issue for anyone else but with Ried it creates a noticeable and obvious uncomfortable feeling. Not because of the attention cast his way but more of a feeling on his part that he feels expected to know them or be attracted to them. He leaves the back office and Hotch and JJ watch him walk down the hall.

He reaches the conference room door and gives a couple of raps on the window before turning the handle and stepping inside. He looks towards the table and sees a beautiful, young woman sitting at the table. He walks over to the edge of the table across from her. "Uhhh hi. I'm Dr. Reid....I'm...umm...Spencer Reid."
Eden was rather patient thinking about her family, she had missed them. She was rather lonely and being alone in this world she could not help but want to just give up. But she kept going every day, thinking what her mother would say. Sighing sadly as she heard people talking outside and did not know how to handle certain things, her stormy eyes fell to the door when she heard someone knocking a couple times. She smiled knowing it was time, but when the guy walked in she knew who he was.

Smiling a bit she stood up and shook his head. "I'm Eden Wolf, a pleasure to meet you Dr. Reid. I remember a couple years ago. Talking about Unsubs and how they think that kind of thing, it was rather fascinating." She said and sat down comfortably and could tell he was nervous, his posture and eyes screamed it. She gave him a rather innocent smile, and crossed one leg over the other. She put her hands in her lap.

"I am not to sure how much you were told about me, and don't worry I don't bite. I can tell your nervous, I kinda dabbled in human behavior just for the hell of it. Comes in handy once in a while" She said trying to ease him. Not wanting him to pass out, she knew about Dr. Reid he was a brilliant young mind like herself. Though she could dish out more emotion then some, her black hair resting against the chair.
Reid watched as she stood and reached out to shake his hand. He hesitantly reached out and took her hand in his. He was more hesitant with it mainly due to his OCD, but even though nervous, he couldn't afford to seem stand offish with her. After all, he was going to be working with her everyday for a while. Better now to establish a good rapport with her.

He waited as she took her seat and watched her simple bodily movements closely. Watching her legs cross then folding her hands in her lap. Once she settled, he pulled a chair out and sat down with her. "I'm uhh....not really so nervous. haha. well yes, I'm afraid I must admit that yes I am. I knew you were coming today but no one told me that you were going to be a woman. I was just caught unexpected I guess."

He tried to relax in his chair. He crossed one foot over his knee and folded his hands into his lap trying to look more relaxed than what he really was. He could look at a file of information and spit out his assessment with no problem but face to face interviewing was not his strong suit at all. He wished that Morgan was in here with him. Morgan always seemed to relax him a little but more.

"They actually didn't tell me much about you. They said I would find out more once we finally met and began working together. You studying human behavior will help us out a lot. That plays in greatly in about every one of the cases that we deal with. We have to know about the behavior to work establishing an identity for our Unsub in each case. It will be extremely exciting to get your views on different aspects of the cases we are working on."

He took a breath in and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I rambled a little bit there."
Eden smiled at him and heard what he said, and the way he shook her hand made her realize he may have had something wrong. But figured that perhaps she was younger then he was, she knew he was about in his twenties or so. Watching him she could not help but really find him rather curious of a man. But he was rather cute, when he said they did not tell him anything. She sighed a little bit. But then when he apologized for rambling, she made a sweet gesture that it was okay with her. She did not mind.

"Well then I guess I will have to fill in the gabs, I am actually into languages mostly. I knew sign language because my mother was deaf, and when I hit middle school I actually took both French and Spanish even though I did not need two. I always craved to learn new things, so learned Spanish and French fluently. Right now I am studying Chinese and Japanese, I am much like you actually. We are both rather young for our kind of work, so far I am the youngest in my field. And the behavior I found it interesting.

Wanting to learn about how someone acts, I find it rather interesting. But that is just me in a nutshell, I got this job back in New York City. I was on my way home when someone was robbing a bank. There was a huge language barrier so no one was getting any where, so I actually stepped in and took a huge risk with my life. I went to the center between the police and the criminals. But I did what I felt was right at the time, it stopped and there was no lose of life there. The police chief gave me the job.

I may not be as well off as most, but have read many books on the science behind how we act. And look at me, now I am rambling" She chuckled to herself and looked at him, she heard the wind howling outside. Looking outside she could see rain coming "I am also licensed by the FBI to carry a gun which I do, though have never fired it accept for target practice. But I am please the BAU wanted me, always been wanting to work with some of the best. Always wanted to work with you Dr. Reid we share some things in common"
He sat back and listened to her recounting her education and experience. He was actually finding her really interesting and began thinking to himself that this may turn into an actual fun assignment for a change. She finished up with the compliment of always having wanted to work with him and it made him blush slightly. He hoped she didn't notice it.

"The multiple languages may come in handy on some of our cases. That all depends on what evidence we have come into us. As I said before, the main thing that you know that will turn the largest benefit for us is going to be your study of human behavior.

As far as commenting on your experience at the bank, that was a risky and chancy move. That's a good thing that you're willing to use those characteristics about yourself. Not everything around here is always based on evidence. Sometimes we have to be willing to take a situation that seems to be a dead end and take a chance on an idea to make something of it. I guess a better way for me to explain that would be to just call it relying on your gut instinct.

You're not rambling. You're fine. You have a pleasant voice talking about your experience." He paused and looked down thinking that maybe he said the wrong thing. He thought to himself hopefully she don't think I'm flirting with her. He raised his head and looked back at her seeing her smiling at him. "Using our sidearms is something that we try to do only out of necessity. But sometimes it does make you feel safer just knowing it's right there and that we all have each other's backs. Well I'm glad that you're excited about being here with all of us. We are all tied together like a family. And I'm anxious to see what all you think we may have in common."

He stopped and thought 'oh god I just did it again.'
Eden listened to him and nodded a little bit, though she heard what he said. She knew he was not flirting though it sounded like he was not use to working with women like her. Smiling at him when he said what he did about the being in common, comment that she had made. Thinking about all the things they had in common. Looking up at him and was thinking about that to say here she did not want to sound very stupid. But decided to be very honest, so reaching into her bag she took out her lap top.

"I have studied some of the cases that you have been in, to get a more feel for how you work. I do know you are highly proud of your work, some of the cases were rather grime. So don't worry Dr. Reid I would never fire my gun unless it had probable cause and if there was no other way, frankly I hate guns. My father shot himself so yeah its just mostly for show to try to keep the peace and other things. As for what we have in common well, I would have to say with our mothers. And I hope I don't upset you.

But I heard about your mother and by what I know about you, you are a good guy. I watched my mother slowly deteriorate right before my eyes. She had cancer in her brain, and she had twenty chemo treatments and so much radiation. By the time she died she did not know who she was, who I was, my mother use to beg for me to kill her but all I did was pray. So yes we have a couple things in common" She thought about her mother and had no idea why she told him this so damn soon.

She figured he would pull away knowing what she did about his mother. "I knew about your mother because I put my mother in the same home, she had a fire in her and made my mother laugh. Now all I want to do is help people find peace, we may not be able to bring the dead back. But we can speak for the dead. I am actually also very good with figuring out riddles and puzzles, did a lot of that kind of play when I was a child. But I know here you think outside the box, which actually is rather refreshing"
He watched as she reached down and pulled her laptop out of her bag and flipped it open on top of the table. She began speaking as to what they may have in common as she turned it on and then admitted to following him and studying some of his cases. This peaked his interests and he leaned forward in his chair to get a better look at her computer screen as she spoke. When he leaned forward he caught a whiff if her perfume and he paused for a minute. He turned his head and looked at her then when he thought she would catch him looking he turned his head back to the computer screen.

He was actually hanging on her words as she spoke on his cases as well as carrying the firearm on their sides. But then she mentioned his mother. This caught him off gaurd and he set back up in his chair. He had committed his mother involuntarily to the hospital due to her being a schizophrenic. His guilt for this as well as the worry that it could be passed genetically to him takes him over at times.

He kept listening to her without speaking until she changed the subject and mentioned riddles and puzzles. "Yeah. A lot of clues that we have come in are based as riddles or puzzles we have to solve. And dealing with behavior the way that we do, there is no other way to think than outside of the box. The realm of the human psyche is so broad that it can not be categorized as one particular element or another. You have to take every little instance into account and build at least a base model to begin a solid interpretation of the actions of a suspect."
Eden studied how he reacted to his mother and that was part of the reason that she changed the subject so they did not go down that route. But she showed him all the cases she had actually read very closely there were a good thirty cases at least. Sitting back a bit she smiled at Reid and silently sighed. Life could deal you a shitty hand but you do what you can with what you have, her mind like a maze with a mouse trying to find cheese. And his head was even more complex then her own really.

"I remember one case I believe the death toll was about five or so it was the last case that Gideon did before he left here, The Footpath Killer where the question was how did he know the killer had a stutter. My father had a stutter was really bad at times to, so I studied the question myself. Which got me to do some serious thinking, since a person who stutters end up being social outcasts which puts them in the zone for being bullied. I have seen it a lot, kids getting bullied worse in school.

Sometimes I think the longer we are here the more dangerous we become, kinda like that saying guns don't kill people, people kill people. Frankly I wish we were like the British they have crimes sure but guns are illegal, and no one would kill a cop up there. But here its like we all have a target on our backs, sometimes I feel so self conscience that I leave myself open. Which I know is a very fatal flaw with me" She said with a very kind smile on her face, sitting back a little bit, thinking of the question again.
He listened as she mentioned Gideon's last case with the unit. He missed Gideon at times. After all, Gideon was the one that arranged for him to be with the unit as well as setting it so that he was usually referred to as Dr. Reid. This small change was simply an effort for him to viewed with more credibility due to his young age when he first joined the BAU. Since joining, he had earned his own credibility through his actions though. So much so that he would often go off on rants about evidence and circumstances so much that other members of the team would eventually have to calm him and tell him to quiet down.

He remembered Gideon's last case as well about the Footpath killer and Eden's views on it were eerily similar to the very ones that he had about the case. He had felt for the killer mildly considering that he himself had often felt as a social outcast other than when he was with the unit. As he thought before and explained to Eden, they were like a family all working together.

"I'm really impressed at how you are viewing particular cases Eden. Your thoughts and ideas seem to be parallel with the very ones that I had at the time. Like you, I often feel that every one of us have a target on our backs as well. I had often thought of what if guns were illegal here as well. But since working with the unit, I have come to realize that based upon the nature of some people in our race, it honestly would not make a difference.

Even if there were no guns, if someone was willing to do something, they would do it without a gun or not. It's our job to find them and stop them. And I think we may be able to do that even better with your help."
Eden smiled a bit at Reid and realized something just by talking to him, looking down she silently sighed. Closing her eyes she could hear the voices of the bullies that tried to hurt her, when she opened up her eyes and looked over to the corner of the room she could see her young self. Being attacked and could still hear the words used. Eden slowly looked back over at Reid and knew of another thing they had in common. Sighing softly as she looked down into her lap and thought for a second more.

"Another thing we have in common, being the outcast. People look at me now not believing that I was tortured in school, to me I look in the mirror I don't see the beauty some see. All I see is a lonely broken soul who was forced to grow up very fast in our world as it is, I was quite when I was a kid. No friends, no where to hide. I was picked on from primary school all to way to eight grade until when I hit high school, enough was enough. I snapped, I started to stand up for myself no longer showing fear of vulnerability.

We let the wrong people see us when we are vulnerable it is just that much easier to be hurt, I never had friends or boyfriends. Hell some even called me a lesbian just because I wasn't drooling over a guy, but I am glad you consider your co-workers family. Shows that you have latched on to people who truly care for you but also who respect you, your ability and your thoughts. I have never felt that way to anyone I have worked with, but mostly because the FBI and CIA are rather stuffy and did not do a case long enough"
Reid looked and listened as Eden recounted her past. Listening speak about the bullying that she went through made him slowly sink into himself and begin remembering the ways that he was treated in school as well as at home. His face changed slightly revealing a little of all the pain and worry that he kept inside. He realized it and tried to fight through it and straighten himself up so that she wouldn't notice then he began speaking back to her recounting a couple of the more vivid episodes that came to his mind.

"Us both being bullied around and mistreated is something that we definitely have in common. My dad left me and my mother when I was very young. He just couldn't deal with the problems created by all of my mother's issues. So I grew up under my mother since he wasn't around. And that led me to witness all of her problems first hand. Seeing her worsen as I got older is what ultimately led me to committing her. I feel guilty over it but it was the best choice for both of us.

As far as the bullying, I believe I had one of the worst cases of severe bullying. They jumped on me and stripped me naked and tied me to a goalpost in front of all the other students. Then they left me there for hours." He hung his head slightly as he recounted the worst case to her. Still looking down..."Eventually some others came by and untied me and covered me up. After that I became pretty much a loner. Being that way, I concentrated mainly on my studies. I graduated high school at 12 yrs old and I earned my first doctorate at 17.

It wasn't until I was able to joined the BAU and meet all of these guys that I started feeling as if I could belong somewhere. They made me feel important as an integral part of the unit. I guess lie you said based on my abilities and my ways of thinking."
Eden listened to what he said and the horror could be seen on her face, at what they had done. She reached to touch him again but remembering how he reacted she figured OCD so she did not make a move out of respect. But the way he moved she could see feel a lot of what he was feeling, almost like she was an empath. If such an ability really excised which she figured it did not, she sighed and had no idea exactly what he harbored until that moment. She offered him a kind smile, and silently sighed.

"I am sorry you have been through so much Dr. Reid I can still see the pain in your eyes, wish I had been there. I would have helped you then beat the living crap out of your bullies, but I think what happened to you. With your father, mother and being bullied. It's made you into the man you are today, I know I don't know you by just by what I have seen, you earned the respect of the department out of those you have worked for and with.

I had the ability to graduate when I was sixteen but did not take it, I thought that I maybe labeled "normal" but who the hell is normal in this society. My bully still remember his name John Walker he was a senior when I was a sophomore and I was going down the stairs and he kicked me down a flight of stairs. I broke four ribs and my leg, I grew closed off and rather bitter. I graduated top of my class I was the valedictorian. I took a few classes for the science of behavior kinda made it my minor.

Now I get to work with the best so hopefully I wont look like a fool in front of you. But with what you told me, makes me wonder how old you are now with everything you had accomplished. Hell I am twenty two and haven't really done that much, though I do my job because I love it. Not because I expect to get rewarded, same with you I suspect. Liking the job for the challenges"
After telling her what he had been through, he saw that it showed on her face and then he felt slightly bad for sharing so much about himself even though he knew you had to know somewhat about a person to develop a working relationship. There had to be some way that the two people could relate with one another. He smiled at her saying she wished she could have been there.

"Yes I feel it has molded me into who I am. I never could have come as far as I have without finding my way into the BAU. They have accepted me through whatever faults I have and have given me the opportunity to grow with them and show them what I can do. I guess because of the knowledge that I have is why they chose me to be your partner and interview with you."

He listened to her speak of the bully that had attacked her in the stair well. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can imagine as well what it caused you to go through. But you came through it all and I must congratulate you on being the valedictorian for your class. That is a major accomplishment.

And you could never look like a fool. We all will make mistakes at one time or another. It is another aspect of human nature. What you do with that mistake is what will determine whether you are a fool or not. As far as age, I am 31 yrs old now and I have been with the BAU for 8 years. And if you are looking for challenges rather than rewards then this is the place. However, our rewards are when we can finally put an identity to the Unsub and catch them."
Eden nodded to him and was glad they were so very open with each other, and it was rather refreshing in its entirely and when he congratulated her with what he did she smiled even more. This was going to be rather fun she thought, and could not help but show a brighter side to her. She was just that kind of girl. But she thought about something else and could not help but think about what more to say to the guy. But hearing he was thirty one she nodded to the information and was glad.

"Yes well life shapes us differently, though what I have learned from own personal experiences and first hand knowledge I know a few things about those who cause harm. inside all of us is hope...fear...love...but for some there is an consuming darkness, an evil that cannot be contained. A persons compulsion to kill. isnt written all over there face, it's in there mind. And that is where you go. Perhaps a bit dramatic but that is just me" She chuckled a little bit. "And I wont feel completely out of place since your not that much older then me which is reassuring"
Reid found that sitting with her for so long was actually making him feel more at ease being with her and thought that they would really be able to work well together. He knew the other members of the unit would feel the same way he did. She showed a good knowledge and understanding about herself and carried herself in what seemed to be such a confident way. He wished at times that he could show that same confidence in areas other than his work.

"I agree completely Eden. There is no visible way to determine whether someone has the compulsion to kill or commit other crimes. As you said, some people are just seemingly darker inside than the rest of us. That brings into account what I would consider such an integral part of this job. You have to be able to read the evidence and immerse yourself seemingly into the mind of the killer and be able to intercept their next move. Unfortunately sometimes you are too late but then other times we are able to gain one step ahead and beat them at their own sick game.

I think us being close in age will build a good working relationship for us. All of the members of the unit are pretty close in age anyways though. So that enables us to kind of interact on such a good level as well. Speaking of the rest of the team, I think our interview has went really well and I can't wait to get you in the offices going over files with me, but maybe it's time now to come out and meet the rest of the unit. That is if you feel that you are ready."
What Eden said was rather dramatic and normally she is not dramatic like that, but she wanted Reid to get a grasp of what she knew about the unit. And she felt rather comfortable where she was sitting, which helped her a great deal. When she was waiting for Reid to come meet with her, her heart was practically in her throat. Beating like it would come out of her chest, which was a feeling she never liked much. She was like a kid thinking she did something wrong, but she knew nothing bad had happened.

Hearing what he said she nodded to him, this was going to be a nerve racking moment to meet everyone. And was glad Reid was actually more calm around her, she could no longer see the tense way he held himself. But would not call him on it, she picked up little things about his personality. He took everything rather serious, and knew who she was working with. But did not mind that in the least. It was going to be fun doing a job here, she maybe young but she was damn good at her job.

When he finished she nodded to him. "I'm ready Dr. Reid I know the others don't bite" She smiled happily and slowly got up. Making sure her Id was where she had it, and knew this moment was going to be the final round. Wondering what everyone was going to say to her, but she did not mind at all. She followed Reid as she saw members of the team already, she walked with confidence her head raised up. Course she had a feeling the others could read her, if they were as good as they said they were. And she knew they were.
Reid rose from his chair and waited for Eden to stand up as well. Once they were both up, he grabbed the chairs they had been sitting in and had to push them back up to the table in exactly the same place they had been before. This was an effect of the OCD he suffered from. Once he was satisfied, he led the way to the conference room door and pulled it open for her to step through out into the hallway. She passed by him and he caught a whiff of the perfume that she was wearing. He briefly breathed in the scent then looked at the floor feeling the twinges of nervousness creep back up on him but he subsided it and stepped out into the hall with her.

They began walking down the hallway towards the larger conference room where everyone usually gathered. They reached the doorway which was propped open and he looked inside to see everyone there. He glanced over at Eden.

"If you are indeed ready, Miss Wolf, it is showtime."

He turned and stepped through the doorway into the room. As he walked in, they all stopped and looked up towards him and the young girl walking behind him.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to a prospective new member to the BAU. Miss Eden Wolf."

He stopped and turned to her as she stepped up next to him and began going around the room telling her who each of the members were so she could put faces to the names she already knew.

"First is Senior Supervisory Agent Aaron Hotchner. Next is Special Agent Derek Morgan, who also serves as our trainer in the field. Next is Senior Supervisory Agent David Rossi. Then we have Special Agent Jennifer Jareau, who we more commonly refer to as JJ. A little later, I will take you down and you can meet Penelope Garcia. She is our analyst and communications liaison. And of course you already know me. This is the team you will interact with on a daily basis."
Eden followed Reid wondering how this was going to go, for a moment she stood in front of the door where the others were. Looking down as she closed her eyes, breathing in and out softly. Trying not to look rather nervous, but knew she could do this. This was something she wanted more then anything, she looked up and hearing what Reid said she smiled and nodded. Showing she was ready. When the door opened up, she saw a group of people. People she had no idea who they were.

When she was introduced to everyone, they all seemed rather nice and shook there hands one at a time. She now was the youngest on the team, and was rather happy to finally get the names with the faces. Felt rather good, she had wanted to be in this unit for a long time. Standing before all of them, she made sure she remembered everyone's name and looked at Reid with a kind smile. And knew she had to say something, something that did not sound like ass kissing. But would be rather honest.

"It is a privilege to be part of the time, I do not know how I got such a place. But I would like to thank you especially Agent Hotchner. This honors me more then you know, In my interview with Dr. Reid I got a grasp about what is going on here. I got an idea how you operate and I understand what the BAU is for, I studied some of your old cases to see how you all worked. My way of getting to know the person quickly. Talking to Dr. Reid also helped calm me, since I was as nervous as a little kid"

She chuckled a little bit and she was rather relaxed now. "I also have studied what you have for the current case, so that I at least got a grasp of this case." She added and was silent so someone else could speak, she knew she had to earn her place. But really wished she knew why Hotch would ask for her, she did not have the degrees like Reid had. No real special training accept to get a gun, but she was ready to play with the big dogs. A hand on her hip as she waited to see what would happen next.
Reid watched her as she shook hands with the team and smiled as she talked about it being a privilege to work with the team. He was glad that he could have played the part in helping to calm her down but it kind of amazed him that he did when he seemed to be the more nervous one in the room. She had seemed to be the head strong one that was determined and knew exactly what she wanted and she would stop at nothing to get.

It caught his interest and made him turn his head up and look at her when she mentioned that she had studied what they had for the case so far. He was about to question her on it when Hotch spoke up before he was able to.

"Well Miss Wolf, I personally scouted around and found you based on all of the areas you have studied. I feel that you would bring a lot to this team and this unit as far as helping us develop and investigate information that we receive on many cases. However, this job entails a lot more than just having book smarts. This job entails being able to step up and perform when you are least expected too. I saw that you have that ability from the incident that led to your assignment with the NYPD. That impressed me over all.

Now as you know, you are not initially considered an agent just because you are here. You will be asked to prove your worth to this team. I don't mean to sound cold if you took it that way but in many of our cases we can't afford luxury in discussion. I, however, don't see that as a problem either with you working alongside Dr. Reid. He is indeed one of smartest and best minds here."
Eden could tell Reid wanted to say something till Hotch spoke up, she heard what he said and nodded to him. She actually agreed and did not get offended by what he said, there was so much more to the BAU and was glad she studied it before she came here. She smiled when he said Reid was one of the smartest and best minds there. She had to agree on that one, since he truly was a blessing to have around. Placing her hand on her hip and thought of what to say while he finished up what he said.

"Don't worry I don't take what you said personally, but I do highly agree. You don't want someone here if they are lazy, and as for the title I don't really care since I am here for the job to help people. To stop those who needs to be stopped, I pride myself on my work and know that I won't disappoint you or anyone else here for that fact. Not afraid of going beyond what I can do, to do what needs to be done. And since I studied human behavior more on my own, I know I have much to learn.

But I am a fast learner hence why I know so many languages, and I also agree with you as well about Dr. Reid he is an amazing mind" Eden said with a smile looking at Reid and meant every word. And that was not a kiss ass statement either, she was ready for what ever was to come. She was not afraid of getting her hands dirty, to do what she needed to finish a case properly. No corner cutting for her, she hated when cops did that. So she made a note long time ago to never do that.
"I'm glad you understand and we view the situation similarly Miss Wolf. Your work ethic and your determination seems to coincide with everyone else here, so we can't wait for you to get started and see what you can uncover with fresh new eyes that we may have not seen yet. I want to thank you for coming in and Dr Reid will show you where you and he will be working."

Reid had stepped back against the wall as Hotch was speaking. He knew he wasn't trying to be hard ass or come down on her. He just needed to lay out what was expected and he was glad when Eden had said she wasn't taken back or offended by it. Hotch finished and Reid stepped up next to her.

"If you will come with me Miss Wolf, I will take you to the back office where I have my evidence and reports laid out and we can get to work."

He turned and walked out the door with her behind him and they walked down the hall as the rest of the team stayed behind and all looked at each other. So far they all agreed in unison that she seemed to be type that would work out really well with their team.
Eden enjoyed the thought of being permanent here so she had to do what she could, show that he was not mistaken with her. "Thank you sir that honors me more then anything" And hearing what else was said she nodded to Reid and she walked with him to the room they were speaking of, she could not wait to prove herself. It was actually rather nice, being the youngest there yet they were all willing to trust her. Which honored her more then anyone there, she began to wonder exactly what could have been found.

When they got in she saw the table full of files and also evidence, she had never seen so much in her life. But she also was not used like they were using her, since she was just a translator for the NYPD. Walking up to it, she grabbed a pair of gloves so she could look at the evidence herself. Course she did not just dive in, she would wait for permission. It seemed like a gold mind here, yet she knew there was something much more, looking at the table and looked down at the files and smiled a bit.

"Seems a lot of evidence has been collected, a shame such a young life wasted because of some ass hole. Course that is also another reason why I carry my gun, hoping to intimidate people who think about harming me but decides against it." She sat down on the table and silently sighed, enjoying the chair since it was rather nice. She reached over taking one of the files putting it in front of her. But she looked up at the white board where they had a few things about the unsub, and her eyes studied it for a moment.
Reid led her into the back office and stepped aside as she walked through the door and further into the room. The table was mounded with files, folders, plastic baggies of evidence and pictures. It looked like a jumbled mess from a distance but once you walked up on it, it was actually separated on the table by victims. Each of the victims had their own separate pile of evidence for each of the scenes they were found at.

As Reid looked on, the feeling came over him of how depressing it actually is when you look at the human element of it and how these people's lives were ended so suddenly. Then he snapped back into his mindset he was trained for that you have to distance yourself from the personal side of it and look at what the underlying theme is telling you. It is simply the workings of some sick minded individual that could care less and it was there job to stop him.

Reid finally walked over to the table as Eden sat down and pulled a file over in front of her. "Yes Miss Wolf, there is a lot of evidence. All of this has been gathered over the past week." He saw as she looked towards the whiteboard. "That is where I take all of the evidence and list the main points under each victim that when added up will help us to calculate the most probable suspect and description. I will give you a while to go through some things and then if you feel comfortable I will let you give me your theory about what we are dealing with."
Eden smiled at him and listened to what he said and smiled a bit looking at Reid and thinking for a moment, looking into the files she began to feel something was very wrong here, she made a face which showed something was wrong. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number waiting for someone to pick up, standing up she looked at the white board and heard the Police Chief "Sir it's Eden I need a big favor, the two Jane does that came in a month ago. Can you please send me a copy of both files to the BAU, thank you I owe you one"

"This isn't good the more I read the files the more I knew where this MO was, and it just hit me. The unsub did not start here, he started in New York City. About six months ago there were two Jane Doe's the same age as the victims here, they never caught the guy but there was a suspect that they looked into. But he had taken off, his name was Tony Parker. Now me personally I never jump to things if you get it wrong your screwed, police chief at the NYPD is faxing the information.

Looking at the pictures I can tell the same weapon was used in the killings in New York and here, I remember that case very well. But my ability to profile someone was horribly weak, we assumed the killer died but I always had this bad feeling that he would come after someone again. What I do know and it can show in the photographs that the unsub did not use his dominate hand, just the way that the marks are" She said and went back to reading the files, unsure about all of this like the killer was comfortable.

"I think he may have a mental condition as well, I see hesitation marks on all of these victims. To me that flags he was compelled to do it, like his mind was battling his conscience. There is regret here" She added though it was just a guess well to her it felt solid but she did not know what anyone else would say about this. Hell she could even prove a few things, thinking for a moment as her mind started to go over everything about this she remembered and thought for a moment longer.