25 yr.old, bi-sexual women in Illinois .....


Blatant Blackguard
Jan 8, 2003
I would love to talk to a 25 year old bi-sexual woman in Illinois. I do not know any but I get the impression they have very interesting qualities. Not only do they have intellect but also appear to have great charm and diplomacy. Although I reside in England I find myself drawn to such ladies.
not entirely....

I posted it as an immediate response to a reply you received on 'hello' thread.
Sorry if it appeared too jokey but I did'nt want to risk turning the thread into a long and drawn out, possibly futile, argument. You will understand what I'm saying I'm sure.

Blessed be, Blessed Be.


It is also true, otherwise, I would hardly be writing now.
I was just curious, that's all. I was digging through some pages and it struck me as odd. :)

Well I don't like 'shouting matches' but I think you do a good job moderating and enthusing.
Even I have noticed that and I've only been around here for a short time, albeit I am approaching my 191st. birthday.
So I think a little grace is your entitlement.

PS. Do the editors on LIT really exist or are they just on holiday; I was hoping to gain some assistance from a female editor and, true enough, bi-sexual or perhaps lesbionic.

(Now I feel guilty because I am talking about volunteers.)
starkpic said:

PS. Do the editors on LIT really exist or are they just on holiday; I was hoping to gain some assistance from a female editor and, true enough, bi-sexual or perhaps lesbionic.

In my opinion, no. I've quit trying to mail them. In the past I would mail two males and two females in hopes I could get feedback from at least ONE male and female... I even asked them if I could send my story or if they were too busy before I actually sent it out. I never got a response from anyone.
thank you BB

Oh.. thank you very much BB.
This message arrived just as I sent a similar question to English Rose in the 'help for virgins' section. Basically I said I had 3 or 4 stories more or less ready and should I just submit, after tidying, rather than wait for for an external editor. Being male myself, I don't want another male poking his oar into my words (don't trust the buggers one iota) so only a female criticism would be suitable.
