634 blow jobs in 5 days

Perhaps I am missing something here, or it is an inside joke the newbie doesn't get, yet I will ask anyways. Is this with just one guy or many?
*giggles again*

My throat's so sore, my fingers hurt typing!

Ok, bad joke, I know...

"634 Blow jobs in 5 days. I'm really quite tired."~ Erin Brokovich
cliffchuff said:
You want to cut your calorific intake girl(or Boy) it'll all go to your hips

It's girl, and yeah, I know, it was getting horrific! I stopped swallowing and started rubbing it into my skin. Great moisturizer.
From FP: Ok, bad joke, I know...

I thought you where just in training for the Iron Man Competition.


Chick McGee...

Maybe interested also.....from the BOBNTOM show....

This just in 5 days? Do you take appointments?

I do love your communication skills.....

I have lots of fresh rope.....

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Ok, to the last like 5 replies...


Yeah, I have an extra 33 minutes.

Monday I can use off, but does that mean I have to keep going for the next 4 days?!?!?!

And thank you for the gum, my breath was REALLLY starting to need it!