30 Poems in 30 Days

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This is dedication to a repeat lack of discipline, to poetry any how...


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feel my hand
float over your form
during your dreamy state
my breath warms
your neck as i whisper
don't open your eyes
for then you'd find
i'm not really there.
Fly 5::1

The world slows
in mid-turn, face frozen
in the headlamp of dawn

as lidded windows rub
and blink in wonder.
Seamless plain rolls
over step and hedge:
a house-to-house carpet
of light.

Branch-bottom black
filigrees on blue
as laughter cracks

one door, then another.
Rubber boot dips
a cautious toe, shivers,

then leaps pell-mell, shrieks
precarious castles down and dodges
their descent. In the brittle air
news spreads
like a flock of breathless finches:

no school today!

it seemed right to do this in Haiku...I should have thought of that yesterday. :rolleyes:


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Fly 5::2

At Copenhagen the train boarded
a ferry, and we rattled all through the night. Your body
pressed against my shoulder and our eyes held
each other in the trembling darkness, already halfway
to making love. In Hamburg the lurch
of trading tracks left us with fading football songs
bound for Berlin, and the rhythm fit us
like sand seeking the bottom of a cup. Dawn struck
the windows in Hannover, wavering
into the corners of our cabin, and we pushed
our faces out the chattering glass. Our kisses
whipped into the bent grass. We stepped unsteady
onto the platform in Cologne, where we climbed
a spire and breathed air we had exhaled
in Vaxholm, when I held your timid hand
for the first time. On the river bank we opened
wine and touched the crystal rims
to our lips, two lives, vibrating.
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my drooling komodo
draggin' down anything
warm and smelling of blood
poison tongue was never so
literal, visceral food fetish and
fleshlust never looked more
like dinner.

here is what she looked like on Saturday when I was there... :D


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prozac mosaic turns
suicide into art
shifting from one foot
to the other, from
one foot to a mile long
inconsistant banter
about i love you
i love you
the whole idea of
compressing myself enough
to travel via fiberoptics
and end up in your lap
keeps hope alive
it is still passion
glowing red embers of
a heart on fire
i will never tire
of my ever muse.

a vampire dream
bite marks feel obscene
today, as i go around
bruised purple
thinking of you
sucking me dry
leaving me to these devices
my vice, my nice
toothy feeder
proving me a good bleeder
you swell and get your fill
sucking off this parasite.

yawn...I need more coffee, it helps with punctuation...lol. ;)


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2 - 1

“Keep your dreams alive and reach for the sky!”
You whispered these words as your eyes twinkled for all there worth.
“Never let a dream, a wish, a desire die!”

“Take your clothes off and join me, don’t be shy!”
You shouted these words as you shook with excited mirth.
“Keep your dreams alive and reach for the sky!”

“I’ve waited so long to see you with my naked eye!”
You gasped these words as you marvelled at the length and girth.
“Never let a dream, a wish, a desire die!”

“Oh my love, my juices are running down my thigh!”
You moaned these words as you writhed upon the naked earth.
“Keep your dreams alive and reach for the sky!”

“Take me, use me, make me passionately cry!”
You screamed these words as your soul gave orgasmic birth.
“Never let a dream, a wish, a desire die!”

“Lets make exquisite love forever and never say goodbye!”
You screamed these words as you lay spread upon the seductive earth.
“Keep your dreams alive and reach for the sky!”
“Never let a dream, a wish, a desire die!”​

A little off edge
pushed a bit south,
with a golden glow
I drifted off course last night.
The basal skull pounds at
the door of consciousness
& tender eye's flutter
as the world comes to a gray focus light.
Coffee settles in a swirling acid well
and the bottle stands empty on the table.

a perfect message
comes across my line in
crossed wires and misspent time
i didn't know you were really mine
undeserving but not getting
my just desserts for desertion
todays over exertion
for tomorrows 'don't you ever forgets'
never will i let you
forget what this really is.
Fly 5::5

We’re all Irish today,
and the glasses bash
together like a car and a birch tree
on a rural Kentucky highway. Around the curve
of our table six friends, mangling
Gallic cheers and toasting
the winter air with our cheeks.
In the headlong stumble

through the boxes in Granny’s attic
we found, my cousin and I, a letter
written to a man six years dead.
I’d have given you reason to celebrate
every day, but there was always a holiday
to share with a bottle that kept you

at arm’s length. Maybe you don’t miss
the birthdays and flowers, but I miss your
easy Irish poems today.
When he left
through the glass that last time, he took
the poetry from her eyes and we cursed

the Irish blood that could blur a woman’s love
like 80 proof whiskey. We’d have bled
ourselves dry of it. Beneath the letter, a bundle
of poetry tied with ribbon. The winding
road took twenty years to bring my cousin

to this table. Between the hoisted cheers our eyes
exchange Gramps’ twinkle, and we tilt our glasses
together. We’re Irish, today.
Sara Crewe said:
You think he's good enough to go in the first round? ;) I dunno. I think he better get a stylist who didn't work in the porn industry in the 70's, just in case...
These guys put him number one.

All I can say about the hair is that it's Spokane. He probably has to go to Supercuts.

Either that or he's the bass player for a 60's cover band.
Tzara said:
These guys put him number one.

All I can say about the hair is that it's Spokane. He probably has to go to Supercuts.

Either that or he's the bass player for a 60's cover band.

I am so not telling you what my first reaction to hearing he might go first in the draft was. It reflects badly on me. :cool:

I guess I didn't see enough of the game. :) I could tell he was their 'go to' guy but he didn't look like he was getting it done consistently until the end of the game. At the end, I admit he was very, very good. I am probably not taking into consideration how hard it is to be the star on a college team and to fend off double and triple team-ing by your opponents all night long. I am used to watching the NBA where that does happen to 'stars' but then they just dish the ball off to one of the other four sub-stars on the court.

I would pay big money to take Adam and Steve Nash to get their hair cut.
2 - 2

If I were a film star as famous as noble Gregory Peck
on board the deck of Her Majesty’s storm tossed ship
would you let me kiss your lovely exquisite neck?

What if I were as gay and moody as Montgomery Clift
would you let my hands drift under your summer dress
to see if my sexual orientation would seasonally shift?

Maybe if I were as manly as a tall and proud John Wayne
would you abstain from strident left wing political games
and bend over for some of my All-American anal pain?

If I were as cool and hip as a brooding Steve McQueen
would you be so blushingly keen to be seen with me
if you knew I’d want to fuck you in ways obscene?

But if I were just myself, an ordinary simple man
who you knew had a silly plan to be your star man
would you smile so prettily as only a true lady can
listen intently and carefully to my love struck plans?​

thirteen days to freedom
and twenty five seconds to bliss
this mode of now is meltdown
locked and loaded with a kiss
an itchy trigger finger and
a townhouse full of blues
you won't even recognise me
when i'm in tomorrow's news.
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