21 hours and I am still somewhat wide awake


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
playing gameboy and nintendo on my computter, posting on lit, reading dasrwin, reading assimov, reading the apple juice can watxhing ancient reruns so old they are doing pump up the jam as if its the new #1 hit
Re: Re: 21 hours and I am still somewhat wide awake

Guru said:
Find old "Battlestar Galactica" re-runs. Those will put you to sleep.

i wish i had good enough cable to give me battlestar galactica, if it did i would have cable porn on it to.
Guru said:
Can't you find enough on the net? Sheesh, there is gobs of it out there for free.

yeah but i am on dial up, so stories are the best i do if i am in a hurry
Re: Re: 21 hours and I am still somewhat wide awake

Guru said:
Find old "Battlestar Galactica" re-runs. Those will put you to sleep.


That show rules!
You are getting very sleepy.......

You must go to the sofa and just rest your eyes....just for a minute...

Always works for me, then I wake up in the morning with a cup of coffee spilled on me, and a flock of seagulls hairstyle! :D