6th June 1944


Gods rep on Earth.
Nov 10, 2003
D Day, June 6th 1944. brave young men from all over the world died on beaches in France to fight fascism. Today 6th June 2022 the french president thinks that in the fight against fascism putin shouldnt be demeaned. Germany refuse to supply weapons to Ukraine to help in its fight against fascism. The UN still allow russia a seat.

As we sink a bottle of Calvados in memory of the brave of 1944 and 2022 who fight fascism bear that in mind.
I'll drink to the heroes of D-Day.

The UN cannot do anything about Russia having a seat. There is no way to evict a founder member with a veto. - unfortunately.

But as for France and Germany? They should know better and their people do, even if their politicians don't. Germany has been welcoming hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees.
Europe is going to let Russia steam roll them.... then blame the US for not doing anything.

Nobody learned anything from the last century.
Europe is going to let Russia steam roll them.... then blame the US for not doing anything.

Nobody learned anything from the last century.
Including the US. They helped set up the League of Nations (Woodrow Wilson's idea) and walked away into isolationism when things got tough.
Including the US.


They helped set up the League of Nations (Woodrow Wilson's idea) and walked away into isolationism when things got tough.

Isolationism isn't something we've gone back to though.....quite the opposite, we've been the fuckin' world police for about 80 years now, which despite some perks has long term been to our detriment overall. Being god damn tired of getting spit in the face for it and reeling things back a bit to take care of the domestic dumpster fire of a nation we've got at the moment is hardly a return to isolationism. If the Russian war in Europe expands I have little doubt we'll be right there next to you guys.

BUT....I don't think we will be the ones to start it, and we shouldn't be. Again, this isn't a return to isolationism.

In this specific instance I think it's vitally important for this to be a European coalition that leads the way in wielding the beat stick and securing Europe from the Russian menace. US needs to take a back seat support role on this one and let Europe sort the European security issue out for both the USA and Europe's best interest.
On Tuesday, June 6, 1944, over 160,000 brave men crossed the choppy waters of the English Channel to land in enemy-occupied France for the long-awaited Allied liberation of “Fortress Europe.”

Codenamed “Operation Overlord,” the Battle of Normandy was the largest amphibious invasion in human history. The mission: to liberate a continent suffering for four years under the murderous dictatorship of a racist totalitarian regime bent on world domination.

The following photo essay is offered in their honor and in honor of the men and women of our Greatest Generation.
Link for the photos... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/...the-world-are-marching-together-to-victory-2/
Sugar daddy doesn't like your link....he needs his own
There were Free French troops among the invaders; I'm sure there's nothing about it the French have forgotten.
There were Free French troops among the invaders; I'm sure there's nothing about it the French have forgotten.
Two facts: 1. Poles and Norwegians outnumbered the French on D Day landings.
2. 80% of the heroic French resistance joined after June 6th 1944.

Make of that what you care to. Source: the D Day museum at Arromanches les Bains