4laterer - She Is Ugly

If her arms, legs, and back aren't extra hairy, and she doesn't smell like onions, Yaya will not like her.
yayati said:
heavystick: the pics will make you do stinky tutti and you'll end up wiping it with your sock that you've been wearing for 4 days straight speaking from experience :(

Hey Apu, I change my socks everyday.

FYI, I have a dedicated wank rag, come here so I can wring it out in your mouth.
yayati said:
heavystick: ur a hater b/c i best u dont know what tuttie means lolz

tuttie.... Honestly I don't give a shit... I accepted it as another one of your typo's.
yayati said:
angel: ur a hater cuz u never respond to my mails....i was joking about 4laterer btw i never saw her pic....just wanted to start &%$$&

Uh, I've responded to all of your e-mails, and then I wasn't online for a few days because I moved. In that space in time, I didn't get anything else from you to respond to.

hi again, twattie.

thats about it.

you crack me up.

btw, I still want to watch you get butt fucked by a marine.
yayati said:
mytaste: im pretty sure i aint ever saw u...hang on, you might have thought u saw me but what it was infact the man of ur dreams and u superimposed my sixpaq onto him and thats where the confusion arose...! please e-mail me the pics yaar

My AV's are always me. Except the spring-influenced one I have up now. Never paid attention?
yayati said:
mytaste: i dont have the Avs on...i used to have them on...but then i found out how to take them off....and to be honest i dont like looking at nekid ladies or c0cks so im pretty glad i use the 'turnoff' feature....just mail me the pics ok?

Ahh. I see. Well. Sorry, I don't have your email address. Too bad, huh?