4 more years


Literotica Guru
May 7, 2009
Of obstructionism, bitching, moaning, threats, prognostications, and predictions...

Is still better than election ads.
I like the one that takes place in Chinese future in which the professor says that we all now work for China.

we = U.S.A.
4 more years for sure, but hopefully this romp he doesn't parade around on all the talk shows pointing those bony fingers and gets busy.

Just because Kennedy fucked Marilyn doesn't mean he has to host sleb parties and then invite Jay-Z and Beyonce over to watch football on a whim.

You're a President, not a rock star or a Clooney, get over yourself and help this country, fool.
I like the one that takes place in Chinese future in which the professor says that we all now work for China.

we = U.S.A.

If that ad wasn't spot on the mark, it might be funny. That is somethings right in our faces that we refuse to believe
If that ad wasn't spot on the mark, it might be funny. That is somethings right in our faces that we refuse to believe

China can barely manage its own affairs. Take a good look at the super train they built. We won't be speaking Mandarin anytime soon:rolleyes: