A challenge of abstinance


Really Experienced
Apr 30, 2010
Hi folks
I decided with my boyfriend last month, that we would highten our desire if we abstained from orgasm for a while...I always feel my climaxes are stronger and more fulfilling after a small break.
Being a habitual masturbator ( I love to climax before sleep) this was seriously difficult for the first few days, but I've got used to it now after a couple of weeks..I find that the erotic dreams are simply wonderful, and I have a constant throbbing in my loins, combined with an enhanced wetness when I think of sex

Last night, I was with my man, and after an evening in the pub, I teased him with with my tongue, hoping to arouse him, but not make him shoot his load ( I was saving that for tuesday night when we agreed it would be the release date!!)
after a minute of lashing my tongue on the base of his penis, he shot the biggest stream of cum out onto the duvet...I was SO disappointed, but laughed my head off...
He's promised to save up again, and having seen that load, I know he wasnt telling fibs before!!

Still saving my orgasm for tuesday, but I'm as wet as can be

Dont turn me on too much, but would loveto hear your experiences of this kind of thing

Lou xx
Corroborating evidence

I am sometimes abstinence and edge-play enthusiast, and I will concur that there is nothing that can render a human being quite so wild and enflamed as finding the upper limit of their restraint from satisfaction and staying there as long as possible. A definite recipe for long-distance records as regards jets of sperm, but also a definite recipe for unintended early releases - unless you employ some sort of insurance against that happening.
Managing to get through the day ok so far... Will be indulging after midnight tonight, and i can hardly wait!!.. My sweet boyfiend has promised to pleasure me with his tongue first, and i dont think it will take many lashes to tip me over the edge

I will report back
Managing to get through the day ok so far... Will be indulging after midnight tonight, and i can hardly wait!!.. My sweet boyfiend has promised to pleasure me with his tongue first, and i dont think it will take many lashes to tip me over the edge

I will report back

Meanwhile, someone please pass the popcorn.;)
Hi folks
I decided with my boyfriend last month, that we would highten our desire if we abstained from orgasm for a while...I always feel my climaxes are stronger and more fulfilling after a small break.
Being a habitual masturbator ( I love to climax before sleep) this was seriously difficult for the first few days, but I've got used to it now after a couple of weeks..I find that the erotic dreams are simply wonderful, and I have a constant throbbing in my loins, combined with an enhanced wetness when I think of sex

Last night, I was with my man, and after an evening in the pub, I teased him with with my tongue, hoping to arouse him, but not make him shoot his load ( I was saving that for tuesday night when we agreed it would be the release date!!)
after a minute of lashing my tongue on the base of his penis, he shot the biggest stream of cum out onto the duvet...I was SO disappointed, but laughed my head off...
He's promised to save up again, and having seen that load, I know he wasnt telling fibs before!!

Still saving my orgasm for tuesday, but I'm as wet as can be

Dont turn me on too much, but would loveto hear your experiences of this kind of thing

Lou xx

Sounds like a great erotic challenge!

I find it really hard to go for very long at all without an orgasm, but I know that after even a a few days of abstinence, my next climax is really intense.

So when you finally came, Lou, I hope you had a wonderful orgasm. How was it?
It's been a long while since I did any orgasm abstinence, two weeks was my limit, but it's worth the wait!

Even better to get turned on along the way but hold back.
It's something I like to do but I haven't had the will power recently. If you have a look at the fantasti.cc link in my signature I wrote a blog relating to one experience I had.
I once worked a summer job where I worked 14-16 hours a day and shared living space with a bunch of people. The exhaustion, lack of free time, and lack of privacy meant I went 9 weeks without orgasming. It was insane!

When I finally did cum it was incredible. I shot my load straight up in the air a meter high, and couldn't believe the volume! Luckily I was in the shower so cleanup was easy.

Though that was quite a number of years ago now, i still remember how awesome it was. That was definitely the best solo-orgasm I've had (still doesn't beat my wife's fantastic blowjob to finish off a long session in bed...)
i no longer have any selfcontrol in this regard (neither does my OL:rose:) if we want it we go for it! it's quite a change from my married years when i didn't help myself out and i was only getting anything about once every 3-4 months.