A Bad person among us Lorelei is Blackmailed

I can think of much better ways to get the mouth breathers to salivate.
She could have given her recipe for grits or come out in support of Palin or maybe told everyone that she thinks Obama was born in Kenya.

I'm not sure anyone in her thread know who Palin or Obama are.
No, the thread isn't here anymore because of the blackmail scandal. Which I am not sure if that even happened. She's an attention whore (like us all) and probably just wanted the mouth breathers to salivate over a scandal.

I sure did!

But.... that means she's an attention whore? I don't think so. Posting pictures of bedroom furniture is enough. She should have started Obama threads if she wanted attention.

* blink *
Yeah, I'm not 12 so I'm not up on all this internet lingo. What the fuck is GFY?

You must learn your Internet TLAs

(three-letter acronyms) or you will never survive in the land of the never-mind.


P.S. I don't know what GFY means either. I thought it might have to do with some governmental accounting deal where 2+2=5
Perhaps it could be fixed up with punctuation and spell-checking.

Or translated into another language and then back into English again?

Only voodoo magic can save it, and or a trip to the far reaches of the Galaxy.

I'm not sure anyone in her thread know who Palin or Obama are.

well we all know that the Palin you are talking about is Michael Palin who took part in the excellent " What have the Romans ever done for us " sketch , beautifully paraphrased earlier in this thread:rolleyes: