
Oct 23, 2001
Me and my girl are thinking about a threesome. We have already laid out a few ground rules, like it can't be an ex, it has to be at least a mutual friend, there will be two threesomes (MMF, MFF)and so on. But we want to make sure the experience is enjoyable for both of us, how do we begin planning th big day? And how do we make sure it will be a great experience?
My husband and I have been wanting the same thing for some time now. It's not as easy as you would think it would be to set one up...well that's how it is for us anyway. If I come up with a sure fire way to set one up I'll be sure to let you know!;)
There is no sure fire way to set a threesome up. It's like if your single and you want to meet a women and then have sex with a women. Well just because you want it doesn't always mean that it going to happen. You will meet lots of women until you find one that will date you and then hopefully have sex with you. It's the same thing for a couple wanting to have a threesome. I think the best way is not to plan but just to know that you both want it and if you find your self in the situation you go for it. That doesn't mean that you don't look for people to make this happen with. I just think too much planning makes it awkward and maybe less exciting.
Yes, it is a hard thing to plan - we've been trying to find a third for a long time and haven't found the right person yet...
We're actually looking for a woman to join us (initially!). But, if that's your pic maybe we should reconsider!
very nice indeed! you're getting me all hot & bothered - on this thread and others...
yes a threesome is hard to do my wife and I talk about it alot but never seem to find the Quote" right people" so i think it will only happen if we meet some new friends and is something that just happens. Good luck to ya
Just a side note to my earlier post we have been involved in several MFM threesomes wich have always been great. We would very much like a FFM threesome but is just hasn't happened yet. I would also love to have a foursome with another couple.
that's sounds fun

A foursome with another couple sounds like it would be fun. My gf and I have talked about such things.

It'd definitely be fun tot ry one day.


this is easily my biggest fantasy, but I don't think it will ever happen
after work tonight she said she wants to do the strap on thing again........she is thinking about me and another guy
guys must be less inhibited I guess

My ex and I had several get togethers with his friend, but only once with his wife.She wasn't too keen on sharing I guess but her hubby was all for it.There is something so nice, kinda like feeling spoiled, when you have two guys on you at the same time.I loved it.It's just hard to bring up with friends because if they are totally against it,they tend to see you in a different way and it changes the level of friendship sometimes.:p
I think if you keep planning it wont be any fun. You guys need to lighten up. If you need this many ground rules...maybe it isnt a good idea.
My and my GF are math students so we love rules. :D

I think rules might avoid a very nasty turn in your relationship. I wouldn't advise skimping on the planning... That's just me. Math boy. :p
no doubt...

My gf and I have talked about this. We both think it would be a neat idea. We've tossed around ideas of how to meet with other couples, etc...

However, we have already said that if we did do such a thing, we would definitely set some ground rules. By setting rules, you can prevent ugly confrontations form the start.


My hubby and I have been fortunate enuff to have 2 MFF 3somes. We spent alot of time discussing it, and setting up ground rules, as many of you have mentioned. It was also understood that the rules could change at anytime during the experience. For instance, I didn't want him going "all the way" (actual penetration) with the other woman, and he was fine with that.

During our 2nd 3some, I found myself pushing his cock into her, he was a bit confused at first, but he saw how much it was turning me on and just went with it. So, as long as you keep an open mind and know that feelings/rules can change (either way) everything should be fine.

As far as finding someone to be your 3rd, it's definatley not easy!! We looked for months & months, we put ads on singles sites on the net and that was how we found someone finally.

And all I can say about 3somes is..............WOW!!
toygrrrl said:
As far as finding someone to be your 3rd, it's definatley not easy!!

Actually, in my case, it was serendipity.

I (single female) met a very nice, darned good looking guy at a very large party (200+ people), and we hit it off quite well. Very intelligent, sense of humor, plays chess, likes classical music, good teeth, excellent posture, great eye contact, the whole nine yards. Later that night, after we had monopolized each other for a few hours, I figured 'what the hell' and propositioned him (something I normally do not do, but hey, I figured go for broke). Said he'd be right back, had to check with his ride.

Comes back a few minutes later, says his wife says it's okay. I thought he said ride, he had said wife (noisy party, go figure).

Turns out he was married to a close acquaintance of mine (no ring to clue me in), and they have an open relationship, as long as one partner approves of the other partner's choice. She knew me (and vice versa) from several other parties and get togethers, but I had never met him, since he was usually working or taking care of the kids so she could attend these get-togethers: hence, I wouldn't know him from Adam.

I was well-approved, by the way: "SeaGriffin? Yeah, I like her. Go ahead!"

She allowed me the evening with him alone (at their place, by the way); in the course of the evening, he mentioned that they both had discussed the threesome possibility while he was checking with her. I had found this intriguing, but had never been a part of one. The next weekend was our first time all together. Both of them surprised me, and very pleasantly, I might add.

Since then, the three of us have gotten together several times. Primarily, it's him dividing time between the two of us, or both she and I paying attention to him. We're slowly breaking down a few remaining barriers of mine, but it's been a great time. Heck, last time I was there the weekend, she had an allergy attack and was not up to an evening together: she ended up putting "Shakespeare in Love" on the DVD and we ended up watching the movie for awhile: okay, I heard the snippets of the soundtrack and dialogue.

Basic rules of ours:

1) What is said or done, stays in the house.
2) Condoms and other protections are a must.
3) We each have the right to say no if anyone is uncomfortable.
3A) If rule 3 is in effect, no whining, pleading, cajoling or pouting. Accept it and suggest something else.
4) I make the coffee in the morning (since I'm the first one awake).

And all I can say about 3somes is..............WOW!!

I heartily agree. And I now own my own DVD copy of "Shakespeare in Love"