4 Years Of Union!


Don't drink the water!
Nov 30, 2000
My Husband And I Have Been Married Right ....NOW! For 4 Years!

The Fourth Year Means Steak, Right?


I Could Never Have Asked For A Better Man, He Is My All, My Everything, My True Love:heart:

Thank The God & Goddess For Bestowing His Wonder Upon Me:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I Love You Baby!:kiss:
Happy Anniversary to Mr and Mrs RNAB.


Wishes for many more years together full of all the good stuff!
RudeNastyAssBitch said:
My Husband And I Have Been Married Right ....NOW! For 4 Years!

The Fourth Year Means Steak, Right?


I Could Never Have Asked For A Better Man, He Is My All, My Everything, My True Love:heart:

Thank The God & Goddess For Bestowing His Wonder Upon Me:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I Love You Baby!:kiss:

I hope you are just as happy as you are in 4 more years!
PepperminTrish said:
Congratulations and I wish you two many, many more years of togetherness, love, and happiness!!

A ditto on each of those words!

Congrats, RNAB!
Happy Anniversary.

I never made four years of marraige.

Either time.
Love & Strength...

Health and Happiness to you both!

*I thought four years meant Tube Steak smothered in underwear for dinner! :D
YOu don't know me, but Congratulations! Heck, I've never even been in a relationship longer than 2 years! But I wish you two many years of marital bliss!!!!
That's very sweet, RNAB. Thank you for sharing your happiness with all of us. :)
Congrats and wishing many more years together of happiness. :)